Chapter 9
So excited for Ash and Tierno vs Serena and Shauna!!! ^^
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~Ash's POV~
I stared at Calem as he did the same to me. I couldn't stop myself, I kept on looking. So this was the guy everyone was talking about. Now everything made sense. Serena had a boyfriend this entire time and I did not know anything. And here I was thinking that there was a chance of her liking me back, but nope. Turned out I was crushing on a girl who was already dating someone.
"Erg, you little-" Calem started and attempted to grab me by the collar, before Serena got in front of him and stopped him in the process.
"Calem, don't!" She said.
I backed up. Never in my life have I felt so nervous. He looked so pissed. I wouldn't blame him though, I kind of understood why he'd be mad. He knew nothing yet, so to him it looked like I stole Serena away, when I really didn't.
"No, Serena! This guy is trying to take what belongs to me!" He said back. "And I will have a talk with you about him later." He gave Serena a small glare, then turned back to me.
"C-calem, it's not like that..." She took his arm.
He ignored her and took a step closer to me. "Who are you, huh kid? What do you want from Serena? You better stay away from her, you hear me?"
I took a deep breath. "Calem, let me explain. I am not dating Serena."
"Then how do you explain the article, huh?!"
"Calem, listen..." Serena said.
He sighed. "Serena, please tell me you haven't fallen for him..." He looked down.
Calem looked like he really cared for Serena. The expression on his face right now showed he felt a little sadness to see his girlfriend with someone else.
"Of course not." She took his hand. "The article wasn't true. We were just running away from a few fans, nothing more. I don't know why the author of that article decided to write about stuff like that." She said.
He glanced at me, his angered expression soon fading away. "So you aren't dating...?"
"No, Calem. You are my boyfriend and I love you. Remember that." Serena smiled.
I looked away from the scene in front of me. I felt so weird and awkward being here. Even worse, watching them made me feel...I don't know. Just seeing your crush with someone else was a little hurtful.
He kept quiet for awhile, then finally spoke up. "I-I didn't get your name..." He spoke to me. "What was it?"
"I-it's Ash." I replied, still upset about what was happening right now.
"Ash...I'm sorry for shouting at you. I should really stop jumping to conclusions like that. I hope you can forgive me..."
I gave him a smile, even though I was really feeling down on the inside. "Yeah, no worries. I understand."
"Thank you..." He replied.
The rest of the girls, including Clemont and Gary heard all the commotion and decided to come and see what was happening.
"What's going on?" Iris asked.
"Does it take you guys that long to answer the door?" Gary said.
They got close enough to realize who was at the door with us.
"Calem?!" Misty's voice sounded surprised.
"Uh oh...this is not good." Dawn gulped.
Serena shook her hands in front of her. "No, everything's fine! I told him everything, and it's all good!"
"Oh, is that so?" May said.
Calem nodded. "Yeah."
"That's great!" Dawn jumped. "Now that all that is pushed away, let's go to the living room! It's a little boring just standing here in the middle of the hall. C'mon!" She said and led us to the living room.
I followed at a slow pace behind them. Now I wasn't really in the mood to be here. I just wanted to go to my room, and be alone for awhile. Pikachu looked at me in concern. He might have figured out what was happening.
We sat down around the living room and chatted. The way Calem acted now was like nothing happened earlier. Then there was me, who was still not over what happened.
"So Calem. How have you been doing lately?" Misty asked.
"I have been doing great. I'm really glad to see you guys again." He replied.
Misty turned to Gary and I. "You see, you two. Calem is a kind gentleman. Maybe you two pervs can learn a thing or two from him."
I sweat dropped. "O-okay...?"
"I told you I'm not a pervert." Gary sighed.
"Yeah...I don't believe that." She crossed her arms.
We talked for a good 30 minutes, until my phone rang. I looked down, and it was my mom. Having learned my lesson from the last time, I decided to leave the room before answering.
"I'll be right back." I said and walked out.
"Yeah, okay." Serena nodded.
I took the call in the hallway, near the door we were at earlier. The call turned out to be the same as last time, my mom was just checking up to see how I was doing. But she didn't ask about my underwear this time. I was glad she didn't because I did not want to be reminded about the last incident where she embarassed me in front of the girls. That was not cool.
I was about to make my way back to the living room, before I found Calem heading to where I was instead.
"Calem...? Where are you going?" I asked.
"I am leaving, what does it look like?" He replied with a cold tone to his voice.
"O-okay...sorry for asking?" I said in confusion.
He glanced behind him, making sure no one was there. He then took a step closer to me. "Listen up, Ash. Just because the article was a fake doesn't mean we will be all buddy-buddy. I know how you feel about Serena, and I will not allow you to be with her, understand?"
I was surprised at how Calem was acting now. He looked like a kind guy after we explained everything to him earlier. He even apoligized to me after. What was with his sudden attitude change?
"I-I don't understand why you are talking like that..." I backed up.
"Just stay away from my girlfriend." He pushed me into the wall, and left the dorm.
I rubbed my arm and watched him go. I clenched my left fist. Now I see. He must've acted all nice to me earlier since Serena was with us back then. He probably didn't want her to see what he was really feeling about me and decided to hide it. So looked like his real attitide was the one he gave me before he left. We just met and I already hated him.
I walked back to the living room. I sat down back in my seat, still a little pissed about what happened with Calem. I tried my best to ignore it by talking with the girls. Also Gary and Clemont too, of course. But it was kind of hard to forget about it because once I got back, the girls were talking about Calem.
"How did you not know about Calem, Ash?" Iris asked. "He is dating the Kalos Queen, so everyone knows him. He is usually all around the news with Serena. How have you not seen him before?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't really pay attention to the news on TV."
"Wow. I thought you did know about him. But I guess not." Iris said.
Serena got up from her seat. "Anyways, I made some poffins earlier! I guess we can just call that dinner and have them now."
Gary's eyes lit up. "Food!!"
"Ash, do you mind helping me?" Serena asked.
"Huh? N-no...sure." I nodded.
I followed her into the kitchen. Looked like she did do some cooking earlier, it smelled great in here. I could taste the food just by smelling it.
Serena handed me a bowl of poffins. "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened earlier." She said.
"With Calem?"
"Yeah." She reached into the fridge for another bowl of poffins. "He can be really overprotective sometimes, so he tends to get angry easily. Sorry about how he yelled at you earlier..."
"I-it's fine. Don't worry about it. Any guy would act like that when another guy is with their girl, so I understand." I replied.
"That's good." She smiled.
It didn't look like Serena knew about how Calem really felt about me. She thought he and I were okay, and that we were now friends. Well, we weren't, judging by the way he acted before he left. As much as I was unhappy that she was dating someone, I knew it wasn't going to stop me from liking her.
Serena and I made our way back to the living room. We ate dinner with the rest of the gang. I didn't know if the poffins were enough for dinner, but it was better than nothing.
"This food is amazing!" Gary said as he stuffed his mouth.
"Yeah, delicious!" Clemont agreed.
"That's our Serena!" Dawn said.
Serena giggled. "Thanks!"
Dinner ended, and all five girls soon left to call it a night. They all went to their rooms, leaving us boys to ourselves.
"Ah, I'm stuffed." Gary rubbed his stomach.
"Same here!" Clemont said.
I stayed quiet as Gary and Clemont talked. I just didn't feel like talking, I still felt upset with everything that had happened today.
"Ash, is something the matter? Clemont asked, after seeing the look on my face.
"Oh, I-it's nothing." I replied. I didn't realize that what I was feeling right now was obvious.
Gary seemed to not believe me. "You sure, Ashy? You have been pretty down the entire day. There has to be something bothering you. You can tell us, come on ash-"
"Okay, alright!" I said, not being able to contain myself anymore. I decided to tell them. "It's Serena."
"Serena?" Clemont repeated. "What about her?"
I took a deep breath and said it all at once. "I have been having these feelings around Serena lately. After finding out she was dating Calem it kind of upset me. Even worse Calem hates me now and wants me to stay away from her even though I don't want to. Serena doesn't know about the way Calem acts which makes me pissed, because I think she should know but I don't have the guts to tell her. To sum it all up, I have a crush on a girl who is already dating someone."
Gary and Clemont started at me, trying to take in all the things I said.
"You like...Serena?" Clemont said.
I nodded. "Yeah."
Gary jumped in his seat. "Really?! That's awesome, you have a crush on the Kalos Queen! I think you should tell her right away! Ah, this is great. My childhood buddy is growing up." He wiped a fake tear from his eye.
"W-what? Gary are you crazy? She has a boyfriend, so I can't." I sweat dropped. I was expecting a way different reaction from him.
"That's true...she is already dating someone...." Clemont rubbed his chin.
"Who cares? Forget Calem, he can go die! Serena is yours!" Gary said.
I facepalmed. I didn't think Gary understood. Having enough of today, I decided it was about time to call it a night.
"Okay, okay. Whatever. It's late, I think you two should head home." I pushed them both out the door.
"Wait, I'm not done talking yet!" Gary said.
"Too late." I slammed the door shut and locked it. Now that they were gone, I could finally have some peace.
I dashed upstairs and climbed onto my bed. A lot had happened today, and I could say they weren't good things. I didn't like the fact Serena already had a boyfriend. To be honest, I wish it were me. I knew this was hard to admit but...
I was jealous.
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