Enter iris and axew
I decide to head out after healing up Yugo and Ann to get started on my training and journey.
The three of us walk for a few hours with nothing too eventful happening other than running into some patrat,pidove and deerling.
We soon find a nice spot to relax and spend the night. "Alright you guys we are going to be doing some light training for now as I know there is a battle club in the next town we can go to battle in" I say. (Training sounds fun) Ann says claws coming out. (Bring it on I can handle any training) Yugo says proudly. "Well first I need to know your moves" I say taking out my pokedex (*This oshawotts moves are Razor shell,tackle,and water gun. It's ability is torrent*) The dex says. "Not a bad moveset ok Yugo I want you to make your water gun stronger by using it against this tree here and when you are exhausted after you rest for a bit I want you to work on making your Razor shell even stronger. (I'm on it!) He says happily before he starts blasting the nearby tree with water gun.
I point the dex over to Ann (*This purrlion knows the moves attract, fury swipes,assist,pursuit. It's ability is limber*) Wow a good moveset especially since she has attract that will be a amazing trumpcard in gym battles. "Alright Ann I want you to make your fury swipes stronger against this over tree and when your done I want you to work on your pursuit" I say and she nods before beginning to scratch the tree like crazy.
They continue to train for around a half hour while I set up camp luckily my parents packed food for all types of pokemon along with little bowls for them to eat out of. I have no idea how these bags hold so much but I'm not about to question it I mean if you can have a whole ass bike in the games then what's a few extra bowls and food. I put the food for water types in one bowl and one for dark types in another "Alright you guys it's time to eat" I call out to them the stop their training exhausted and walk back over. (Wow that sure was some tough training I feel stronger already) Yugo says proudly. (Yeah I agree I do feel a bit stronger) Ann says. I take out some sandwiches that were pre-made and no they weren't rice balls they were actual sandwiches.
(Wow this is some good food) Yugo says digging in. (Mhmm it is very good I like it) Ann says agreeing. "Well my parents made food for all types of pokemon those are for water and dark types. (Well I should give my compliments to the chef one day when I meet them) Ann says her tail wagging. I chuckle a bit looks like I will have to translate that for when I get to a center. Soon the sun sets and I yawn more tired than I thought I would be. I get out my sleeping bag and Yugo and Ann curl up next to me and I manage to fall asleep much easier than I usually do.
Timeskip to morning
I soon wake up to some pidove chirping I sit up stretching waking up Ann and Yugo in the process. (Aww morning already) Yugo complains. Yeah that's very relatable but I still have to we need to keep this journey going. Ann does some stretches while Yugo is still half asleep at this point. I roll up my sleeping bag and put it away for now while I prepare breakfast. I set out some food for the 2 while I hold off on eating for now as when I checked the map that I had a Pokémon center is pretty close by so I can wait a few hours for now. After they are eating they get back to training for about 20 or so minutes before taking a rest. I decide to return Ann to her pokeball for the time being while I just let Yugo ride on my shoulder.
We soon get back on the road nothing happens for a while until I hear shouting. I look through some bushes and see team rocket in a air balloon along with Ash and Iris. I don't really like early unova team rocket. I like the adventures in unova team rocket where they are back to the usual oh well I gotta deal with it for now. "Yugo I want you to help them ok" I say and he nods and jumps out of my arms and throws his scalchop at the ballon making them fall. Luckily Ash and Iris caught pikachu and Axew.Then he runs in front of pikachu and axew and uses water gun on woobat. It is already showing a bit of improvement with how it knocked back woobat. Pikachu tries to hit them with a volt tackle but it's too late as they have already fled. Ash and Iris pick up pikachu and axew and run off to the pokemon center after thanking Yugo of course. Yugo walks back to me smug as he could be (So how was that) He asks. "Really good job I can tell your water gun has improved from the training. We should head to the pokemon center though. I wonder if we can beat them there" I wonder to myself outloud as Yugo happily jumps back into my arms.
I run as fast and as hard as I can to the pokemon center and I am surprised I somehow managed to beat Ash and Iris there. "Hi I'm nurse Joy would you like me to heal your pokemon for you" She asks kindly. I nod and return Yugo to his pokeball for now and hand her his and Ann's pokeballs. "This shouldn't take too long you can wait in the waiting room while they are being healed up" Nurse Joy says and I nod while I take a seat and catch my breath and let my aching legs relax. I need more exercise agh. It's only been maybe 5 minutes before I hear the beep. "Miss your pokemon are fully healed" Nurse Joy says holding a tray with 2 pokeballs on it. "Thank you so much Nurse Joy" I say taking the pokeballs. "No need to thank me it's what I do" She says before going to back probably to help more pokemon.
I walk over to a booth and release Yugo who stands on the table. (So what do we do now) he asks curious. "Well I'm waiting to see if those two trainers make it here safely with their pokemon" I say. Soon Ash and Iris come through with pikachu axew and pidove. After they get their pokemon healed up I was about to go and greet them but Yugo is already ahead of me. He walks up to them (Hi!) He says waving a flipper? "Hey it's that same oshawott" Ash says. "Wonder what it's doing here" Iris asks curious. "Well he is just making sure your pokemon are ok" I say walking up to them.
"Oh hey Jordan I didn't realize it was Yugo at first glance" Ash says sheepishly which I understand they had other important stuff to think about and deal with. "Oh your Oshawotts trainer? Well thanks to this little cutie my Axew is safe" She says patting his head and he seems to like it at least until she does it a bit too hard and is appearing to be stretching his cheeks, I wonder how much is too much before he sprays her with water gun. "Yeah if it wasn't for him I don't know what would have happened" Ash says. 'The same thing would have happened its just that oshawott would have become your pokemon' I think to myself. Luckily Iris stops annoying him before he sprays her with water gun. (Thanks for the assist I owe ya) Pikachu says. (Yeah I didn't want to go with those guys at all) Axew says.
"Well I'm off see you two later" Iris says. Wait hold up back that up. She is leaving she isn't a companion? I mean I guess I kinda fulfill that role but I do hope I see her again soon as a rival or something similar. " Hopefully we will see eachother again soon" She says. "What do you mean" I ask confused. "Well you see I am actually doing the gym challenge" She says. What's going on this never happened in canon did my presence mess this up that badly. "Cool we can all be rivals" Ash says excited. "Yeah I would love a rival" I say happily. Well Trip is my rival too but he is also Ash's rival.
Iris leaves the pokemon center leaving Ash and I alone. "Hey uhm Ash could I possibly uhm travel with you" I ask a bit shy. "Sure I don't mind just curious though why" He asks tilting his head. "Well I like the company and its always good to travel with friends." I say. " Well looks like we have another traveling buddy pikachu" He says patting pikachu on the head. (Yep sure do) "Another?" I pretend to ask confused. "Yeah I've traveled through kanto,johto,hoenn,and sinnoh with friends and it looks I found unova one too" He says smiling. (Alright new friends) Yugo says happily. We decide to spend the night at the pokemon center as it's almost nighttime and I did get some food as I was really hungry from not eating all day I guess I kinda frogot. Ash and pikachu shared a bed while Yugo and I shared one and I let him cause I know he won't be able too when he evolves.
Timeskip to the next day
I put Yugo in his pokeball when I woke up as he was still sleepy and I didn't want to wake him. The two of us eat some breakfast and head out ready to continue our journey.
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