My English paper
Ringggggg! My alarm on my iPhone rang, and as usual as I would snooze it and have a couple of minutes more to sleep in.
Finally I get out I bed about after 3 snoozes and then head over to my bathroom and brush my teeth, while thinking of how my test would be like and headed over to the mirror where my hair brush, hundreds of bobby pins and head and hair bands were, still thinking in my head about how it was going to be like as I tied my hair in a ponytail and moved over to my dresser and pulled out my uniform, and as usual I was late because of the snoozes and pulled out my socks from my drawer and forgot my money and asst.monitor badge, while not bothering to make my bed I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs and while grabbing my water bottle and shoes I called a my dad to start the car as it was already 7:10 am I hopped onto the car and we drove off, while I could feel my heartbeat beating really, really fast and could actually feel it going boom, boom, boom getting faster and faster I got nervous about my test.
Once I reached school I hopped off praying that it would be easy to do. As I found my line I sat down and revised my notecards while waiting for Amanda @tulips77 or Jade @JadeLi1
to come to school, while I waited for them I kept on studying and the both of them came together and sat down.
15 minutes later
As we had all sat down in our places my hall teacher (A.K.A Mr. Mervin) passed the papers and we began the test with comprehension ,with the passage Chocolate about how it's made from the seed to how the drying process and to the factory and then following by all the questions and then after all that I wrote about netball being as a hobby on one page and adding a insert sheet for another part being exactly one page, after that I did my usage and was done with paper 1. After all that we had break and I had some cottage fries sour cream and onion and some mocha and after that I headed to the library to study for paper 2 for about 45 minutes with my friends and lined up in our hall numbers to do paper 2.
Well now we are talking about paper 2 and it was probably one of the easiest papers I ever did and read because it was about the story about diary of the wimpy kid and the comprehension was really easy while the essay was just completing the next part if the story and guess what it's soooooooooo record breaking for me that I wrote an essay 5 pages long that's just amazing well yah so that's how my first day of checkpoint was for me.
Authors note:
All this is real and really happened so hope you enjoyed reading it -Ashley-
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