Chapter 11
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~Ash's POV~
I slowly followed Calem as he walked back to the group. I had my head down, hands in my pockets and was doing some of my own thinking.
There was one thing I knew about the person he was on the phone with. I was sure that person was a girl. It kind of made sense because he said 'I love you'. So there were a few people who I thought she may be. It could have been his mom, like he said. Or some other girl he was related to, like his sister, or his aunt. But then she could also be...
I clenched my left fist. It better not be what I was thinking. He was already dating Serena, so that girl on the phone couldn't have been who I thought she was. Arceus, the more I thought of it, the more I found myself believing it. But still, he already had a girlfriend, so it couldn't be, right?
Once again, I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. But it looked like it would be best to just leave Calem alone for now, he already looked so pissed at me and I didn't want to make him any angrier.
We got back and rejoined the group. Calem went and stood beside Serena. She looked up at him and said something. I wasn't able to hear anything, but she probably asked him about where he went. Still not being able to hear a single thing, he answered and afterwards gave her a smile, as he placed his arm around her waist.
I looked away and pouted. I felt the jealousy rise up in me. That made me want to get out of here even more. I wanted to go home, pronto. I thought this was going to be a good day, with just me and the girls. But nope, Calem ruined it.
"Ashy! Where did you go? I was looking for ya."
"Hey, Gary. Sorry, I just had to do something, it doesn't really matter."
I decided to keep my mouth shut on what I saw earlier, until I was 100% sure on who that person was. But for now, I'll just try to forget about it.
Gary noticed the unamused look on my face. "What's wrong Ashy?"
I sighed. "You probably know." I looked over at Calem and Serena, motioning Gary towards them.
"Look, Ashy. If you really don't like him, just push him into one of the aquariums and let him drown! It's that simple!"
"It doesn't really work like that." I sweat dropped.
"Yo, perverts! It's time to get some food, c'mon!" Misty called.
I kind of got used to this pervert thing, so it didn't really bother me much anymore.
"Yeah, alright! We're comin-"
"FOOOOOOODDDDD!!!" Gary dashed over to Misty, bumping into my shoulder in the process which caused me to almost lose my balance.
I put my fist up. "Gary, you idiot! Watch where you're going!"
Everyone was already at the food court by the time I arrived. They were all seated at a large table, enough to hold all eight of us. I took my seat beside Gary, in front of Serena and Calem. Out of all places, Gary had to pick this one.
"Darn it, there's no fried magikarp on this menu!" Gary said as he flipped through the pages.
"The pokemon at this aquarium are not meant to be eaten, Gary." Serena sweat dropped.
He sighed. "That sucks. Guess I'll just have some fries."
"The fries here are really good, so you have made a great choice." Calem said.
Gary looked back at his menu. "Is that so? How do you know?"
"Calem has been here quite a few times already, and he has already tried a few of the food here." Serena replied.
"What are you getting, Ash?" Calem asked as he motioned to the menu in front of me.
I looked at him in confusion. The tone in his voice was so calm and kind, nothing like the last time we talked. Then I realized it, he was only talking like that because everyone else was here. If it were only to be the two of us, he'd be talking like the last time. Arceus, I really disliked this kid.
I decided to just play along to avoid any commotion with the others. "Um, I-I don't know yet. Maybe a burger, I guess." I replied.
Our food arrived soon. Gary munched his down like an animal. Pieces of fries were flying everywhere, a few of them hitting my cheek. I was constantly grabbing my napkin and wiping my face.
"Tish is sho good!" Gary said in between his chews.
"What was that?" I said, not being able to understand him. Coudn't this boy finish chewing before speaking?
He swallowed his food and repeated it again. "I said, this is so good!" He continued to eat again, getting food everywhere. I think I felt a french fry land on my head.
Serena let out a small giggle, and I playfully rolled my eyes in return as I wiped the fry off my head.
Our time at the aquarium soon came to an end. We spent another hour or two there, but then soon left and went back home. Calem seperated from us and went his own way, thank arceus. Gary was still here walking with us, since his dorm was along the way to ours.
Iris, May, Dawn and Misty were walking ahead of us, while Serena, Gary and I stayed close behind. It was really silent between the three of us, even Gary didn't do much talking. The only thing that could be heard was the distant coversation the girls were having in front of us.
"I'm so tired..." Iris said and leaned on May as she walked.
"You took a nap before we left, how are you tired?" May asked.
"I am pretty tired as well, too much walking I guess." Dawn replied.
"We are almost home, so just bear with it." Misty sighed, tired of hearing the complaints the girls were making.
I listened to the conversation in front of me, making me think of how tired I was feeling as well. My legs were killing me. Plus, the weight of my backpack and Pikachu on my shoulder was really heavy. Also, Serena was walking way too close to me. I could feel her side against my arm, which made walking ten times worse. Trying to hold in the weird feelings in my stomach and my red cheeks was hard. All these little things made me go crazy.
I moved to the side, trying to get away from her. I kind of forgot Gary was also beside me, and ended up pushing him in the process.
"Ashy, do you mind? You are going to end up getting me onto the road." Gary said as he pushed me back to my original spot.
"Heh, sorry."
I glanced at Serena with the corner of my eye and sighed. This was going to be a long walk.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A bolt of thunder struck down on me. I cried in pain as the thunderbolt lasted for what seemed like an eternity. I layed in my bed, twitching from the shock as my burnt body emmited black smoke.
Pikachu innocently smiled. "Pika!"
"G-good morning t-to you too..." I wheezed.
When we got home yesterday, we all jumped into bed without even thinking. We were all exhausted, and just passed out for the night. Well, except for Serena. She told us she had to do something, and stayed up for a little while longer.
I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. Looked like I really did pass out last night, I didn't even change into my pjs. I was still in my clothing from yesterday. I changed out of my burnt clothes to a clean black t-shirt, my blue collared jacket and some jeans. Just the normal attire.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I opened the door. Pikachu squeezed through the small opening and ran downstairs. I walked through the halls, checking each room to see if anyone else were awake. Both the dining room and the kitchen were empty. I poked my head into the living room, and found someone.
It was Serena. She was lying on the couch. What was she doing? I walked in to get a better look, and turned out she was sleeping. There was a laptop above her, which looked like to had run out of battery and died. I wonder what she was doing last night, after we all went to bed. Did she end up falling asleep here for the entire night?
I reached out my hand to wake her up, but ended up taking it back. She looked so peaceful as she slept, and I didn't have the guts to wake her up. I looked at her quite a few more times. Damn, Calem was one lucky guy.
I removed my jacket and gently placed it over her body, trying not to wake her up in the process. It was pretty chilly in the living room, and she had no blanket or anything, so I guess doing that would help her.
"Ash?!" Misty's voice echoed through the room.
"Agh! M-misty?!" I jumped. Her loud scream scared the living daylights out of me.
She noticed my jacket placed on Serena. Getting the wrong idea, she angrily stomped over. "What do you think your doing stripping in front of an innocent girl like that?! You pervert, are you trying to seduce her?!"
"W-what?" My cheeks flushed red. "I-I am not s-seducing her! I was only covering her up from the cold!"
"Well, from what I have seen it looked like you were trying to get all touchy-feely with her!"
"I swear, Misty! I am not! She looked cold and I wanted to warm her up! Stop jumping to such bizzare conclusions! Never in my life would I seduce a girl who is already dating someone, alright?!"
Serena slowly sat up as she rubbed her eye. "What's going on here, what's with all the shouting?"
"Serena! Sorry for waking you up, I was just having a little conversation with Misty here." I motioned to her and glared.
"Well, Serena. I was just defending you from this pervert here, who was trying to seduce you as you slept."
"H-huh?!" Serena looked at me in shock.
I waved my hands in front of me. "N-no! You got it all wrong, I-I was just warming you up, I swear!"
Serena realized my jacket was on her, and understood all that was happening.
"Hehe Misty, don't worry. He wasn't trying to seduce me, the jacket was like a blanket." She pointed to it, trying to get Misty to calm down.
Misty sighed. "Okay, fine. Maybe I overreacted a little."
"A little? More like a lot." I said.
"Ugh, shut your pervy face before I shut it for you." She glared.
I gulped. Bad idea. "I-I'm sorry." There was nothing more scarier than Misty.
"Anyways, thank you Ash." Serena smiled as she handed my jacket back.
"Y-yeah. No problem." I scratched my head as I tried to hide my visibly red cheeks. "A-anyways, I have something to do today, so I'll catch you guys later." I said as I slipped the jacket back on.
Serena nodded. "Okay, see you!"
I slipped through the door, leaving the dorm. I was now outside. I grinned to myself as I thought about what happened. I totally made a good choice of placing my jacket on Serena, that just scored me some points. Now I was a step closer to her liking me back and leaving that Calem bitch.
I walked along the sidewalk, on my way to the one of the clothing shops around here. I kind of had to buy some new underwear, since they somehow shrinked when I washed them the other day. And if my mom found out I ran out of underwear, she'd kill me.
As I was about to enter the clothing store, I found a familiar figure in the distance. I squinted my eyes, and it was Calem. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw him was the person he was talking to yesterday. He said that they would meet up today. That was when I got the idea to follow him, and find out who that person was.
Stalker mode, on.
I creeped behind him at a far distance for him not to see me. It was quite easy, since he didn't even bother to look back. He didn't suspect a thing. That was good, since if he did actually catch me, I'd be in serious trouble.
He entered the front yard of one of the houses, which I assumed to be his house. I duck down behind the gate to the house and took a peek. A girl was waiting for him in front of the door. The girl looked nothing like his mom. She was a teenage girl, just about the same age as me. Calem waved at her, and she immidietely ran over to him. She tackled him into a hug and the next thing she did shocked me. She planted a kiss on his lips, and afterwards entered the house with him and shut the door behind them.
I leaned on the gate and stared in front of me in disbelief. I felt anger swell up inside me. I was right the entire time.
That bastard Calem, he's cheating on Serena!
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