Snore Alert
I walked into my fourth period science class. Only two periods to go I thought to myself. I was overly excited because I was going on a group date with Niall, the other boys and their girlfriends. I had been dating Niall for a year now. I began to daydream about him. We were in a garden and he kissed me. I felt sparks as he pressed his lips against mine. "Excuse me Georgia would you mind telling the class what we are learning about?" Mrs Waters spoke. "Um science." I told her being smart. The whole class laughed. "Georgia if you do not get yourself together this instant I will be having a conversation with you're mother." she said sternly. I sat up straight and attempted to pay attention which was hard because Mrs Waters was the most boring teacher in the world. She was really old and talked in a monotone voice. All she did was give us lectures. She was so outdated we didn't even know what she was talking about half the time. She was also cranky 95% of the time. "Snore alert." My best friend Ashley whispered to me. "More like Dino alert." I laughed. "Would you girls like to share your joke with the class?" She asked. "No thank you." I replied. "I could use a good laugh. Tell me the joke." she told me. "Well you see the grape walks up to the fruit stand and says wheres the panda and then confetti fly's down along with glitter." I said. "Well that's interesting." She stated. Ashley and I exchanged glances knowing that we'd gotten away with it. Finally the bell rang and it was time for history. But in my luck Mr.Brown's class was always fun. He taught us in ways we connected to. He connected all of our lessons to teen culture so we understood it. Plus I was teachers pet in that class. I walked into the classroom and took a seat right next to Ashley. "Thank God it's the last period." she told me. "I know right and after this I get to see Niall." I said in a sing songy voice. "Stop bragging about you're famous boyfriend." she told me annoyed. "I've told you like a thousand times I can set you up with Justin Bieber if you want." I stated. "I know but there is no way in hell that Justin freaking Bieber would like me." she said. "I promise you he would. You guys have a lot in common." I told her. "Okay fine give him my number and we'll see if he texts me." she exclaimed. "Alright then you'll see that you can get him." I told her. "Deal if he likes me I'll date him." She smiled. "Obviously anxious to see if he would call." I laughed at her. Oh Ashley. I thought. Before I knew it school was over and I was heading outside to get into the Limo.
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