"Take my hand, I'll guide you back home."
Louis was torn between crying or staying strong for Harry but it was horribly depressing to watch as Harry leaned back in his seat, hands covering his face.
"Let's just go inside," Harry whispered before climbing out of the vehicle. Louis followed him out and he linked their hands together before climbing a pair of stone steps.
"Haven't been here in years," Harry mumbled as he pulled out his keys, jabbing a black key into the slot and opening the door. Louis coughed immediately as they stepped on the rug and a layer of dust flew thickly into the air around them.
Harry shut the door with his heel and guided the two inside and through the old house, Harry's eyes examining the framed photos on the wall, walking past two doors until he reached one with a caution sign tacked to it, entering his typical teenage bedroom.
Broken glass littered the floor and balled up scraped of paper were on the bed. To Louis's horror, a few blades were haphazardly set on the bedside table and it hurt him to think about how Harry used to harm himself so often.
Harry coughed awkwardly before letting go of Louis's hand and walking over to the bedpost, where he fiddled around for a second before grabbing something in his hand and walking straight past the older lad.
"Let's leave," he replied and Louis nodded obediently, following him out to the door. They got into Harry's car and he drove them away from his old house, now locked back up for another many years, possibly forever.
Cheshire was a cute little town and Louis liked watching the lights as they drove past, the grass frosted over and snow lightly falling as it became the winter season.
They drove onto a dirt road and went down until they entered a small cemetery, where Harry climbed out and made it around to open his boyfriend's door. He held the smaller man's hand and led them down to two small graves, eyeing the three headstones with a sad look in his eyes.
"Are you alright?" Louis asked sadly, rubbing his thumb over Harry's hand.
"I am."
"This must be your dad," Louis whispered, eyeing the third headstone with a man's name printed into it. Louis wanted to read all of the headstones here and comfort Harry, but his eyes were watered over, making it difficult to see.
"That is my father," Harry replied, pulling himself to sit down a few feet in front of the graves. Louis followed him down, Harry pulling him into his lap and they sat like that, Louis trying not to cry too hard but finding it difficult.
"Why are you crying?" Harry finally asked.
"It's just so sad," Louis sobbed out. "I... I feel so selfish because my parents are here and alive but I fucked up and they hate me-"
"It's not like you chose to be gay," Harry argued. "I chose to fuck around and be a pathetic excuse for a son and a brother. I should've been there-"
"Your stepfather should've been there," Louis snapped. "You were mourning over your father's death still. It was hard for you and I'm sure for your sister and your mum as well. They loved him just like you did."
Harry nodded, burying his face in Louis's neck as tears fell, making Louis cry harder. Harry was so, so strong in Louis's opinion. He'd been through so much and held back how hurt and upset and maybe even how terrified he was of being alone.
It was all about how alone he'd end up being, Louis realized. Harry had slept with his close friends because he'd be able to talk to them as well as distract himself and that was a perfect duo.
"I won't leave you," Louis promised, holding tightly onto Harry. "I'll never leave you."
"Sometimes," Harry replied, "We don't have a choice."
And they stayed silent, besides the occasional sobs, for around an hour, sitting in front of Harry's passed family.
They weren't really okay.
They laid on the hotel bed, snuggle close together and watching American Horror Story, ignoring the pounding rain and the ringing phones.
They didn't really want to hear anything from the club or the cops or Niall, who were continuously calling and they couldn't hear the voicemails over the muffled sound due to the clothe stacks atop the phones.
Harry was stroking his hand through Louis's hair and Louis was laying on Harry's chest, listening to the slow pounding of his boyfriend's heart.
"Do you love me?" Louis asked after a few minutes, feeling relief as the question finally left his lips. "Do you... Do you really, truly love me?"
"Louis," Harry spoke quietly, pulling Louis until the small lad was straddling his lap. "Yes, I love you. I love you more than I've loved anyone, if I'm honest. You're here whenever is need you or I feel down. Your love for me overwhelms the disappointment of my mistakes and I could never be more thankful for that. Why would you ask such a question?"
"That day that Avery and I talked... Well, he talked about you two fucking and I was trying to be on his side, get him to calm down... And I wondered if you really did love me or you just used me so you had someone to love you."
Harry blinked, smiling sadly, sitting up, and reaching to cup Louis's face in his hands. "Baby... I would never, ever lie to you. I've don't it before and it's an awful feeling to have because I truly do love you so, so much that it hurts me to know that you're questioning it."
Louis smiled, nuzzling into Harry's clothed chest, pulling away and furrowing his brows and the odd feeling. Harry smiled sheepishly pulled off his shirt, revealing a long, dangling leather-string necklace, a wooden cross at the end.
"Where'd you get that?" Louis asked, fingers dipping around the necklace. "Thought you weren't religious?"
"M'not," Harry muttered. "My dad was. It was his. We were going to bury him with it but my mum insisted I keep it so I did. I left it back home when I moved away and never wanted to go back, but I figured I should grab it while in town."
"It looks good on you," Louis whispered, looking up and pressing his lips to Harry's.
Harry's eyes twinkled in what Louis just knew was happiness and that made his heart pound quicker in hai chest.
"I love you, goofball."
"I love you, princess."
It was going good again. Smooth, well, dandy as the night grew on and Louis went to shower while Harry cleaned up their mess, using spare hotel sheets to get rid of Louis's cum.
Louis was feeling well again, having been eaten out and swallowed enough cum to count as his fucking dinner.
Why, oh, why, did something always have to get in the way?
"Louis, holy- Louis!"
Louis dropped the body wash bottle and it fell on the end of his toes, making him cry out in shock and pain.
"Damn it," he cursed as he snatched back the curtains to see Harry, phone clutched in his hands. "What is it?"
"They- oh- they found... Louis!" Harry was breathing harshly, clutching the phone tighter until he suddenly dropped it, leaning against the counter and closing his eyes as a rush of anxiety seemed to dip through him. Louis cut of the hotel's shower and stepped out, dripping wet, moving to rub Harry's back, getting his shirt soaked.
"Harry? What's going on?"
"Ed-" Harry choked on a sob. "Not again, not again," he mumbled frantically clutching his hair, "Please, not again."
"Harry, what's going on?" Louis asked, trying to calm Harry down. "Breathe, tell me, love."
"I-" Harry sobbed again, falling to his knees and Louis was so confused and so naked and just so out of context. He wrapped a towel around his cold, bare body and fell down beside Harry, taking his hands.
"This is my phone," Louis said suddenly, reaching out to grab the dropped, now-shattered phone. "Why did you-"
"Niall called and you were showering so I answered," Harry explained. "He-he panicked and said he needed you and he was crying and- Ed- Ed was shot, Louis, he's in the hospital and- and Niall said there's no hope for him."
QOTC: How are you guys with all the drama? Feeling okay? What do you think will happen with Ed? What do you think did happen to Ed?
Hope you guys are all fine. I love you all and I'm sorry for lack of updates on my stories the last few days (if you read any others) but I've been doing a science fair project and loving on my beautiful girl (:
Larry_smilinson I love you I love you I love you
Dedicated to cuteh-harreh for messaging me with very nice things. (: She's very amazing. I love you, dear, thank you. xx
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