Chapter 17
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~Ash's POV~
"What? The contest didn't tell us anything about having a guide... maybe I missed it..." May said as she went through the contest's website, looking for information.
"Ah, well now you know." Brock replied.
Misty pointed at him. "You are the Pewter City's gym leader!"
I got a better look at Brock's face, and then I realized it. He actually was the the gym leader. How did I not recognize him sooner?
"Why yes, I am. And I see you are also a gym leader. Misty Waterflower, correct?"
"The one and only!" Misty replied.
Brock noticed Serena standing behind me. He blinked once, twice. His face lit up with joy at the sight of her. He pushed me to the side, and kneeled on one knee as he took her hands. Serena stared at him, not knowing what to do.
"Oh, what beauty! I haven't seen anyone as beautiful as you!"
"H-huh?!" Serena's cheeks instantly turned red.
I felt anger swell up in me. What the hell was he doing hitting on the girl of my dreams?!
"Please allow me to lend you my nu-" Misty suddenly grabbed his ear and pulled him away. "Arggghhhh!!" He groaned in pain.
"Pervert! What do you think you're doing?!" She shouted.
For once, I was glad for Misty's violent actions. I was so thankful she came and stopped him. I swear, I was so close to grabbing a bus and throwing it at him.
"I'm sorry, I just got lost in this girl's eyes..." Brock said as he admired Serena.
Serena sweat dropped along with everyone else.
Not being able to take it anymore, I joined Misty. "Hey, shut up! You don't even know her!"
"Alright, alright." He chuckled. "Let's start over. What are your names?"
"I already don't like this pervert." Misty mumbled.
"Same here." I pouted.
Clemont took a step from his spot and began introducing everyone. "My name is Clemont, nice to meet you. Over here we have my little sister Bonnie, then we have Ash, Gary, Serena, Miette, Misty, Paul, May, Drew, Kenny, Dawn and Barry."
Brock rubbed his chin. "Hmm, it will be a challenge to remember all your names, but I will manage it."
"Anyways, since you are our guide, do you mind telling us what's in store for today?" Dawn asked.
Brock took out a piece of paper from his back pocket, which what looked like to be the schedule for the week.
"Let's see..." He said as he read the paper. "Today will be a rest day, where you can explore the area, and afterwards get settled into your cottages. You are aslo free to to whatever you want for the remainder of the day."
"Yay! Let's go fishing then!" Bonnie skipped over to the lake.
"Dene!" Dedenne said, popping out of her purse.
Using his aipom arm, Clemont grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up into the air. "Bonnie, we still need to put our luggage away."
She crossed her arms and pouted. "That's no fun!"
"Actually, it does sound like a good idea to go fishing. I haven't done it in awhile." Serena said.
I guess it would be nice to go fishing. I didn't have much experience with it, but I knew the basics. Plus, it would be a really good experience for Bonnie, who hasn't gone fishing before.
Misty nodded, agreeing with Serena. "Yes, I believe we should go fishing as well!"
"See, big brother!" Bonnie pointed towards the girls. "They want to go too!"
"But what about the luggage?"
"Come on Clemont, have a little fun while we're here. The luggage can wait." Gary said as he walked towards the lake with everyone else.
Clemont sighed. He placed Bonnie back onto the ground and gave her a smile. "Alright, let's go."
"Yay!!!" Bonnie happily jumped, and ran over to the rest of the group, with Clemont following from behind.
The lake was quite large, looked like a lot of water pokemon lived here. By the docks were a few canoes, which I guessed could be used at this lake. That could be another activity we could try for next time.
"Alright, the rods and bait are over there." Brock pointed towards a small shed.
Everyone started making their ways toward the shed. Before Serena could begin walking over there, I stopped her. "Hey, I'll get a rod for you."
"Oh, okay!" She nodded.
"Ash, get me one too!" Barry waved at me, to get my attention.
I walked past him. "Nope, get it yourself."
He sweat dropped as he watched me walk away, probably because I was getting a rod for Serena, but not for him. "Wow, okay..."
I got both rods in a little amount of time, they were a lot lighter than I expected them to be.
"Here you go." I handed Serena her rod.
She smiled. "Thank you!"
I began adjusted the reel of my rod, making sure it was working properly.
"Geromino!" Gary shouted as he ran. He jumped from the dock, splashing into the water.
"Agh!" I moved out of the way just in time as some of the water came towards me. It splashed about an inch away from me on the ground.
Gary rose from the water and wiped his face. "Alright! Now this is what I call refreshing!"
"Hey, watch where you're going!" I put my fist up.
"Aw, c'mon Ashy. I'm just having some fun."
I facepalmed. Now that he was in the water, he was going to scare all the water pokemon away. I then heard laughter from behind me. I turned around to see Drew and Paul running towards the water as well. They both dived in, causing a more big of a splash than Gary. I gulped as I saw a huge wave of water coming towards me. I attempted to avoid it by running away, but failed as I felt the cold water against my body.
"Chuu!!!" Pikachu jumped off my shoulder, and shook the water off himself.
I tried my best to hold in my anger, since I really felt like cursing at them right now. I silently took my cap from my head, which was soaking wet. As I was removing my shirt, I heard Misty laughing.
"I see you got soaked."
"Shut up!" I growled.
She began laughing again, until Kenny jumped into the water as well, splashing Misty in the process. I laugh escaped my mouth, but quickly stopped myself as I remembered how deadly Misty was, so laughing at her wouldn't be the best thing to do.
Misty then began to yell at Kenny, who realized he made the biggest mistake of his life. He quickly swam as far as he could away from her. She sighed and decided to push it aside and continue fishing instead.
I twisted my shirt, draining the water from it. Well then, looked like I had to go somewhere else to drain out my shorts, since there was no way in hell I was going to take them off here.
Before I could even turn around and make my way back, I felt a pair of hands on my back. They pushed me forward, allowing me to plunge into the water. I swam up and coughed a few times before opening my eyes.
There stood Serena, the last person I'd think it to be. She was giggling at the way I fell into the water, head first.
"Serena?! What the heck was that for?!"
"Well, you were already soaking wet, so I figured it wouldn't make much of a difference!"
I sweat dropped. "I wasn't planning on getting soaked even more."
She giggled once more. "Hehe, sorry!"
I then thought of an idea. I leaned forward and took her wrist. "Huh? A-ash, what are you doing?"
I smirked at her, it was quite obvious what I was going to do next.
"W-wait, I'm not wearing my swimming clo-"
"That's too bad!" I yanked her into the water with me.
I pulled her without thinking it over, resulting in her crashing into me. I managed to keep my balance in the water without sinking, and caught her in the process.
Miette walked up to us with a smug grin on her face. "So, what are you two doing?"
I looked up at her, wondering why she had that look on her face. It was the exact same look she and Gary gave me the other day when they roomed me with Serena. Arceus, what now?
"A-ash..." Serena mumbled, looking away from me.
I noticed her blushing. That was when I realized my hands were still around her waist from when I caught her earlier. I immidietely let go of her as my cheeks turned into the colour of a Magikarp.
"S-sorry." I stammered.
"I-it's okay..."
As I was about to answer Miette and explain to her what she just saw, I felt a sharp object hook my shorts.
"Wha?! What is this?!" I attempted to pull the object off. Before I could, it began dragging me across the lake, away from Serena and Miette. "AGHHHHHH!!" I shouted.
After what seemed like forever, the object finally stopped pulling me around. I ended up in front of Misty. Turned out her rod's hook was the thing dragging me around. Looked like hooked my shorts to get me away from Serena.
She glared at me, and shouted at the top of her lungs. "I caught a pervert! What do you think you're doing, huh?!"
I facepalmed. How did she even see what was happening, she was like, miles away from where we were. This girl had eyes like a hawk.
Meanwhile, Clemont and Bonnie were minding their own business, fishing along with Dawn, May and Iris.
"Oh, I caught one!" Bonnie squealed at the sight of the Feebas in front of her.
Miette approached the group, and joined in. Bonnie was the first to see her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Miette. She dropped her rod, releasing the Feebas back into the lake.
She kneeled down on one knee. "Will you please take care of my brother? He needs a really pretty wife, just like you!"
"Huh, wife?" Miette raised her eyebrow.
"AGH, BONNIE!!!" Clemont shouted in embarrasment. "I told you not to do that!"
"Please think about it!" Bonnie waved as she was dragged away with Clemont's aipom arm.
Miette sweat dropped along with the other girls. What a unique girl Bonnie was.
The day soon came to an end. Everybody was worn out, we were all having too much fun. Our first day here in the Kanto region was a success.
"Aw man, I'm so tired." Dawn groaned.
"Tell me about it. This thing feels like it weighs a ton." May said as she struggled to pull her suitcase.
"Okay everyone. Please get into your cottages and rest up." Brock said. "Have a good night."
"You too!" Iris replied.
The fourteen of us seperared into our cottages. Gary led us to our cottage, as the rest followed Dawn to their cottage.
"Woah, awesome!" I exclaimed as I looked around.
"This is amazing!" Serena said, admiring her surroundings.
Bonnie jumped around the cottage. "This is so cool!"
"Alright, why don't we get settled into our rooms, and afterwards I'll cook up some dinner for us?" Clemont said.
"Yeah, that'll be great! Okay, let's go Misty." Miette said as the two left for their room.
"See you guys in a few." Gary waved.
"Alright, let's go?" I looked over at Serena, who nodded in reply.
We climbed up the stairs, until we reached the hallway. Gary, Misty and Miette had already entered their rooms. I could hear Miette and Misty's distant chatter from their room. Our room was beside Clemont and Bonnie's, which I had no problem with. If I was put beside Gary, that'd suck since that boy snored really loud.
I pulled the door open, revealing our room. It was quite nice, way more organized than mines back in Kalos.
"Um, Ash?" Serena tugged on my sleeve.
"Huh? What's up?"
She pointed in front of her, motioning me in that direction. I looked over, only to see the thing that I was most worried about. I felt my stomach tighten at the sight in front of me. No way.
There was only one bed.
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