My Imaginary Boyfriend *Oblivious
"Daniel," I say.
"What, Annalise?" he asks, brushing his stylishly messy hair away from his eyes.
"Don't you have a question for the day?" I ask curiously.
We're in the park, sitting on the swing, side by side. Everyday we meet after the last class and go to different places, just talking.
I decide it to be like this: A lot of days have passed since the last time I imagined him because I want our relationship to be long already. So that he can already be my imaginary boyfriend.
I know it's too early for that, but it's my imagination. I can do whatever I want. A few weeks already had passed since the first day I saw him.
In real life, it's just the day after playing volleyball.
"Of course, I have," he says.
We already know the basic things about each other. Nothing too personal though. Just favorites: music, movie, food, and other things. I think it's time to really know each other.
Okay, time to continue my daydream.
"What's your question?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, making my hair obscures my eyes from the view.
Daniel leans towards me and pushes the hair out of my eyes. My heart thuds in my chest as his breath tickles my cheeks. Our faces are just a few inches away from each other. Just a twist of our heads, and then I'll have my first kiss.
Of course it's just my imagination, but still, a kiss is still a kiss.
I'll make my first kiss memorable and I'll do it with him in the right place and at the right time. I'm such a hopeless romantic. When will I have a real boyfriend if I continue to be like this? If only I can make Daniel real.
"What happens next on your story?" he asks.
"That's your question?" I ask incredulously.
"Yup," he says.
I sigh and give him my notebook.
He grins, showing all his white teeth. He's so irresistible! "One time," he reads, "A guy asks the girl out— Wait, why don't they have a name?"
I shrug. "I don't know what to name them."
"Do you mind if I suggest?"
"Of course not," I say while swinging back and forth. "What do you want?"
He pretends to think and then says, "Let's call the girl - girly, and the guy - guy."
"Funny," I say wryly.
"And then the new guy – new guy," he continues.
"Really funny," I mutter.
"I think the girl can be Alyson," he says seriously.
"What?" I exclaim.
He wants to call the girl Alyson?! Where did that come from? I am—
No, I mean, I was Alyson!
"Don't you like it?" he asks, looking at me hesitantly.
I regain my composure and force myself to smile. I end up grimacing instead. "Alyson's okay," I say.
"It's not," he realizes, studying my face carefully.
"I said its fine," I repeat, even though it's not.
He sighs, not wanting to argue with me anymore. "Fine," he says abruptly, "Alyson then."
"What about the guy?" I ask softly. I'm afraid he'll suggest Alex.
Thankfully, he says, "Adam."
I breathe a sigh of relief. "Adam's good," I say quickly, before he can change it. Where did I get that name?
"The new guy can be. . ." he trails off, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Clay," I blurt out. It's the first name that comes to my mind.
He nods. "Clay, the new guy," he says.
I smile. "It sounds perfect," I say, "Continue then."
He opens the notebook again and reads, "Clay asks Alyson if she wants to have a dinner with him tonight after school, since it's Friday. Alyson is taken aback because no one ever asked her out before. After a few seconds of persuasion from Clay, she agrees. He tells her that he'll fetch her before six in the evening, so that they have time to prepare. Alyson is surprised because Clay knows her house.
"How did Clay and Alyson meet?" Daniel asks.
"They are classmates," I say.
"You should put it in the story," he suggests, "I'm sure your readers will ask about that."
But you're the only one reading my story, I want to say, but I stop myself because I can guess what he'll reply to that.
"Okay," I say instead, "I'll add it."
He seems satisfied because he starts to read again. "When Alyson comes home after school, she tells her mom about the dinner with Clay. Her mom is more excited than her because finally, her daughter will go out on a dinner date. She wants Alyson to look great, and she tells her that she wants details when she gets home after the date.
"I think Adam's going to be jealous," Daniel guesses.
I smile slyly. "Let's see," I say smugly.
I like watching his facial expression as he reads because it's animated.
"Her mom wants to put make up on Alyson but she protests," Daniel continues, "They just compromise then that her mom will put a light make up on her. Her mom forces her to wear her only dress -- it's a gift from Adam's mother on her sixteenth birthday. It's a pink sleeveless, and has flower embroidery on the side. There's a light blue ribbon that can be tied on the waist. It falls just a few inches above the knee.
"Nice dress," Daniel tell me, "Very descriptive."
"Thank you," I say.
"It makes Alyson uncomfortable," he continues reading, "But her mom assures her that she looks amazing. She puts her white sandals but when her mom sees her, she tells her that she should wear heels to match with the dress. Alyson is so stubborn -- in the end, she says that if she wear heels, she will just embarrass herself and she might not walk straight with them.
"Her mom curls her hair and pins it to the side, princess style. When Alyson sees herself in the mirror, she is speechless. It's like another person is in front of her. Her mom puts eyeliner on her eyes, emphasizing her blue eyes. There's a light blush on her cheeks and a light pink lipstick on her lips.
"A knock on the door snaps her out of her reverie. Her mom asks her if it's his date outside. Alyson glances at the clock and sees that she still has thirty more minutes before Clay arrives. Probably it's just one their neighbors. They both walk out of the room and into the living room.
"Her Mom's about to open the door when their telephone rings. She answers it and points the door to Alyson. She rolls her eyes but still crosses the room and opens the door. The person on the other side makes a startled sound. Alyson looks and sees Adam standing in front of their house.
"Adam's here," Daniel says, chuckling quietly.
"He is," I say, grinning from ear to ear.
"After a few seconds of staring at each other," Daniel continues, "Adam clears his throat awkwardly. 'What happened to you?' he asks. Alyson shrugs and about to say 'nothing', when her mom walks towards them. 'She has a date tonight,' she says excitedly. Adam laughs hysterically. He's talking but his words are just a blur because they're mixed with his laughter. After a few seconds, he asks, 'You have a date tonight?' Alyson knows that Adam's just teasing her so she scowls at him for making fun of her.
"Her mom shakes her head at Adam but she is smiling amusedly as she watches the two of them. 'That's the reason why you dressed up?' Adam asks amusedly. 'I did not dress up,' Alyson says indignantly. 'You know, if a guy truly likes you, he wouldn't care on whatever you're wearing on your date,' he says thoughtfully.
"Alyson knows that Adam is giving her an advice, but she gets angry because he's not even jealous that she's dating another guy. That's when she finally admits to herself that she likes him more than a friend. Love, even. She wants Adam to demand who she's going out with because he's jealous, not because he wants to tease her.
"Out of nowhere, a car rounds the corner to their street and parks his car on Alyson's driveway. Clay gets out of the car and makes his way towards them, wearing a smile on his face. Adam crosses his arms over his chest and raises his eyebrows at Alyson. She ignores him and greets Clay instead. She introduces him to her mom. Her mom looks excited and eager to get to know the guy dating her daughter. She says, 'What a find young man you are!' Clay blushes on cue, while Adam mutters something under his breath.
"This is entertaining," Daniel says; his mouth is tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"I'm glad you like it," I say honestly.
He smiles at me, his eyes glittering in delight, and continues to read the story. "When Clay sees Adam, he says, 'Hello.' Adam just nods at him. Clay asks Alyson if she's ready to go now. She says that she is, and then she says a goodbye to her mom and Adam. Her mom tells them to enjoy the night. Adam looks at Alyson and Clay as they get in the car and drives into the night."
Daniel looks at me and frowns. "How come you always end it in cliffhanger?"
"I don't know," I say, "Perhaps it's because it makes you want to read more."
A smile brightens his face. He closes the notebook and—
My head turns towards the sound. I blink my eyes rapidly to clear my vision. When I can see clearly, I find Mrs. Dorothea standing in front of me.
I gulp and look at Alex for help. He shakes his head and says something quietly.
Unfortunately, my heart is so loud, drumming and hammering in my chest, so I didn't hear him. I swallow the lump in my throat to no avail.
My classmates are all looking at me expectantly.
Uh oh. I'm in big trouble. What did I miss?
I have to make sure not to daydream in class again. Next time.
I hope you like it! :) Just Daniel, and the story within a story.
Annalise is daydreaming in Music class. That means nothing much happened in Literature. . .
The song is Hey Daydreamer by Somedaydream ^.^ Banner by EXTREMEmusiclover
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Thank you <3
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