A better feeling chpt 22
Asch pov
I woke up on Noi's coach upstairs and looked around to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I get up and sit down instead of laying down. I knew Leif never forgot about the deal trying to win Noi over, but when I was in the forest I came up with a sly plan. I want to try making Noi "go on a date" with me without him knowing it was a date. I just wanted to make the bitch with white grandma hair jealous making him think me and Noi are becoming better and closer friends.
My plan was to ask Noi if he wanted to hangout and have fun, but the problem is Leif will probably suspect something was going on so I have to wait for him to sleep. It will seem like we're hanging out but actually we're going on a "date."
I then hear footsteps getting louder and louder until I see the idiot himself, Leif.
"What the fuck do you want?" I ask Leif
"Isn't fucking obvious? I want to know where the fuck you went? You left me and Noi alone while you did your little prince things."
"Shut the fuck up. I can fire you when ever I want cause your my knight."
Leif then rolls his eyes at me and walks away. I fucking hate him. I want to make sure he doesn't ruin my plan. He gets in the way of all my plans. I sometimes feel like I should burn his head off or something. He is the worst sometimes. But sometimes he isn't so annoying. What the fuck am I thinking? I need to get to the plan before this Leif bozo gets in my way.
I slowly go downstairs and peek my head through the stairs. I see Leif and Noi just doing nothing. Noi was on his phone looking at something and Leif was trying to pet Noi's dog without it bitting him. I hope the dog bites Leifs fingers off. That would be funny if it did. He deserves to get his fingers bitten off honestly. I told Noi I wanted to see Ava. He said I could and I went outside. I don't even know where Ava is. She could be in any of these fucking houses! Why does there have to be so many fucking house in this neighborhood.
I mean there is suppose to be a lot houses in a neighborhood but why the fuck do they gotta be color coordinated? Aphmau or whatever the fuck her name is has the most light purple fucking house ever. I prefer that guy with the black house instead. I think Ava is in there but I don't think she is. I just FEEL it. Then I hear someone open a door. I realize I have been standing right in front of the door the whole time thinking about random bull shit.
"You ok Asch? You seemed really confused." Noi ask me
"I'm fine Noi. I just can't seem to find Ava. That's all." I tell him
"Ah ok, do you want me to help you find her? I have her phone number any ways. I can always text her you know?" He says
"Text her on your magical phone and tell her to come near that thing." I say pointing to the massive ass fountain in the middle of the neighborhood.
"Ok I will."
Then Noi used his Magical rectangle thing and texted Ava.
"She said she's coming. You can go now. Just don't be lost again. I do actually really care about you." Noi says
He walks back inside and closes the door. I walk towards the fountain restating the words Noi said. 'I do actually really care about you.' I keep repeating that exact sentence in my head for a bit until I almost fell straight into the fountain. I sit on the edge of the fountain and stared at the trees. Until I felt someone tap my shoulder.
"Why do you need me Asch?"
I turn around and see Ava.
"Hey Prisoner. So you know how I like Noi right?" I say to her
"Yeah? I know you like Noi. Why ask?"
"Well I found out Leif likes Noi." I say
"What?! He likes Noi?" Ava says sounding really shocked
"Oh god this is kinda bad." I hear her mumble
"What's bad prisoner?"
"Well.... You and Leif aren't the only ones who like Noi. (Noi harem istg 💀)" She says really softly
"WHAT?!" I accidentally scream
"Hush! Someone might hear you. I'm not going to be responsible for some random bozo brained bitch like you screaming." She says
"Well I don't give a fuck. Who else likes Noi?" I ask Ava
"You know the girl with brown hair with blonde highlights, glasses, green dress, and is obsessed with books/reading?" Ava describes
"No? For a second I thought you were describing the girl version of Rhys for some reason." I say stupidly
"Are you kidding me? Well anyways her name is Kim." She tells me
Kim huh? Is she asking for her death or something? I don't want any one in the way of me and Noi friendship. And now that I know two bitches like Noi, I need to kill two people. There making my job insufferable.
"Anyways on the topic of love. I kinda know who to marry now or take love for someone." She says
"Which is?"
"Rhys!" She says really fast
"What? You said it too fast."
Her face was as red as a tomato
"I really like Rhys.. Like now that I know you and Leif have different love interest. Pierce and Noi most likely lost interest with me. And Rhys.. He seems to still love me. Well I mean you like me as a friend (ShE jUsT a FrIeNd -Adrian from MLB) but Rhys seems to still actually really like me and.. I just didn't know when to tell you this soo." She said kinda awkwardly
"Its fine. As long as you FINALLY chose one of us. It took you fucking 1 year to decide who you actually love." I say to her
She starts to laugh.
"I love your humor and aggression. Noi would definitely not regret dating you if he every did date you." Ava say to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and starts patting it.
"I'm just glad you found some one that can make you this happy. I never seen you smile this much nor make this many jokes ever since we entered the portal. As long as your happy I'm happy." She says smiling
"Thank you prison. I hope Rhys finds out soon you like him. He would be so flustered and red faced that he will have to freeze his entire body with his magic." I say
"Really. Well gotta go sun gonna set soon. Hope we can talk tomorrow Asch!" Ava says as she walks back to Pierces house
This made me feel a lot better. Being able to share some things to Ava felt nice. This bitch Leif always tends to bother me that I keep forgetting to interact with the human world. For now I need to go back to Noi house. I get up and start walking to Noi's house.
Ava and Asch wholesome friend ship moments
I definitely going to be more Avasch friendship moments like this chapter
I enjoy writing wholesome stuff more than anything lol
Don't forget to drink water! 💧
Word count- 1254
Edit- I love Avasch friendship
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