Part 6
Jack's POV
I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk. I logged in to my computer and waited for the Skype call. I pulled out my phone and played "Candy Crush" as I waited.
After about 3 minutes of waiting, I heard the familiar ring of a Skype call. I answered the call and saw a gorgeous face appear on the screen. I felt my eyes widen as I stared at the gorgeous man on my computer screen. What the actual fuck is up with me? I'm not gay or bi, am I? I thought.
"WHY YOU STARIN' AT ME?!?! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?!?!?!?" Mark shouted. He got up, backed up a bit, put his hands on his waist, and started rolling his hips in circles.
"Sit DOWN MARK!!! YOU'RE SCARING THE CHILDREN!!!" I shouted back at him. I watched as he hung his head in shame as he returned to his seat.
"So, are you Irish?" He asked. His voice was so deep, so soothing.
"How did you know?! Did the accent give me away?" I replied
"Yes it did, Jackaboy," he said. I felt my cheeks get hot, as I began to blush. Did he just call me 'Jackaboy,? I thought. I was shocked out of my thoughts by that familiar deep voice.
"Is someone...blushing?!?!" He teased, giggling a bit. Oh my holy fuck his giggle! I pondered
"NO!! My invisible grandma was pinching my cheeks." I retorted defensively. Mark busted out laughing.
"Your invisible grandma?!?! Really?!?" He said, making fun of my last minute comeback, "I'm so using that!"
"Sh-SHUT UP!" I stuttered. What is up with me? This isn't how I usually am.
"NO!! I NEVER SHUT UP!!!" He virtually screamed at me. Ugh, why am I so awkward? I needed to escape, just to get a hold of myself. I have an idea.
"Mark, I'll be right back, I gotta go pee," I lied. I got up and said, "I'll be back in a sec"
"Take your time," he replied. He's so goddamn nice, I think it's killing me. I thought. I walked out of my bedroom, closed the door, and leaned against it. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I being so awkward? Why does mark have to be so fucking cute?!? Ugh I hate my life!! All of these thoughts surged through my brain. I should probably get back now. I pondered. Just to make sure he believed my lie, I walked to the bathroom and flushed the toilet. Then, I turned on the tap, washed my hands, just because, and dried them off with a towel. I walked back to my bedroom, opened the door, and saw Mark, looking down at what I assumed was his phone. I took a deep breath before saying "I'm back." He looked up at me as I returned to my seat.
"YAY!" He shouted, lifting his muscular arms in the air.
" what?" I asked, not knowing how to advance the conversation.
"OH I KNOW!! LETS MAKE DICK JOKES!!!" Mark suggested, shouting quite loudly.
"You're being immature, CUM on dude!" I joked. He giggles a bit
"You stole my joke!! I hate you!" He yelled. I pouted and traced a single finger from my eye all the way down my face. Mark responded to this action by saying "No, Jackaboy, don't be sad." I blushed again at him calling me "Jackaboy. "
"HA!! I found a way to make you blush!!" He yelled, laughing.
"NO YOU DIDN'T ITS MY INVISIBLE GRANDMA AGAIN!!!!" I screamed. Mark bursts in laughter. I couldn't help but laugh along. His laugh was contagious. I couldn't help it. I just wish this moment could last forever.
"Oh man! I totally forgot! I have to head to my buddy's house in 15 minutes. It was great talking to you Jack! It was the most fun I've ever had. I'll talk to you later, man." He explained.
"I'll talk to you later, too man! This was so fun." I replied.
"Bye...Jackaboy." He joked as I began to blush...AGAIN!!!
"Bye Mark." I said. Then, Mark hung up. It hurt a little to see him go, but what could I do?
AHHHH!! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE!!!! OMF I FEEL SO BAAAAADDDDD!!!! UGH!!! ALSO, TOLD YA IT WAS GOING SOMEWHERE!!! Well, I'm gonna go now. See y'all bootyful people later!! •3•
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