Prologue: Tragedy strikes but a new life begins
(No POV)
Our story begins in a house where we see baby Y/N playing with a black cat named Yua.
Yua was such a wonderful cat but only to baby Y/N. To everyone else, while she wasn't aggressive she was however cold to everyone both family and stranger, not listening to their snapping fingers the first time, only bothering them for food or when Y/N is making a fuss, and hissing at them when they get to close to Y/N or taking him away. The parents have no clue why she does this but got use to it, but today was not a normal day for all parties involved. You see, Y/N's parents are scientists and was given a task from the government to experiment with human and animal DNA to create genetically engineered half-breeds of living beings to serve as subjects for project 'Demi', whatever that is. While the two were playing with a ball, mom took baby Y/N for feeding but when she got close to grabbing him.
* Angrily Meows*
*Hissing instantly*
But she got him without being scratched for once as it had happen multiple times that she lost count.
Mom- oh come on Yua, you know I have to feed him and besides what can you do? Don't worry, I won't be long and I'll let you two go back to your fun.
*Low growl*
Mom- Then I'll take that as a sign of "ok".
Baby Y/N was wiggling around in her arms while pointing at Yua and happily babbling.
Mom- *chuckle* Don't worry honey, you'll be back for your little playdate as soon as you eat~.
Y/N- *Laughing* *blowing soft raspberry*.
Yua let out a soft meow in Y/N's direction and went to her bed under his crib. She already misses him and even though she is a cat, it seems that she has one wish and that wish is to care for Y/N and love him like her own offspring. Well, that was about to change and not in the way Yua expects.
(Mom's POV)
(A/N note- I decided not to give them names or pictures cause you know...they won't be a part of the book for very long, so sorry but not really.)
I was taking Y/N to the kitchen to give him his bottle of milk as it was lunch time for him. As I was warming up his bottle, my husband entered the house with his lab coat on.
Mom- Honey, why are you in your lab coat, did something come up?
Husband- Actually yes, today is the day.
Mom- Wait? don't mean the experiment right?
Husband- Yes, it is today is the day that we try out our first test in the project. They expect early reports and initial results by early tomorrow morning.
*beep beep*
Mom- hold on a sec hun, I need to feed Y/N.
I opened the microwave and gave Y/N his bottle, as he was drinking his milk, I was more focused now on the what he's saying.
Mom- Well shoot, I guess it cant be helped, ok we'll get started as soon Y/N is done and I'll put him to sleep.
Husband- Sounds good.
I walked back to his room and placed him in his crib with Yua watching me with those cold eyes again.
Mom- Sorry Yua, but I have to cancel your playtime with him short as now I have to work now. you'll play with him later when he wakes up from his nap.
*Angered Meow*
Mom- Sorry.
As I was about to walk away, my husband came in.
Husband- Sorry about this hun, but we need to get started on the project. Now, we need our first test subject for this.
Mom- Who is it?
Husband- Glad you asked.
I never noticed that he had something hiding behind his back and when he revealed, he had a Leash and a small cage.
Mom- Wait?...You mean Yua is going to be our first test subject?
Husband- Of course, she is the only pet we have and we don't have enough time to buy a new cat just for this. Besides, if the test unfortunately fails, then we can buy a new black cat, Y/N wouldn't know the difference anyway.
I really wasn't happy with him because if the test were to fail, Yua would die and I know that she is just a cat but its still a living being nevertheless. Also, the fact that he is saying this like this is nothing really makes me question why we were assigned this in the first place. But, as much as I have a bad feeling about this, we need to do this.
Mom- *sigh* well, I guess your right but I feel something is off about this.
Husband- Oh honey, your just...a little nervous, I don't know what will happen with this experiment but if we don't do this, the government will never let this go and will come after us for betrayal.
Mom- I know, lets just get it done. By the way, I hope you are prepared to take Yua down to the laboratory in the basement. Remember the last time we put Yua in a cage, she scratched your cheek really bad when you took her out from Y/N's crib.
Husband- I know, but that was only because I wasn't prepared for that at all, I mean I know she doesn't like us but wow she was very angry that day.
Mom- *chuckle* ok ok, now get her in and I'll meet you in the laboratory ok?
As I walked over to the lab, I already heard hissing and intense meowing, then i heard the cage rattle. I knew then he caught her and was heading over to the lab.
(No POV)
After getting Yua in the cage although not without a fight, the husband went to the lab and put Yua in a huge two-side machine whose purpose is to transfer DNA in the hosts body and then the machine would recalculate the strands and by theory, there should be a mutation in the hosts body that would give them enhanced abilities and traits.
(A/N- Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, im not a science guy by any means and I don't know how DNA works that much. So please bear with this one, sorry 😓)
Husband- Ok, now honey could you give me the syringes so I can get both Yua's and your blood?
Mom- Sure thing but be careful with Yua. She might get your face really bad again.
Husband- Don't worry, I have the right tools for that.
Mom- Alright then, well I'll get those syringes for you.
The mom went to one of the drawers and got a small box of syringes and grabbed two.
Husband- Thank you.
Mom- Now, take this one for Yua and I'll do this myself.
Husband- Alright.
As she was getting her blood drawn, he went to the side door of the machine and as soon as Yua saw the shiny tip of the needle, she instantly went hostile.
*Angry Meows*
*venom hissing*
Husband- Now now Yua, I have to get blood drawn. Its only going to sting for a little bit and then its gone.
But before he took his face and arm inside, he got out his 'tools' from earlier.
Husband- Now then, let's get this over with.
He opened the door and Yua was not letting him get that needle near her.
*Angry hissing*
Husband- Oh come on! Just....almost there. Yua! Hey!
After 10 minutes of playing the wait-and-strike game, he finally got the blood. And it only ended in his shield mask with multiple scratches.
*Low growling*
Husband- Honey, I got Yua's blood and let me tell you, that was a lot harder than it needed to be.
Mom- Well you know Yua never let's us do anything near her without a fight. But hey, at least you have her blood. I got mine you go, now put our blood in the test tubes.
Husband- Ok.
He took the blood filled syringes and inserted the blood inside the mechanical tubes of the machine, and then he got on the computer and began to run the software to begin their first test.
Husband- Ok now....its time for you to get inside the other half and we'll get started.
Mom- ok, man I still have this feeling that something horribly wrong is going to happen.
Husband- Well, we cant turn back now, I already got the computer hot and ready and Yua is starting to get hasty inside and is scratching the glass, so we have to start this already.
Mom- Ok ok, *sigh* I'm going inside.
She got inside the machine and Yua was still fighting to get out but then a sudden low hum begin to emit.
Husband- Ok, the machine is now active and the electrical arms has the syringes and you'll be getting Yua's blood and Yua will get your blood in your bodies. Hold still now....
The electrical arms pinched both of them the blood was now inside their bodies. Now, the next step start the 'switching' process of the test.
Husband- Ok Ok, yes yes!
Mom- what happened, what does the monitor show?
Husband- The blood is successful went into both of your bloodstreams and now the strands is starting to change in colors and in motion.
Mom- T-that's good! How long should wait until we begin stage three?
Husband- Not long we sh- WHAT THE?!?!
*Caution! Blood transfusion levels are at a mid-risk level!*
Mom- What!!? What's happening?!
Husband- uh, I-it seems that the blood levels is rapidly going higher and higher that the machine is already starting the mutation process but I haven't prepped both you and Yua with protection. I just need t-
*Caution! Mutation process is at danger levels! *Glitching* P-p-p-p w-tih- cationnnnn....
*Agony Meowing*
Yua- Meowwwwwwww!!!!
Husband- OH MY GOD, AHHHHH!!
*Electrical Boom*
Everything went one minute their was screaming and cries of suffering then....just silence. Baby Y/N parents did not....survive the accident. Their bodies were fried from the massive shock, and in their last moments were met in the most saddest and unusual way imaginable....but at least it was fast. So....if they didn't survive, what about Yua? *cluttering noises* Then suddenly, a figure rose from the smoke and broken parts of the machine and.....
(???? POV)
*Groaning* I don't know what kind of pain I feel but its not from the damn syringe he inserted on my stomach. I-i-i wait.......where are my paws? I looked down.....why is all my fur gone? I was very scared and was trying to figure out what happened to me, I was about to walk but what seems like instincts, I stood up with the two legs I have now for some strange reason, not on my fours. I tried to find something to see myself, I found a mirror that wasn't broken on the wall, and what I saw was.....shocking to me.
I was.....HUMAN! I didn't understand how, all I remember was that I was in some kind of giant machine that the human parents put me in, had that needle drew my blood, had new blood inside me and some loud humming and screaming and then everything went black for me after I experienced a lot of horrible pain. Now....I see myself like that female human, my ears, tail and my eyes are still here which is nice but now I look like them, can think like them, basically I can do anything that humans could that I couldn't do before. But, from the corner of my eye I saw something shiny behind me, I walked to it picked it up and saw a collar with a bell and a engraving that said
Yua L/N
If lost, please return to this address: 3500 forest hurst dr.
Phone #: 857-984-0923
Cash reward if returned
It said the name Yua... that figure I saw was me, Yua but now in a human body . But just when I was processing this, I heard crying which came from upstairs. I ran following the sound with precise speed and the crying got louder and louder and I remember whose cries is that.
Yua mind- Oh my god, Y/n! Hold on!
I got to his door and he was in his crib, moving all around and with his face red and eyes covered in tears and snot. I quickly picked him up and comforted him...
*shhhh* *shhhhhh*~.
I was rocking him gently and bouncing him very calmly it took a while but Y/N slowly stopped crying.
Yua- There, there Y/N~ Its ok its ok~
Y/N- *Whimpering* *Sniffling*
I sat on one of those moving chairs I saw the female parent would use to put Y/N to sleep and while I was comforting Y/N, i was thinking very hard miscellaneous stuff.
Yua's mind- All of my time spent here was nothing but a bore, just watching the human parents do their work or whatever they did. But when Y/N was brought here that very night, my motherly instincts kicked in right there and then and I viewed him like he was my own kitten. I would actually took the time to play with him when they were too busy to play with him, being down at that damn lab a lot, lots of bugs and other pests got in his room and I protected him from all those threats and when he was about to cry for any reason, I jumped inside his crib and laid down next to him while he was touching my fur and tail slightly rough but....I actually didn't mind that. Normally, anyone that even was close to touching me I would get extremely hostile and I would get my claws out to scratch them but with Y/N I tolerated it very much so because he is just the cutest thing ever.
But now that the human parents are dead, no one here is able to take care of him......but here~. Yes, thats it I will be his mommy now. Now that I have a human body, I can take care of him in ways I couldn't before. But I admit I don't know much about how the humans do things like cook, work or even behave but I will figure it all out if it means that I can have Y/N now.
Yua- Hey Y/N~ How about we get away from here now?~ Your parents 'left' you alone and I was very angry with them but...their gone now and now you were all alone~. But don't worry your safe now because i'm Yua your new mommy. I promise to take care of you, protect you and 'take care' of anyone who dares hurts in anyway shape or form~.
I was purring like crazy because of our new life together.
Y/N- *Giggling* *blowing soft raspberry*
Yua- Then I have my answer~.
That settled it then. I began to gather supplies from his room like toys, powder milk, lots of his clothing, diapers, and many of his other stuff all packed in a big suitcase. Then, I went to the human parents room and got some of the female human clothing, took a big black suitcase and stuffed the clothes in along with blankets, towels and took money from their money case since I know for a fact that humans uses this paper to acquire items. Once all that was done, I got something that would make carrying Y/N much easier.
I went downstairs and placed Y/N in the stroller, it took me sometime to figure out how to buckle him in.
Yua- Ahh there we go. Now my little kitten, are we ready to leave~?
He looked at me with his big cute eyes and gave me a big smile.
Yua- Then, let's go to our future together Y/N~.
I went out the front door exiting the house, but I took one last look at his 'old' house and had a big smile on my face.
Yua mind- Farewell, human parents even though I hated you guys everyday you were here, I have to thank you both for bringing my human kitten into this world. It's such a shame that you are dead but don't worry....your "son" is in good hands with me, his real mommy~. Bye bye~ You kitten neglecting bastards~.
(No POV)
As Yua strolls Y/N out of the house, Yua already has a plan on where they should go and what to do about it is in place. Yua was presented with the chance to take Y/N and raise him like her own kitten and she took it faster than a passing bullet. Now that Y/N is being taken care of by his former pet now mother Yua, this is where a new chapter in their new life begins.
Y/N- *babbling* *soft raspberry*
Yua- *Giggle* oh Y/N....I love you too my kitten~.
(END....For now)
Annnnnnd thats a wrap for the prologue of my new book My human kitten~ book folks. I know that you guys must have waited for a long while now and I apologize for that but now here it is. Also, if you find this all over the place then im sorry too as I tried to create Yua's origin to human form and many other things, but I promise that it won't always be like that. Anyway, i do hope you enjoyed this book and do you want me to continue this? Well, folks, thats all from me today and until then...
this is adventurefan2020 and I will see you in the next chapter of my human kitten and our little darling...
See ya later! ✌️.......
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