Part 2
This chapter is fluff, but kinda cute at da same time. ENJOY!!!!!!
MarkTheShark: Told ya
MrSepticeye: first off-oh God
Second-Told me what
MarkTheShark: told ya I would text you later!😝😝😝
MrSepticeye: fucking hell
MarkTheShark: HEY!!! LANGUAGE!!!!
MrSepticeye: r u 5?
MarkTheShark: no I'm 7
MrSepticeye: really???
MarkTheShark: no😂😝
MarkTheShark: how's life?
MrSepticeye: it's good hbu
MarkTheShark: same
MarkTheShark: yay twinsies
MrSepticeye: ok if you ever wanna talk to me again, never say twinsies. EVER.
MarkTheShark: ok I so sorry
MrSepticeye: u better be
MarkTheShark: so...what ur fave color
MrSepticeye: green hbu
MarkTheShark: pls no laugh at meh for dis
MrSepticeye: no promises
MarkTheShark: I will say anyways
MarkTheShark: pink
MarkTheShark: hey! Only the manliest men like pink.
MrSepticeye:sure u believe dat
MarkTheShark: u make meh sad😭😭😭😭😭
MarkTheShark is offline
Herrow u bootyful people! How r u? Good? Ok good. I'm ok. What the fuck am I doing with mah life?
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