Chapter 4 Dabbler
Some time before Steel had walked back into Baron's library. Baron had two phones in one hand and a walkie-talkie in the other.
'No when I said fireworks display I meant real fire. Yes as in fire breathing. Look just do it ok'
Baron put the phone down.
'We are going to have to move the Poneygirl tent a few meters north. You ok with that?'
'Look Baron I'm firm with you' Steel began. Baron's shoulders slumped at the opening.
'Steel' Baron interrupted quickly, 'every time I hear that I have an unheathly feeling it will be followed by a BUT'
'BUT. Look I realize that we need to clear the zone the night before so everything gets flushed out of the perimeter. but I don't see why I have to be turfed out of the manor only to find you doing a dabblers scene the morning before the big night. And your letting her stay over night. We have top Perv talent from all over the planet and your keeping a room for some first time vanilla'.said Steel.
Baron nodded at the confusion.
'Ahh, Ok I get it, sorry Steel, that wasn't a scene, she really is my daughter.' said Baron.
Steel smiled 'If she is your daughter then I'm a horses ass. That girl is a dabbler.'
Dabblers in perv speak were weekend explorers of sexuality and generally seen as the lowest of the low being only shades way from the dreaded vanillas.
Baron smiled 'she's not a dabbler Steel, she has no idea about the operation and I don't want you to tell her. I want to explain this to her myself. When I have time. '.
Steel held up Lisa' sports bag, 'Look Baron I know cheap PVC when I carry it and I am carrying it now'.
Barron pulled a face. The non perve might find Steel and Barons distaste for PVC distinctly peculiar. For the fully outted perve there was a certain natural order to materials. At the top of that order was latex and rubber, then PVC, lycra, stretch denim was lurking uncomfortably near the bottom. For the perverttii like Baron rubber was not enough, was it Malayan or Sri Lankan or African rubber? Cheap non stretchy PVC was definitely a second class ticket to this event.
'Steel there's nothing in there' Baron pronounced confidently.
'Then open it and find out' Steel challenged.
Baron paused for a minute, he never refused a bluff. He took the sports bag from Steel and opened it up. The black PVC top and skirt squirted from the bag. Baron lifted them up and then noticed some of the web print outs beneath it complete with maps and show times.
Barons ongoing war against those trying to sneak into his famous event was bordering on the legendary. It had started with simple fence climbing. Barons tactics against those who refuse to pay to get in and more importantly sign the consent form had got steadily worse. Last night Baron himself had gone round with a metal detector looking for anybody who might have buried themselves in the garden in advance and had sent them packing. The tedious emptying everybody from the mansion was all part of the security process. Sneaking into the privation festival now had raised its self up to the level of high art. Rumour was one particularly distracting attempt and actually been entered in for the Turner prize. Baron was always on the lookout for the next big scam. He had expected today there would be the usual line of 'inspectors' who were trying to inspect the event before it began. This somehow had reached a new low. Baron the ultimate connoisseur of cynicism stood in awe that someone could dig so deep and actually find this tiny vein of naivete in him.
Steel saw Baron's pale disappointed face and jumped in first. 'I am going to so get that bitch.' He promised, 'I can't believe she would life jack you just to get a ticket in here. I mean what is the world coming to, this is just horrible.' This came from a man who regularly locked people in a small box for hours at a time. Steel grabbed his phone 'I'll get security to make sure she never gets in here ever'.
Baron had been quite still and silent as he managed to take in the con that he had fallen for.
'No. No don't do it. Let her come back as normal. Lets make sure she signs the consent form on the ticket. Then once she's in here we make the mother of all examples of her. Remember that year we threw those guys who claimed to be photographers from Skin Two ? That got more coverage than anything else that night. What if we really really sting her back? She wants to see a pervey party well lets make she gets to experience the whole thing. But this time we project the whole thing on the big displays live as its happening.'
'Cool' Steel added, when Baron was at his best was when Baron was at his worst.
'Steel drop the poneygirl show give it to Bushfire. I want you to organize the ultimate scene on our unsuspecting little minx. I want chains, steel tables, whips, gags, three gags, nipple clamps, paddles, leave nothing unpunished hidden cameras from three no four direction, every thing, use your twisted imagination and I want it ready by midnight. Use the dark dungeon, you can kick Sin out. I'll show her who can fool who. Jet I need Jet' said Baron
Baron grabbed quick draw style for his mobile phone and speed dialed Jet.
'Its switched on, its switched on, ring, ring yes! Jet dear... yes. Look listen its important Lisa she's a fake. The witch is a dabbler she's trying sneak in.'
If Baron was taking Jet's reply by short hand, her 'Really?' would have been miss written as 'I told you so'.
'Now I don't care what you do to her but make sure she gets back into the party. We are going to make an example of her. And don't let her know we know AND make sure she signs the consent form on the ticket. Right I'll see you later.'
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