Chapter 12
~Ash's POV~
Calem, he was a filthy cheater. I bet Serena and the other girl knew nothing about this. They had no idea their boyfriend was also with another girl. What should I do? Do I tell Serena about what I just saw? Or do I keep it hidden? I knew it was better for me to tell her, since there was no way in hell she deserved a guy like him, but would I really be able to step up and tell her?
But the thing was, I was afraid to see Serena hurt. I mean, her boyfriend was cheating on her, and if she found out, it'd really break her heart. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand seeing Serena like that. But either way, even if I didn't tell her, she'd eventually find out and get her heart broken anyways.
So, I was pretty much stuck on what to do. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell her, unless someone was there with me. Or maybe... I should tell the rest of the girls first. They were way closer to Serena than I was, so they will be able to tell her. Yeah, that was it. That's what i'll do.
Then after all that, Serena will dump that son of a gun and leave him to die. Yes... that's exactly how I wanted it to go. Then I could find a way for Serena to fall in love with me instead. Perfect.
I looked at the house once more, before leaving. I saw Calem and the girl through an open window, and they were making out. Couldn't he at least close the windows?
Taking advantage of the situation, I took out my phone and snapped a picture. I put the phone away back into my pocket as I walked away. Once these girls find out, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Arceus, there's nothing good on TV today." Misty sighed as she flipped through the channels.
"You'll find something eventually." Serena said, looking up from her phone.
I looked at the time. It was almost 9pm, and I still haven't told the girls about Calem yet. Mostly because Serena was here. There was no way I could tell them with her here, so I had to wait for the right time. So far, things haven't been going the way I planned. I just needed Serena to leave, then everything will be good.
"Hey, have you guys heard about the contest they have recently announced on the news?" Dawn asked.
"Huh? What contest?" Misty asked, looking away from the TV as what Dawn said had caught her attention.
"They are picking one name randomly from a ballot, and whoever gets picked wins a week trip to the Kanto region. The winner also gets to bring a group of friends."
I immediately shot up from my seat. "Really?! I want to enter the contest then!" I exclaimed. "I want to go to Kanto!"
"Oh, right. Aren't you from Kanto?" Serena asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, and I would love to go back there!"
Misty joined in. "Same here, Kanto is my home region too! Being the cerulean gym leader and all, I would love to see the gym again!"
"I hope you two realize there's not that big of a chance to win. There's a lot of people entering as well." Iris said.
I put my finger up. "If we all enter in our names, we get lots of chances to win. I'll make Gary and the others enter as well, so we get a total of 12 entrees."
"That's actually not bad, it would be nice to go to Kanto." Serena said.
"Okay then! We are entering the contest then!" Dawn exclaimed. "Wish us luck!"
"Awesome!" I jumped.
Ever since that conversation, I was in a pretty good mood. If we ended up winning, I'd finally get to visit my hometown again. There would be so much things to do there. Please arceus, I really wanted to win. Thoughts about going back to Kanto kept repeating in my head, until that incident that happened with Calem suddenly crossed my mind. It instantly put my mood down. I still haven't told anyone about what I saw yet.
"Guys, I think i'll be heading to bed now." Serena said as she rubbed her left eye. "I'm getting really tired."
"Alright, night." I smiled.
"Good night." She smiled back.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Dawn joked.
Once she left, I eyed the girls, looking at them one by one. This was the perfect time, I had to tell them now. Before I could speak up, Misty interupted as she noticed the serious look on my face.
"Ash, is there something wrong?" She asked.
"Yeah, there is a problem I think you girls should know about." I said.
"The look on your face tells me it's not a good thing." May said, sounding worried.
I glanced at the door Serena left from, making sure she wasn't there. "Here's the thing. This may shock you..."
"You are making us really nervous here, Ash." Iris said.
"Okay, okay. I'll just hurry up and say it. I-I think Calem is cheating on Serena."
"What?" The girls said in unision.
"No, let me rephrase that. Calem is cheating."
Misty looked at me with a disapproving look on her face. "Huh? What are you talking about, Ash? We've known Calem for quite a long time, and he's a great guy. What do you mean he's cheating?"
"I saw it with my own eyes. He was with another girl."
"Well, it must've been his sister or something." May said.
I knew it, these girls wouldn't believe me. It was a lot easier said than done. But that was mainly the reason why I took the photo earlier. I had proof.
"Or maybe that person wasn't even Calem at all, just some guy who looked like him." Dawn said.
I took out my phone and handed it to the girls. "Does this tell you anything?"
I let the girls examine the photo. Misty was the first one to react. "What the hell?!" She shouted. "That's Calem!"
May gasped. "Arceus, it is Calem!"
"And he's kissing another girl!" Iris stared at the photo wide eyed.
"That bitch!" Dawn blurted out.
I took my phone back. "Now do you believe me?"
"Why yes, I do!" Misty angrily put her fist up. "I'm going to give that lil player a taste of my broom!" She growled.
"And push him out the window while your at it!" Dawn said.
"Throw a bus at him too, please." I added.
Iris had a worried look on her face. "B-but, what's going to happen to Serena...?"
We all stopped and pushed away the violent actions we were planning to do to Calem once she said that.
"I-I don't know..." Dawn looked down. "How do we tell her?"
"That was the thing I wanted to talk to you guys about." I looked up at them. "I was going to tell her, but figured it would be better to have her best friends tell her instead. So do you guys think you can do it?"
The girls did not answer me and completely ignored what I said to do their own thinking. Wow, rude.
"Oh, I have an idea!" Misty said as a light bulb appeared on the top of her head. "Ash, send me that picture, pronto!"
"O-okay..." I replied, feeling lost about what she was doing. "I'll send it later."
"No! Do it now!" She shouted.
"A-alright!" I gulped. "N-no need to yell..."
I did as Misty instructed and quickly sent her the picture. I was literally shaking as I sent it, she was giving me such a scary look while I was doing it. Calem better prepare himself for what Misty had in store, cause it ain't going to be pleasant.
Misty took her phone out after I sent it. "Okay. Don't tell Serena just yet, I have an idea." She said as she walked out of the living room.
"Wait, where are you going?" Iris stopped Misty before she could go.
"To my room. I need to do a few things. And it's late, so I might as well head to bed after."
"Oh, alright then. Good night."
Not saying anything else, Misty left the room without telling us about what she was planning to do.
Dawn leaned her chin on her hand as she fiddled around with a pencil she found on the table. " what?"
May got up from the couch. "I think we should head to bed too, it's pretty late."
I brought my hand up to my mouth and yawned. "Yeah, I'm getting really sleepy. I'll see you guys tommorow, night." I waved.
"Good night!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Pika..." Pikachu got ready to release a bolt of thunder at me.
I placed my hand on his head, stopping him in his actions. "Not today, buddy."
"Pikachu!" He nodded.
This was one of the few days where I wake up before Pikachu's thunderbolts. These days were pretty rare, since I usually don't wake up like this. But there were times like today when I would, and boy was I glad for that.
I headed downstairs, and proceeded with the normal routine as usual, breakfast with the girls. I sat down in the dining room at my usual spot. All the girls were there, minus Serena, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.
I leaned in forward towards Misty. "So what did you end up doing to that picture last night?"
"Yeah, what did you do? You just ran off without saying anything." Iris pouted.
"Aha, sorry about that. So, what I did was post the picture on the internet. I figured to let it go viral, just like how the news article of Ash and Serena dating did."
I blushed at the thought of that news article. It had been quite awhile, and kind of forgot about it. As much as I hated how everyone approached me whenever they saw me, I liked the thought of Serena and I dating.
Misty continued. "Doing that will let everyone know about Calem cheating! Then Serena will find out eventually as well, so we don't have to go through the struggle of telling her ourselves!"
"I guess that's one way to do it." May responded as she took a sip of her orange juice.
Serena entered through the dining room doors holding our food. "Breakfast is served!" She cheerfully said.
Judging by the way she was acting, she didn't know about the photo. Looked like it hadn't gotten to her yet.
"Thank you!" Dawn smiled as she dug into her food.
I was about to take a bite out of my food until a knock was heard on the door. May was about to get up and answer it, until I stopped her. "It's alright, I'll get it."
"I'll go with you." Serena said as she removed her apron.
The rest of the girls followed Serena and I from behind, even though I clearly said I was going to get it. I sweat dropped as I watched them. It didn't require this many people to answer the door, so I didn't understand the reason for them to come.
I pulled the door open, revealing a girl. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped once I saw who the girl was. I stood there speechless, not knowing what to say.
"I-I need to talk to someone..." She said with a hint of sadness and nervousness in her voice.
Crap, what was she doing here? This was not going to be good...
"W-who are you? And who is it you want to talk to?" Misty asked.
It was her, the girl from yesterday at Calem's place...
"My name's Miette, and I need to talk to Serena."
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