Chapter 3
~Ash's POV~
It had been five minutes. Paul and Gary finally quit their little fight. Thank arceus.
"Okay, let's just call a truce for now." Paul wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Hmp, fine." Gary crossed his arms. "But next time, I will win for sure. You don't stand a chance against me."
Paul sighed. "Don't get cocky now."
"I-I hate to interupt..." Serena started. "But I have to go."
"Aww, but I wanted to take pictures!" Kenny pouted.
"I'm sorry, maybe next time." She gave him a reassuring smile.
Gary pointed his finger up as he thought of an idea. "Wait! Why don't you come back and hang tommorow? We have a pool in the back. We can have a pool party! You can come too, Ashy."
A pool? I haven't been to one in forever. The last time I remember going to one was probably about two months ago. Anyways, I heard it's going to be hot tommorow, so I guess it's a good idea.
"Sounds fun! Count me in!" I exclaimed. "Serena, are you coming? You can bring the rest of the girls too!"
She thought for a while, before answering. "Well, I don't have anything planned for tommorow, so why not?"
"Awesome! Okay, see you later!"
"You aren't coming home yet?" She asked.
I shaked my head. "Nah, I'll stay here for a little while longer. You can go ahead."
"Alright then, bye!" She waved, and left.
I turned back to Gary and the others. Each of them were looking at me in shock.
"Um, w-what wrong...?" I asked, wondering why they were giving me looks like that.
"Ash, what did she mean when she asked if you were going home? And what did you mean by 'bring the rest of the girls', huh?" Gary spoke.
Oh crap. I forgot that was the reason I came here in the first place, to tell Gary why I ended up not moving into his dorm.
"Yeah, ehehe. About that..." I scratched the back of my head.
"Is there something going on, Ashy?"
"Okay, here's the thing. The reason why I didn't move into your dorm was because, um.."
I paused for awhile, trying to figure out how to tell them.
"C'mon Ash, we don't have all day." Drew said.
I clenched my fists. "I'm living at a girl's dorm! With Serena! And four other girls! That's why! I know, it's embarrasing, but whatever!"
The boys still had the same shocked expression on each of their faces.
"WHAT?!" They shouted in unison.
"Yeah yeah. It's all true." I rolled my eyes.
Drew took a step closer to me until our faces were inches apart. "You mean to tell me, you are living in a dorm with girls!?"
Kenny pushed Drew to the side, taking his place. "And one of them is Serena?!"
"No way!" Barry placed his hand on Kenny's cheek and pushed him away. "You share a house with the Kalos Queen!"
Gary got in Barry's position after using his side to get Barry out of the way. "You, living with five girls?! Dude, let me switch places with you!"
Clemont and Paul sweat dropped as they watched the rest of the boys swarm all over me.
"H-hey, calm down guys. It's not that big of a deal!" I said as I tried to push them away from me.
"Um, yeah it is, Ashy! You are living in a dorm of the opposite gender! That is a huge deal!"
"How did this all happen anyways? Did you sign yourself up to live with them? If so, Ash you must be desperate to get your hands on some hot chicks!" Drew said.
I sweat dropped. "It's not like that."
"Then what exactly did happen?" Clemont asked.
"My mom accidentally got me into that dorm. And apparently there was no way for me to leave since she already paid. Plus, I'd have no where to go afterwards."
"Easy." Paul shrugged. "You could've came here."
"I didn't have the money to move into another dorm." I replied.
Gary's eyes lit up with an idea. "Oh, I know! You should invite me over! I would love to spend time with the girls!"
I sighed. Typical Gary. Always wanting to be around the ladies. He better not be acting like this once he actually gets his own girlfriend.
"Gary, you already invited us over tommorow. There's really no point in inviting you over to our place." I replied.
"Oh, right. Ehehe." He scratched his cheek.
"But hey. We are having a pool party, correct?" Drew asked.
Gary nodded. "Yeah, and...?"
"You know what that means?" Barry said.
Gary figured out what they were getting to and jumped for joy. "Bikini babes!" He exclaimed.
I facepalmed. Was this all what Gary thought about? But to be honest, I am quite looking forward to it too. I mean, I can say I am attracted to bikinis too, but definitely not as much as Gary.
"Anyways guys. I better get going. I'll see you tommorow." I said.
"Alright Ashy. Be here at 3 tommorow, kay?"
I nodded as I left the yard. "You got it."
I made my way back to the dorm. I hope the girls agree to come tommorow. The more, the better. Serena was already coming, so it would be most likely for them to come too.
15 minutes later, I finally made it back. The dorm seemed empty once I got in. I peeked into the kitchen, and no one was there. Same with the dining room. Empty.
Where were they? Are they all in their rooms? That was when I heard some yelling coming from the living room. I followed the voices.
I found the girls sitting around the TV, with popcorn in front of them. Serena, Misty, Iris and May were all holding a game controller, while Dawn watched and popped popcorn into her mouth as she cheered them on.
"Agh, how are you so good at this, Misty?" Serena said as her fingers moved violently on the control stick.
"Heh! Takes a lot of practice!'" Misty replied.
Iris realized I was there, and paused the game. "Oh, hello Ash!" She waved.
"Hey. What are you guys doing?"
"Just playing a game." May responded.
"Okay then. Hey, you guys are coming tommorow, right? You did tell them about it, right Serena?" I turned to look at her.
She nodded. "Yeah!"
"Well, we might as well go. It would be nice to meet those friends of yours." Dawn said.
"I wouldn't get too excited." I sweat dropped at the thought of them meeting my crazy friends. And don't even get me started on Gary.
"Anyways." Serena got up. "I might as well go check if my swim suit still fits."
Dawn nodded. "I better check on mines too."
The girls shut off the TV and headed to their rooms, leaving the living room all to myself. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and left to my room as well. Looked like they weren't going to finish this. I'll just have this for dinner and call it a night.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"'s so hot..." Dawn complained as she wiped the sweat forming on her forehead.
It was the next day, and we were on our way to Gary's dorm. And boy, was a right about the weather. It felt like a desert out here.
Iris slouched her shoulders. "Especially with my swimsuit under, the heat is just too much."
Misty sighed. "The dorm is right there, so quit complaining."
Before we can even step foot into the front yard of the dorm, the boys jumped from the side, nearly scaring me half to death.
"Yay, you came!" Gary exclaimed.
"Yeah, and I just had a heart attack!" I placed my hand on my heart as I glared at him. "Don't go pouncing on people like that!"
"Haha, sorry. We were just waiting for you guys to come." Barry said.
Gary noticed the girls behind me and pushed me aside. "So these are the girls Ashy has been living with."
"Ashy...?" Serena repeated.
"It's nothing, just the name he calls me." I sweat dropped.
"Welcome back, Serena." Gary said. "And who might you lovely ladies be?" He turned to the rest of the girls.
I pointed to each one of them. "That's Misty, Iris, May and Dawn."
"Hmm...not bad Ash. These girls are fine. You are one lucky dude." Drew placed his hand on my shoulder.
"It's not like that." I sighed.
Misty seemed to have overheard the conversation Drew and I were having. "Aha! So you are perv then!" She shouted.
"What?! No, of course not! Drew just doesn't understand." I replied.
"Anyways..." Paul sweat dropped. "Let's get to the pool. It's scorching hot out here."
"Yeah! Alright, let's go!" Gary led us to the back.
The pool was pretty big, big enough for the 12 of us. Gary threw his shirt at me as he dived into the pool. His shirt landed on top of my head. I tossed it onto the ground as I cursed at him in my head.
The rest of us dived in shorty after. Gary reached to the side and took a water gun in hand.
"Ain't no pool party without a water fight." He began filling the gun with water.
"W-wait! Don't do it Gar-"
Gary shot the gun at my side, making me shiver.
"Agh! T-that's cold!"
He shot at me again multiple times, until one shot entered my mouth and went down my throat. I began coughing, causing him to stop shooting me.
"Woah, Ashy you okay? Why are you coughing?"
"Well, I just swallowed pool water!" I growled.
"Oh yeah...I might have pissed in the water, just saying." Barry nervously chuckled.
"W-what?!" I began gagging. I just drank Barry's urine.
The rest of the boys made disgusted faces as they realized they were standing right in his piss. Clemont even jumped out of the pool and began freaking out.
"Haha! I'm joking. Just wanted to see how you guys would react." Barry laughed.
"Barry you ass." I sighed of relief. Thank arceus.
Gary grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Would you look at that."
In front of me were the girls in their bikinis splashing water at eachother. They were all giggling as they got eachother soaked.
My cheeks shot pink. Woah.
"Feeling a nosebleed coming in, Ashy?"
"H-huh?" I shaked my head. "N-no!"
Gary smirked. "You looked like you were enjoying the view."
"Shut up." I pouted.
Gary waved his hand at the girls. "Hey! Come here! Let's play a game!"
They all nodded and made their way here.
"What game?" Clemont asked.
Gary began explaining. "Okay. Here are the rules. We will pair up. Male and female. Each girl will be given 3 ribbons. Each girl will be riding on their partner's shoulders. The goal of the game is to steal the ribbons of the opposing teams until they have no more left. Each team will be eliminated once they have no more ribbons. The guys will act like a vehicle. They will be the ones chasing each team while the girl tries to grab the ribbons. Got it?"
"Okay, but we are short on two girls." Serena said.
Gary jumped out of the pool and pointed to a hat. "That's when my lucky top hat comes in handy. In here are 7 pieces of paper. Each of us will pull one out, and whatever name we get is our partner. But 2 pieces in here are blank. The two who gets that will have to play as the referees and monitor the game."
"Kay." Barry nodded. "Fingers crossed for one of the girls.
Us boys placed our hands into the top hat. We pulled out one of the pieces of paper. We quickly opened it, to see who we ended up with.
My cheeks turned pink once I read who I have been partnered up with.
"Sweet! I have Misty!" Gary waves his paper in the air.
Paul stared down at his paper. "I got Dawn."
"I have Iris!" Clemont said.
"And I got May!" Drew looked over at his partner.
"Who do you have Ashy?"
I looked up from my paper. "Serena."
"Agghh!! I got a blank piece!" Barry cried.
"Me too!!" Kenny pouted.
Paul smirked. "Looks like we have our refs for the game."
"Okay, time to get ready."
I walked over to Serena and handed her the ribbons. She took them and looked up at me. "Where do you think I should put them?"
"Um, I-I don't know. Just anywhere, I guess."
She nodded. She tied one around her wrist, and another around her ankle. She tied the last one around her head, like a bandana.
"Okay, ready?" I said as I jumped into the pool.
She swung one leg around my shoulders. I began to blush. Maybe because it was the first time a girl had been this close to me. Also, I was about to give her a shoulder ride, and that made my cheeks even more red than it was before.
She swung the other one around my left shoulder. I held each leg with my hands to keep her in place. She was a lot lighter than I expected her to be. She placed her hands on my head for support.
"Are you alright up there...?" I asked.
"Yeah! Let's win this thing, Ash!"
"Right!" I put a determined look on my face.
Sooner or later, everyone got into position. I examined each girl and their ribbons. I hope Serena can manage to steal them away while protecting our own.
"Okay, ready?" Barry put his hand up. "Get set..."
I can see Gary grinning at me. Looked like he was going to go after us first. Better stay clear of him and Misty.
"And...go!" Kenny shouted.
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