Chapter 18
~Ash's POV~
Of course there had to be one bed. Of course this had to happen on this trip. Out of all times, it had to be this one.
If there was only one bed, then that meant... Oh no.
Serena looked up at me, only to see my reddened face. "A-ash..?"
"There's only one bed..." I muttered.
She looked away, cheeks noticeably turning pink. "Y-yeah."
"What do we do..."
"Um, why don't we go and have dinner first?" Serena said, trying to change the subject. "We can worry about this later."
"S-sure..." I slowly nodded, still beat red at the sight in front of me.
She left the room as I followed her close behind. As we entered the hallway, Gary was just leaving his room as well.
"Yo!" He waved. "Done checking out your place?"
"Yeah!" Serena replied.
"Let's head down to dinner then! I can already smell Clemont's cooking!" He said as he sped down the stairs.
We made our way to the dining room. Bonnie, Misty and Miette were already there, while Clemont was still in the kitchen. Serena took her seat beside Misty, while I took mines beside Gary.
"How were your rooms?" Bonnie asked as she took a sip of her orange juice.
"Amazing, our room is really well decorated." Misty replied.
"So cool!" Bonnie exclaimed, before turning towards Serena and I. "What about you guys?"
I scratched my cheek. "Oh, well our room is nice too, I guess."
"Is that so? How about the beds?" Meitte smirked.
My cheeks flushed red again. How did she know there was only one bed? That was when I realized that all rooms must've had the same layout, so she found out when she saw her own room.
I looked over to the side as I tried my best to hide my face. It didn't look like it was working, because everyone was looking at me while Miette laughed to herself. Even Serena noticed, which made me feel even more flustered than I was before.
"Does that mean..." Misty said, realizing what was happening. "Wait, there's only one bed in your room too?!?!?"
I backed up in my chair as Misty yelled at the top of her lungs. This girl had the loudest voice ever, you could probably hear her from miles away.
"NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!" She growled, making the hair on my arms stand up. Even Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and hid behind my back.
"I-I'm sorry!" I cried. "I-it wasn't my fault I got put into the same room as her!"
She got up from her seat and slammed her hand on the table, almost knocking over Bonnie's glass of juice. "Alright, that's it! Serena's moving into our room, and that's that!"
"W-what? But then one of us will have to sleep on the flo-" Serena said, before she got cut off.
"It's fine, we'll find a way to fit the three of us!" Misty replied. She'd do anything to get me away from Serena.
Miette joined in, not liking what Misty was doing. "There's no way we'll all fit onto one bed! Just let her and Ash be, it'll be fine!"
"That's right!" Gary nodded, agreeing. "I believe with all my heart Ashy and Serena should stay together!"
I gave him a glare, telling him to shut up. I already had Miette trying to get Serena and I together, I didn't need another one.
"Huh? What's going on?" Bonnie asked, confused at what she just heard from us.
We heard the door fly open, stopping our conversation. Clemont came in with food in his hands. "Dinner is served." He said as he placed a plate in front of each of us.
"Thank you." Miette smiled.
Pushing everything aside at the sight of my food, I immediately grabbed the fork next to me. "Alright, chow time!"
"Yeah!" A voice replied. "Time to eat!"
We all turned to the direction of the voice. It belonged to Barry, and behind him were the rest of the group.
"Barry? And everyone else too? What are you guys doing here?" Misty asked. "And how did you even get in?"
"You left the doors open, so we just decided to come inside." Kenny shrugged.
"Oh... Did we?" Serena sweat dropped. "Oops..."
May looked like she was against this entire thing, and began apologizing. "Guys, I'm so sorry for barging in like this, but a certain someone," She glared at Barry, before finishing her sentence. "Just wouldn't listen to me and decided to come in anyways."
"No, it's fine." I gave her a reassuring smile. "So why did you guys come here in the first place?"
"No one in our cottage could cook, so we decided to have dinner here." Paul said.
Dawn pouted. "It's no fair, you guys have two great cooks, while we don't have any." She motioned over to Clemont and Serena.
"Well in that case, feel free to have dinner with us!" Clemont smiled.
"Just don't eat all the food." Gary murmured.
"Yay! More people!" Bonnie cheered.
The dining room wasn't big enough for all of us, so we had to move to the living room, where some of us could sit on the floor. Clemont's cooking was delicious, I was bummed that he didn't live in our dorm to cook for us everyday. But we had Serena for that, and her cooking was just as great.
Everyone stayed at our cottage for a few more hours. We all just joked around, like what we usually do. They all left back to their cottage after, since it was getting late.
"Aw man!" Gary stretched out his arms. "I'm getting really tired, I might as well head to bed."
"Yeah." Misty nodded. "Who knows what Brock has planned for us tomorrow. We should get some sleep."
"Alright then." Clemont picked up Bonnie, who was already asleep on the couch. "Good night."
"Night!" Miette waved.
We all separated into our rooms. I just wanted to crash, I really needed to sleep. When I finally opened to door, my hopes about sleeping suddenly went down the drain.
I totally forgot there was only one bed.
Once again, I blankly stared at the sight in front of me. What do I do? I knew I couldn't sleep with Serena. Not that I was against it or anything, but I didn't know how Serena felt about it, so it'd be best not to.
"Ash?" Serena said. "Are you going to go in or what?"
"Huh?" I turned my head around to look at her, and realized I was blocking the way into our room. "O-oh yeah! Sorry, haha."
Arceus, I hated how I'd always space out whenever I'd think about something. I also tended to not hear the things around me. That was something I needed to stop doing.
"Do you want to go in and change first or?" Serena said as she pointed to the bathroom.
"Oh, no." I shook my head. "You can go."
"Okay." She replied with a smile, and went inside.
I took a deep breath once she left to the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. It was already too much that I was roomed with her, and now there was only one bed too? I began walking back and forth around the room. Crap, what do I do?
"Pika?" Pikachu watched me as I paced through the room.
It didn't take long for Serena to finish. She opened the door, causing me to stop pacing around. "It's your turn." She said.
"Yeah, okay."
I purposely tried to change as slowly as possible, since I really didn't want to go back in there. The thoughts going through my head were enough to make me go crazy.
I pulled the door open and left the bathroom. Serena was in front of the night stand, plugging in her phone for the night. Pikachu jumped off my shoulder, taking his place on the bed and falling asleep soon after.
"S-so, what?" She looked up at me, noticeably blushing. "Do you want the left side, o-or the right?" She asked with a hint nervousness in her voice.
My face instantly turned red. Was she really going to do this?! I swear she wasn't okay with me sleeping with her, but here she was asking me what side of the bed I wanted?!
"N-no!" I violently waved shook my hands in front of me. "I-I'll sleep on the floor!"
What the hell am I doing? I knew deep down I wanted to share a bed with her. So why was I saying this?
"What? But you'll get cold and-"
"No!" I cut her off. "I'll be fine! I'll just lay a few blankets on the floor! It's no big deal!"
No matter how much I regretted saying that, it was for the best.
"A-are you sure? I-I don't mind-"
"No, no!" I cut her off for the second time. "I'm am 100% fine with this!"
"O-okay..." She finally agreed, allowing me to sleep on the floor.
I placed a blanket on the floor, and a pillow on top of it. I lied down, covering myself up with another blanket. The floor was not too comfortable, but I could manage it.
Serena climbed onto the bed and faced the opposite direction of me. "Good night." She said as she turned of the table lamp.
I really hated Gary and Miette for doing this, because that small conversation Serena and I just had was really awkward. Well, looked like I would be sleeping on the floor for the next few days.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was the next morning. I opened my eyes at the sound of chatter coming from downstairs. Did everyone really had to be this loud? And what time was it? I sat up as I scratched my left eye.
It was only 8am. How do you even wake up this early in the morning, I could never to that. Well, I did today, but that was only because I was awoken by loud voices.
I looked over to see if Serena was still asleep. But I found the bed empty. She wasn't there. But her suitcase was open, with her stuff scattered across the bed. Who knew the Kalos Queen was this messy.
The door to the bathroom opened, revealing Serena. "Oh, good morning Ash."
"Uh, m-morning." I replied. A small giggle escaped her mouth as she looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you laughing at?"
"Is this how you always look like in the mornings?"
Confused at what she was saying, I turned to the mirror behind me, only to find I had a serious case of bed hair.
I sweat dropped. "Oh... I'll fix it up later..."
She walked over to her suitcase and took a small bag full of bathroom supplies in one arm, and her clothes in the other.
"I'll be in the shower." She said as she walked back into the bathroom.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Okay."
I quickly fixed my hair, and changed out of my pjs. Time to head down, I was starting to get hungry.
Everyone was already in the living room, watching TV. They were watching some comedy show and laughing hysterically. No wonder I heard them all the way from my room. And guess what. Everyone from the other cottage was here too.
"Oh, good morning Ash!" Barry waved.
I sighed. "What are you all doing here?"
"Aw come on. Being with the whole gang is more fun, right?" Barry said.
"Are you guys going to be visiting our cottage like, everyday?"
Kenny nodded. "Mhm, that is correct."
"Great." I mumbled as I sat down.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Bonnie eyeing everyone in the room. She looked like she was thinking about something. What was this girl doing?
Clemont seemed to notice as well. He began to sweat like crazy after realizing what she might be doing. He knew his sister way too well.
Bonnie then got up and kneeled in front of Misty. Clemont immediately got up, face already the colour of a tomato.
Bonnie held her hand out. "Could you please take care of Gary?"
Clemont stopped what he was doing. Bonnie usually proposed to girls for him, so why was she proposing for Gary? But boy, was he glad it wasn't him for once.
I laugh escaped my mouth. Misty and Gary? Never thought that was a thing.
"W-what?!" Misty stuttered.
Bonnie kneeled in front of Dawn. "And you, can you please take care of Paul?" She then went over to May. "And can you please take care of Drew?" Finally, she knelt in front of Iris. "And can you take care of my brother?"
"Err..." Iris sweat dropped.
Clemont's relieved face soon left. "Wha?! B-bonnie! I told you not to do that!"
"T-take care of Paul..." Dawn's face reddened.
"D-drew...?" May looked over at him.
The boys had many expressions on their faces, varying from blushing, and confusion.
Kenny, Barry and I all burst into laughter at what Bonnie had just done. And here I thought she only did that for Clemont. Who knew she was such a matchmaker.
Miette moved beside me and whispered into my ear. "It's a shame Serena isn't here, right?"
A tint of blush formed on my cheeks. "Shut up."
Clemont used his aipom arm and lifted Bonnie up into the air. "Bonnie, stop!" He cried, looking at the ruckus she just caused.
She pouted. "But it's about time you all find your own wives!"
Clemont groaned. "Alright Bonnie. Just go to the kitchen and put this away please." He said, trying to get her away from them.
"Hmp. Fine." She stuck her tongue out, and left the room.
Clemont sighed. "Guys, I'm really sorry about what happened."
"Haha, no biggie. It's just Bonnie's thing. It's not like any of it is true anyways." May said.
"Yeah, can you believe it? I got paired with Misty." Gary shuddered.
"Hey, don't make it sound like it's a bad thing." Misty glared.
Dawn looked over at Barry, Kenny, Miette and I. "At least these these 4 didn't get a pair."
"I don't know... Maybe Miette and Ash could be a thing?" Drew rubbed his chin.
Miette shook her head. "Definitely not."
"Yeah... No." I sweat dropped.
"Oh, but Ashy already has a pair." Gary said. "After all, he has a crush on Serena."
I felt my heart stop. "Gary!!!" I shouted.
Clemont, who also knew about how I felt towards her, looked over at Gary as his jaw dropped.
Gary realized what he did and covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh crap. S-sorry!"
I knew it. I never should've told him about Serena. The entire group looked at me in surprise, while Miette tried her best to hold in her laughter.
Oh no.
"WHAT?!" They all shouted in unison. "YOU LIKE SERENA?!"
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