Chapter 7- Cat vs Wolf (Part II)
(Y/N's POV)
Lily and I were watching the movie The Lorax and she even had some chocolate with her so we had some snacks to eat with before lunch. We kept watching till we heard the door open and mommy came inside the computer lab and she looked happy to see me as I was too. I got off from Lilys lap and went to mommy.
Y/N- Hey Mommy!
Mommy- Why hi, my kitten.~
She picked me up and was rubbling herself all over me and was purring really loud making me really embarrassed but it tickles too.
Then mommy stopped purring and looked at Lily with not a happy face and Lily looked unhappy too. I didn't know what to do.
Y/N- Mommy..Lily? Are you ok?
Mommy- Oh mommy is fine Y/N, I was just thinking of something that happened today at work.
Lily- Well, I would love to get to know you better and I know I never got to know your name. So wha-
Mommy- Yua.
I think mommy is really having a bad day, she just said her name with anger in her voice and I didn't want to say anything to make it worse.
Lily- Ah, look at the time, I do believe its time for lunch time. Shall we?
Lily clicked on the computer probably to shut it off then got out of her seat and walked to us then we head over to the cafeteria. But something was bothering me still....
Y/N's mind- Why is mommy and Lily acting like this to each other?
(Minor Timeskip)
(Lily's POV)
We went inside the cafeteria with Yua and Y/N but the walk there was frustrating as hell as Yua held on to him the whole time and wouldn't let me see or even get close to him as she just would just move him to the other side. She also is keep giving me glares and her tail was puffing up, well I know for a fact that this making me feel angry with her too as I want to hold my pup next but she isn't letting me. Well, I have a new idea to go with instead. We went to a pretty empty table and Yua sat him down.
Yua- Ok sweetie, mommy is going to get your favorite lunch ok?
Y/N- OK mommy.
Yua- Good and can come with me too.
I went along with her to get a chance to speak to her face to face now without Y/N seeing us. We got in line and she didn't even wait one minute to start confronting.
Yua- the fuck did you know that he goes to this school? And how did you get in here? I bet you are not even a real elementary school teacher are you?
Lily- Correct, you see I did all this to see Y/N and your not even letting me spend good time with him. And to answer your questions, I am actually a college professor in downtown but after the regular substitute got 'sick' I figured that I would fill in.
Yua- Well, you wasted your time here bitch. I. don't. share. my. kitten.
Lily- Aww come on, surely their must be a way to convince you otherwise. And besides, Y/N already takes a liking to me and if I were to disappear or get hurt and Y/N finds out it was you that caused it your kitten would never forgive you.
Yua- And how would you do that?
Lily- Not telling you, just know that I have my ways.
We didn't say anything to each other and got the food then went back to the table. Yua sat the trays down and Yua was feeding him while giving me a smirk. Oh she wants to play like that huh?
Lily-Hey Y/N, look what I got you.~
Y/N then changed his focus from Yua to me now and he waiting for a taste of the pudding.
Lily- Here Y/N, say ahh.~
Y/N- Ahhhh...
I put the first spoonful in his mouth and he was enjoying it so much. Yua on the other hand was not happy with this but the way things are going so far, I think messing with her a bit should send her a message.
Oh now she is beyond mad now. But I kept feeding him the pudding till it was empty. Now, time to get out the next treat.
Lily- How was the pudding little pup?~
Y/N- It tasted great! Thanks Lily.
Lily- Your welcome Y/N but thats not the only thing I have for you.~
I got out my next treat for him.
Lily- Again say ahh Y/N.~
Y/N- Ahh...
I fed him the first cookie but then Yua all of a sudden smacked the snack pack out of my hands and was hissing at me.
Her tail and ears were moving around all hostile and I felt my ears and tail doing the same thing.
*Both growling*
Me and Yua just stood there waiting for one of us to do something. But then a teacher walked to us looking a bit scared.
Teacher- You two, p-please settle d-down?
We both looked at him and he backed away from us to not feel our wrath. I took a deep breath and settle down then went to clean up the mess.
Y/N- Mommy, why did you do that?
Yua- Oh im sorry kitten, mommy....just saw a fly on the side of the package and wanted to get it before it infected the cookies. Yeah, thats all sweetie.
Y/N- But the cookies are in the floor now.
Yua- Aww, again i'm sorry kitten. say, how about when we get home I can make us some homemade cookies instead.
Y/N- *Gasp* Oh cool!
Nows my chance.
Lily- Say, how about I come over to eat some cookies with you guys? I would love to play with you some more Y/N and I can talk to your mommy some more while you play, how's that sound?
Y/N- Thats a great idea Lily, mommy can she?
She didn't answer right away but I can tell she wanted to say no so bad but he gave her the old fashioned puppy eyes. You go Y/N.
Yua- *Deep sighing* Ok...she can come too.
Perfect, now I have a chance to make this work. I just need to make her see that Y/N would want to have a second mom in the house and i'm the perfect one to do so.~
(Yua's POV)
This fucking bitch! How dare she uses my kitten against me and now is going to our home where she will put her dirt hands all over him and have his attention on her instead of me, his mommy!!
Y/N- I cant wait till Lily comes over mommy. I wonder if she likes playing the kinds of games we like to play.
Yua- Im. Sure. She. Does. Kitten.
I really wasn't in the mood to talk about her more than I should but Y/N is keep doing so and is making me very angry. But not to him, but to the bitch wolf herself I would never be angry at my Y/N at all. Thats not a mother wouldn't do at all but a mother would most definitely eliminate any threats that she believes is one to her home and children and thats what is gonna happen when lily gets here.
Yua's mind- Tonight Lily, your gonna die a horrible death and this is to show you what happens when you never listen to a mommy's warning to stay away.
We got back home and Y/N ran to his room to take off his school stuff and clothes and put some home clothes. I took off mine leaving me naked and went to the kitchen to make some cookies for all of us but Lilys is gonna have a "special ingredient" added to her batch. I opened up the cabinets and pulled out some pills to grind them to powder then mixed them in the separate batter. Then once I put them in the oven, my kitten was in the living room watching some TV and you know what I wont even make him do his homework tonight. Because my kitten here is gonna play a huge part in messing with Lily before she dies. Im gonna show her what makes me the perfect mommy and how she will never get to have him.
My kitten is the only human who makes my life worth living for......and you wont ever get to have that Lily.
(No POV)
Lily arrived at Yua's house and admired the view before she made her way to the front door. But before she rang the door bell, she checked her purse to make sure she has what she needed.
This was for in case Yua stills continues to be stubborn and refuse to share Y/N. If decided or if all hell breaks loose, she will use it on Yua and take her pup for herself.
Lilys mind- I hope you really don't make this harder on yourself Yua because it could lead to trouble where you could never get out of for the rest of your life.
How will this play out and who would ultimately win? Only circumstances can tell.
(End...For now)
Ok folks the second part of the cat vs.wolf arc and next chapter will be the last part of the arc. Tune in next chapter to see what is going to happen and who will be the winner of this yandere vs. yandere battle.
One quick things you guys, i'm been thinking lately to just close off requests on my yandere worker oneshot book and put all requests on hold and published either the yandere mafia book or the Alternative universe yandere high school DXD book next. But I want to hear yall's opinion on this, do you want me to do this or what? I'll be open to anything you guys say if this is it or not.
Anyhoo, till then this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.
See ya'll later!👋........
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