A Real Myth chpt23
Zane pov
I have been standing in this fucking hole for probably more than 312 days! I want to get out. But since my dumb ass decides to break the rules to get rid of some weird guess I get trapped in the end. I guess karma is real. Whatever, I can just make another portal to get out of here or find one. I mean I have no research on the end but since I'm smart I can come up with something at least. I was starting to get really hungry. I'm not relying on some stale piece of bread to be my meal for the day. I might as well see what's on the end. Maybe there is something I can use to mess around with and get out of the end.
I walk up the stair case and see towers with weird things on them. Then I looked around and saw hundreds of ender men. I made sure I didn't look at any of them because I don't have good gear. I only have stale piece of bread, my phone, left over eyes of ender, a iron sword, a few diamonds, ender pearls, and a bottle full of dragons breath. There all absolutely useless for this situation, except the iron sword. I walk towards the middle of the weird towers and see a dragon flying on the top of all of the towers. It seemed to not notice me yet but it will notice me soon enough or later. I grab my iron sword and see what I can do to kill that dragon.
I try slicing one of its wings but failed horribly. It tried slicing me in half but failed. It flies up into the air and glares at me. I could definitely tell the dragon is very much pissed at me. Actually come to think of it, the dragon looks like its now out for blood. I think my blood. It then shoots a fire ball almost hitting me straight in the face. It lowers and tries bitting me but fails horribly. It then clawed my mask almost making it break. Then it fits back up into the air glaring at me for the second time. I then feel something hit me. Hard. It was hitting me repeatedly. I turn around and see a angry ender man hitting me.
I grab my sword and tried hitting it but it teleported behind me. I must've looked at its eyes then the dragon was distracting me. Maybe that's why it flew in the air. I repeatedly try hitting the ender man but keep failing. I should've token Kim's advice and not go to the end. This is why Aph had forbidden it. The ender man kept teleporting left and right. Behind me in front of me. It was hard to hit it with my sword. My sword was being damaged left and right. It looked like it was about to break actually! I managed to then get one hit on the ender man. It did nothing. Instead it got so bored at fighting me that it just straight up teleported away.
Don't focus in these weird creatures anymore Zane! Snap out of these stupid thoughts. I just need to find a portal. Not hard at all! I look around the area without staring at any ender man and didn't see a portal anywhere. That dragon probably has something to do with the portal. I know it. I just noticed my sword is on its last straw. Its pretty much destroyed after missing so many shots on the ender man. It hit my sword more times than I hit it. Get to the point Zane! I keep getting off topic. What I need is to kill the dragon. Murder it. Then find the portal. A simple and easy plan right? The dragon seems to be smart. Not strong. So killing it would a breeze killing it hopefully.
I grab my pretty much broken sword and run up to the dragon and slice one of its wings. I got a hit! Finally, now just try to- It regenerated its wing.. I see the crystals on the obsidian towers had a weird aura on the dragon. Then it hit me. Its a recovering crystal. I don't remember what there call but for now I'm calling them End Crystals. I need to destroy them so the dragon can't heal! Genius I am. Might as well do the plan now. I then realize that I doesn't have any way if getting on the towers except building with blocks. Mining with my hands would be painful but its the only option. I then just realized I had a pick axe! I grab it and see that the ender man fucked it up. The handle is gone. Now my only actual option is my hands. Its do or die.
I hit blocks after blocks with my hands despite how painful it is using my hands. I could see that they were bleeding pretty fast. I felt like I had enough block but the problem is. My hands are sore, bleeding, and very red. I can probably place down blocks but it would take awhile. I had ender pearls but not much. Missing one would lead to my death. I'm not dying in the end. I'd rather die with KC then die in the end. I grab the blocks with my bloody hands and run near a tower making sure I don't catch any ender mens attention. I start placing block one by one. It was hurting my hands a lot. I knew a stale piece of bread would heal me but it's starting to mold a little. Now is my chance to use my ender pearl. Either I die here or I survive. Holding the ender pearl in my hands, I throw it up in the air making sure it hits a platform. And like that I close my eyes reminding my self that I had a great life.
When I opened my eyes I realized I had survived. I'm alive. I look at the end crystal and all its beauty. It had weird red symbols on it spelling out a word probably. Its purple tint was glowing on me. I needed to hit it. So that what I did. I swing my sword and hit the crystal, but what happened? It exploded and I nearly fell off the tower. I felt sweat under my mask. Realizing that I should be more careful with these crystals I look around and see two in cages. Why are two crystals in cages? Are they suppose to be stronger than the others? I feel then my feet burning as if they were on fire. I look on the ground and see there is dragons breath on the ground. How did I not notice the dragon did that.
I jump on top if the bedrock block to stop my feet from disintegrating. The dragon then grabs my hoodie and flies in the air. I was in top of everything. Looking down I saw the towers. I then realized something. We were flying away from the island. The dragon was taking me somewhere. I didn't want to talk. My anxiety was killing. It then drops me off somewhere. And flies away. I look around and see weird tall purple fruits. Then I realized where I was. Everyone thought it was a myth. The end city myth. Say there is an end city in the end. People never believed it was real but here I am. Standing in the place where everyone thought it was fake.
The End City
Kinda sometimes don't have motivation to write but sometimes have motivation yk? That's why these post are so late and so short sometimes
Word count- 1306
Edit- Omg I wrote so big😥
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