Part 5
MrSepticeye: hi
MarkTheShark: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
MrSepticeye: wtf is wrong with u
MarkTheShark: u text me first!!!
MrSepticeye: yes I did is there a problem?
MarkTheShark: nope I'm just sure we are friends now
MrSepticeye: ok sure I guess
MarkTheShark: YESSSSS!!!!
MarkTheShark: now dat we r friends, we should skype!
MrSepticeye: later my mom is being a demanding bitch
MarkTheShark: don't call ur mom a bitch dats no nice
MrSepticeye: fine I will ttyl
MrSepticeye is offline
Time skip brought to you by Tiny Box Tim
MrSepticeye is online
MrSepticeye: I'm back
MarkTheShark: wut did ur mom want
MrSepticeye: she wanted me to buy her groceries, even though she is fully capable of doing it herself, plus I live fucking TWO TOWNS AWAY FROM HER!!
MarkTheShark: moms are weird like dat
MrSepticeye: no shit, Sherlock
MarkTheShark: ur very rude
MrSepticeye: I noticed
MarkTheShark: can u skype now?
MrSepticeye: sure, why not?
MarkTheShark: wut ur skype? Mine is MarkLeFish
MrSepticeye: what is it with u and sea creatures?
MarkTheShark: my last name
MrSepticeye: ooook den
MarkTheShark: WUT UR SKYPE?!?
MrSepticeye: Same as on here
MarkTheShark: Why r u so simple
MrSepticeye: cause I can be. I have rights
MarkTheShark: whatever
MarkTheShark: fine ur just like ur mom u demanding bitch
MarkTheShark is offline
See I told u we were going somewhere. They r gonna skype now. I have ideas for dis story, so wait patiently pls. Ize only a human...I think. Anyways, I will see all you bootyful people l8tr
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