Part 3
As he took his seat he just stared at me. I don't know why I'm so important to him or what's so special that he has to look at me. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked as I turned to face him. He quickly answered with "yes, beauty". I didn't know if he was trying to be cute or funny but, what he just said was gross. I rolled my eyes and placed all my attention on the teacher.
Time pasted and soon class was over. I gathered my things and stood hoping Tae wouldn't say anything. I was wrong again like I have been all day. As I stood up Tae picked me up and sat me on my desk.
"You shouldn't ignore me princess" he said as he moved a pice of my hair out of my face. "I don't want to stay in this school longer then I have to so I'll ignore you all I want" I snapped back at him. He moved his hand away from my face and looked at me puzzled by what I just said. I guess I hurt his feelings because, he stepped back and just walked out of the classroom leaving me sitting on my desk.
I hoped down grabbing my bag and Felix walks in. In my head I'm telling myself how cute he is but what I actually say out loud is, not this again. He looks at me and smiles while walking closer saying hi, I reply nicely I'm not that mean. When he got into grabbing range he picked me up and put me back on my desk. "Watch who you talk to I don't want you to get hurt" Felix said as he placed his hand on the side of my face. I node because I thought it was the best way to reply. He leand closer until our lips almost touched then said "also stay away from the new kids I don't like them."
He placed a small kiss on my lips and helped
me off the desk. I looked at him shocked. This is the same Felix that always bullies me right? I kept thinking he was some tough guy who just hated me. Why does he want to go after me now, why am I so special now. He took my hand once again and lead me out of the room. "I'll walk you to your next class okay" he said. I replied with a no but, he did it anyways.
Once we were there I seen Tae staring at Felix. Felix looked for a few seconds then looked back at me. "I'll meet you at your locker after class for lunch, don't be late you know how I get if I don't eat" he told me with a smirk plastered on his face. I simply replied with a I won't type of answer and walked into the class to my seat.
Class was boring like always not to mention that Tae was staring at me again the whole time. I really don't know what his problem is, no one gives me attention for a reason. 15 minutes left of class the teachers had us pick partners for a project she wants us to do, guess who I got stuck with. Yeah that's right Tae. Everyone asked him but he said no to everyone.
"We'll meet at my house after school okay?" he said. Why did it have to be his house again. I woke up there why do I have to go back. I just nodded and started drawing out a plan for the project. A few seconds later a hand grabbed my pencil and placed it on the table then, grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my seat. I looked up and it was Felix but why? He doesn't even have this class so why is he here.
Felix dragged me to the front of the class and pulled me close to him. Everyone turned and looked. Some awed and others booed. Felix was the type of person who got all the attention. Me on the other hand, no one even knew who I was. I looked at him and he looked back. "What are you doing?" I whispered to him. He looked at Tae then grabbed my face and kissed me. When I said he kissed me it wasn't like just the little kiss he gave me before, it was full of passion. Tae stood up and hit his hands on the desk in annoyance. "Can't you guys do that at a different time?" He yelled and looked around at everyone looking at us. "You're distracting the whole class from the project we have to do" another student said.
Felix pulled away and looked at everyone then bowed apologizing. When he got done he stood next to me and said "You all be good to my girlfriend now" and just left. I quickly walked back to my desk and sat down looking at my paper. I felt everyone staring at me, I didn't really like it. Tae whispered to me asking if I was okay, in confusion of what just happened I shook my head no. I guess he could tell I was uncomfortable, he yelled at everyone to get back to work then sat back down.
The day went on and soon enough school was over. "Finally I get to go home and relax" I said to myself closing my locker. "You mean you get to finally go to our house" Tae said or at least that's what I thought he said as he was walking up behind me. I turned around and almost slapped him. "What do you mean our house" I said. Tae looked at me confused. "What are you talking about? Maddie are you okay?" He said in a concerned voice. I quickly realized what I said and all I could think was fuck I'm stupid. I answered him with a yes and started walking faster to the door.
"We are still meeting at my house right" he yelled from down the hall. I turned and yelled yes back then quietly left. As I started walking to my usual place after school, I felt a par of arms around me. I removed them quickly and pushed myself away. As I turn around I'm being grabbed again but this time by the arm.
Without showing his face this guy who seems to be wearing the same uniform as me gets in front of me and, starts pulling me with him. "Hey who are you?" I asked in a confused voice. As I wait for a reply I tried to stop walking but, we were walking so fast that if I did I would fall on my face. A few minutes later I find us in a alleyway not to far from my house. I stood and crossed my arms as I was still waiting for a answer.
The guy turned around and pushed me against a building. "Stay away from Felix, this is your warning, next time I don't think you'll like what happens." He said and starts to walk away. I grabbed his shirt and turned him around then slapped him. "Who the hell are you to tell me to stay away from my boyfriend" I screamed. He took a pice of my hair and tucked it behind my ear then, grabbed a bunch of it and pulled it hard enough to pull my head back. I know he was trying to scare me but I'm not going to lie it turned me on a little.
I gulped loudly which I think makes him look at my neck. He takes his other hand and moves it slowly along my neck. I don't know what he is trying to do but it's making me crazy. "I'll just listen to me if you don't want to get hurt" he said then, licks my neck slowly starting from the bottom and going up. He then let's go of my hair and turns to walk away again but, I grabbed him by the arm.
"What's wrong with him?" "Are you jealous of Felix?" I questioned him. He then grabbed me again and pushed me back up against the wall. While laughing he says "Jealous? Now why would I be jealous, when I can take everything he has." I crossed my arms and answered "not everything, you can't take me." I then thought he could but I wouldn't mind because, he did seem cuter then Felix.
He then takes his hand and starts to move his finger tips across the bottom of my skirt. I tried my hardest to act like he wasn't effecting me but, he could tell he was. He then leans closer and whispers in my ear "You don't want to play this game with me, I promise you." The truth was though I did. Everyone else seems like they're all talk, I can tell he wasn't though.
I move all my hair to one side of my body showing my neck. "Try me" I replied. Without saying anything he bites my neck and slowly moves his hand up my leg going under my skirt. I reach for his belt but he grabs my hand and says, "Not here, come with me." He then pulls me into the building. It looked like a bar but I didn't question it to much.
He then leads me past the tables to the bathrooms. As we enter one of the two bathrooms he yells at everyone to get out, which they do. He then pushes me against the wall and starts to take my over jacket off while he kisses my neck. A few seconds past and a guy walks in and yells "I KNEW I COULD FIND YOU HERE!" He then looked at us and added, "Who the hell is this BamBam!" You mean this guy who just basically kidnapped me and is now making out with me is BamBam.
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