Bnha meets Ew!!!
A peaceful day on class 1-A....
No villains
No Training
Aizawa is teaching his Students to became a Successful Hero
"Ok to became a REAL Hero you need to prove your heroic and bravely to the people"Aizawa said to his Students
"Ugh....This is boring..."Mina said lower her head to her desk making a thump
"I know your not the only one..."Kaminari said with his One arm on his chin/Jaw
"Ok now that we finish tal-"Aizawa stop talking making them confuse,Then suddenly A Greenish blue violet red Color portal appear on the back making them Look at it
"AH!!! A villain!!"Mineta said
Then Aizawa and his Class activate there quirks...
A guy with a Chocolate Hair and a green hoodie appear on the portal looking around next a Guy look like a Pineapple hair,His eyes are like black void and a blue hoodie
The other is Ginger hair with a Violet hoodie and a Green overcoat this guy is looking on his Purple mirror the last guy who will walk is a light brown with a 2 pointy Horn style hair on his head and a Red hoodie...
The portal close
"Hey!!!Where in another Dimension guys!!!"A guy said with a green hoodie
"Yea yea whatever i just fucking miss my favorite Video on my phone..."A guy said with a Red hoodie
"Hmm...I don't care i just care on my beauty thats all~"A ginger guy
With a Purple and Overcoat said
"Uh...Guys.."A blue hoodie guy
"Hey...Where's my coke??"A green hoodie guy
"Guys?"Blue hoodie guy
"I don't fucking care"Red hoodie guy
"GUYS!!!"A blue hoodie guy said in shouted
"What?!?!"3 of them shouted
"Someone is here look!!!"Blue hoodie guy said pointing at the Class 1-A
"Shut up Commie!!!"Blue hoodie guy
"K-kacchan S-stop it!!"Deku
"Shut up deku!!!"Bakugou
"Hey you too cut it out.."Green hoodie guy
"Fucking fine"Red hoodie guy said with a Huff
"Well Hi Everyone!!! My name is Edd and this is my friends!!!"Edd said pointing at his 3 friends on the back
"H-hi E-edd my name is I-izuku midoriya or just call me deku and this is my Class,Class 1-A that guy who is Argue with your friend name is B-bakugou katsuki but i call him K-kacchan because he's my childhood f-friend"Midoriya said with a smile
"Hi midoriya!! This guy with a blue hoodie name Tom and this guy with a Purple hood and Green overcoat is name Matt and the last is with a red hoodie is Tord"Edd said introducing his friends
"Hi bro your manly the names Kirishima"Kirishima
"Yea yea you guys pop out of nowhere!!The names Kaminari"
"My name is Tenya Iida i'm the class president Nice to meet you!"Iida said making a 90 digree bow
"You guys are cool my name is uraraka lets be friends"
"The fuck??"Tord said looking at the grape shit watching on his phone with a sexual video
"Who's that??"Tord
"That Grape shit is Mineta he's a pervert the names Jirio by the way"
*Tord then began look around he then found every Girl in the classroom with big chest and he's nose began to bleed*
"My dream hentai come true"Tord said dreamly with a Bloodynose
"Oi Commie Stop that!!"Tom
"Hey you mineta guy!"Tord said grabing the boy's attention
"Wanna watch hentai together?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"Sure~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"Wtf?!"Tom said with a Smirnoff on his hand
"Hey you no Alcohol on school that is not very heroic and Your not an adult to use it!!!"Iida said making a robotic hand chop
"Whatever 4 eyes.."Tom said Drinking his Drink
" >:0 " Iida
"Hey you four where did you come fron?!!"Aizawa
"Oh hello sir were uh were in the other dimension!!My friend here find a Blackish blue mirror on the attic of our house and Decide to Take a look of it and he call us to look at it before we got the mirror out of his hand and sucked me and my friends and the girl that had 2 pig tails and she's blond with a dark purple hood she introduced herself to us..."Edd said while looking back forward on his friends and the class
"I see well how can you guys get home or something? Ugh I'm too tired for this I'm gonna sleep you students do something while I sleep forget what I'm teaching today and Help this 4 plain looking hoodie guys..."Mr.Aizawa said taking his sleeping bag and putting his self and began too sleep
"Is he usually like this?"Edd ask Deku
"Yea he is but don't judge by his attitude he is good at fighting villains"Deku said pointing at the sleeping teacher
"Ok cut the fucking conversation and let this Fuckers go home or I'LL SEND THEM TO SUN!!!"Bakugou said making a explosion
"Yea and no Thanks I'LL rather be at the hentai world than being at the fucking hothead"Tord
"Someone said Demon?"Tokoyami
"Not now tokoyami there fighting
And i don't wanna go if i were you..."Shoji said
"Ok? Ok! Back to the oiji board"Tokoyami
"Pls koda"Shook
" (ù3ú)👌👌"Koda
"Thank you"Shoji
"I'M SPARKLEY!!!"Aoyama
"Lol wanna eat?"Sato
"Sure moi~"Aoyama
"Well that was weird"Edd said sweat dropping
"I know"Tom
"Hey you with a magnificent sparkle!!!"Matt
"Yes? Moi~"
"Your beutiful~ but not as me I'm more handsome"matt
"Why thank you~"Aoyama
"Wanna talk handsome?~"Aoyama
"Sure magnificent sparkle"
"Hey doubled hair"Tom
"Your cool"
"No prob"
"Why do you have black eyes?"
"Well why do you have a scar on your right side?"
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Then why do you wanna know my eyes too?"
"Well thats fair...Fine I got it on my mom's accident and pore a boiling water on my right eye because of my stupid trashbag father"
"Well sure your father is a asshole... ok my turn I got my eyes on my mother..."
"How did your mother had black eyes?"
"She's a bowling ball and my father is a pineapple"
"How Can a object had s*x on each others?!?"
"I dunno my blood taste like and smell like Pineapple"
"...Your cool"
"We should talk more often"
"Yea we should"
"How does this world do?"Edd
"Well this world had a Powers called quirks and 10% of people doesn't have it"Deku
"Well thats sucked but cool i always wanna have powers but my power had gone"edd
"Yea but thats cool"Edd
While the others is talking on the 4 hoodie guys the portal is back and waiting the 4 guys to comeback
"Well this is a good bye" edd
"Yea we will miss you"deku
"Not all"Bakugou
"Shut up!!"Tord
"Fuck you!!"Bakugou
"Hey mineta! Don't forgot what i send to you!! ;) "Tord
"Yea thanks for the gifts"Mineta
"Goodbye handsome sparkle~"Matt
"Goodbye moi~I hope we will see each other again!!"Aoyama
"Bye Shouto...See you when we talk i guess"Tom
"Yea bye"Todoroki
And that the 4 boys got home safe
Lol bye...
(>3<)/ -☆☆☆☆☆ Sparkles
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