THE ENDless Adventure chpt25
Scenario- This is after the conversation with Asch and Ava. I will write the chapter for Asch returning back to Noi's house and him seeing Leif sleeping with Noi. The time is now 9:17pm
Zane pov
The end city was bigger than expected! I can see islands from so far away. There were weird purple things. I heard its called chorus fruit. And if you eat one you teleport randomly. I mean it was a myth, no one ever tried it. Since nobody goes to the end since its forbidden the chorus fruit myth was always a big myth. A lot of people say that if you die in the end, you don't come back. And I believe it. The myths or legends are always so crazy in this world. Snap out of it Zane! I swear I get off topic so damn easily its not even funny anymore. Anyways back to the focus. To get out of the end. I only had a few ender pearls. Throwing them in the wrong place will be the end of me. I would die a painful horrible death. I need to have a plan. A plan that can get me to the over world. This needs to work. I also need to come back at a reasonable time. I don't know what time it is but I need to get out of here!
I grab a ender pearl and stare at it. I need to throw it. If I don't I live here. I hold the pearl tightly in my hands and just see the pearl in all its glory. I look at the island I need to throw it on. I then throw the pearl and look away. I open my eyes to see I'm alive and is now on a different island. I then start seeing something in the distance. A giant.... Ship? Why is there a ship in the sky! Like are you kidding? Why is there a ship in the sky! How is it possible? There is even buildings. A huge building. Maybe it has treasure in them. Useful materials. But when I bring the useful materials back home I have to make sure Aphmau doesn't see me with the items. She would ban me from the server if she found out. I grab another pearl. I only have 5 ender pearls. If I fuck this up I'm screwed. I throw the pearl but instead of landing on the island my hand was holding me on for dear life. I try lifting my self up but failed. I almost fell. I feel my heart pumping faster and faster. It was painful. I try pulling my self up and succeed this time. My heart was beating very very fast. Was it worth it? Risking my own life just to get some pity loot? I mean yes but still! I run up the building and get hit with something. Then I start floating high. And when I mean high, I mean really high. Then I land on a platlower. I see chest! They must have loot. I try looking around, seeing if I see anyone. I end up finding nobody so I open the chest and hopes for the best. I see a lord tons of good loot. Maybe it was worth it after all.
I grab as much loot as I can and run out of the building, heading to the floating ship. How do I get up there. Wait I can use those weird looking purple guys to shoot me up there using their magic! Genius aren't I? I then jump up and down to catch the purple things attention. It hits me with its magic ball thing and I start floating. I grab onto the ship and make sure I don't float off into the void. When the floating magic stopped I fall on the ship. I get up and run inside of the ship. Inside I see two chest and a pair of... Wings? There are wings in Minecraft?! I grab the wings and put them on. Then I take more loot of course. I slowly get out of the ship and head towards the top of it. Then I stand on top of the ship. I look down. Should I try flying? Will I even survive? I close my eyes. I then jump off the ship. I open my eyes and see that I'm gliding in the air.
This is so much fun. I gotta learn how to control this though. As I was flying I was also slowly getting lower and lower. Eventually I land on the ground. That was fun. I decide to fly up again and this time, I made fireworks using some loot. I will be trying to use these fireworks as a fuel you could say, to try flying in the air again to see an escape. I hold the fireworks and pray that these work. Then I use them and shoot through the sky. I start flying again. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Maybe if I take this back to the server, I can fly KC around! Anyways I look around and see a floating bedrock structure. It had a void thing in the middle of it. Is it safe? I don't know maybe. I launch another firework but then realize I am going to fast to the ground.
I try controlling it but fail. Then I look up and launch a firework. Then slowly try floating my way down. Maybe I shouldn't be trusted with these wings. As I try landing I launch my last firework towards the void. I was aiming towards the void at rapid speed. I could do anything as I fall into the void I hit something. I get up and stand on the void. I look at my hands to make sure there isn't any cuts.
Then I notice. My hands are fading away.
Zane dies?!?!!?! Don't worry keep inventory is on LOL
Rip Zane. He totally died and is most definitely totally not gonna respawn.
Also sorry for the fact its I guess kinda short? I wasn't feeling the mood for some reason.
Word count- 1040
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