"Work for my forgiveness like you work the pole for that cash."
{Direct continuation from last chapter.}
Harry kept walking, ignoring the pleases of the boy behind him, continuing his walk to the door.
"Harry Styles, you better fucking listen to me!"
"Or what!?" Harry growled, suddenly standing root still, resulting in Louis running into him. The older boy fell to the ground and looked up as Harry towered over him.
It was a lot like Déjà Vu and it fucked with Harry's facade of being angry.
Harry wasn't angry.
Harry was hurt.
"Oops," Harry whispered, watching as Louis's facial features changed from frustrated to sad in a matter of seconds.
Louis gulped, obviously struggling with his words, before he whispered back, "I'm not saying goodbye this time."
Harry stared at Louis and Louis stared right back. It was dead silence. Harry let out a shaky breath before holding out a hand, helping Louis to his feet.
"Thanks," Louis said quietly, staring at their linked hands. Harry didn't let go.
"You helped me to my feet. I should help you to yours as well," Harry responded.
Louis nodded, gripping Harry's larger hand. Harry wasn't sure what Louis wanted, but it was obviously Louis's way of asking Harry to stay.
But what would happen if Harry stayed? They would continue to fuck around with each other, obviously, because Harry was wrong. Louis didn't love him back.
"I should go," Harry said, letting go of Louis's hand. The smaller man whimpered, stepping forward as Harry backed up.
"Please. Harry, please don't leave me," Louis begged.
"What do you want from me!? I gave you everything I could, Louis. You knew how fragile I was and how I trusted you- why would I leave you right after spilling my heart out? Why?" Harry asked, his deep voice shaky.
Honestly, Harry wanted to cry. He wanted to scream, beg, cry because he was so lost and he was never lost.
"I need time. I need to be away from you, Louis. I can't take it anymore."
Louis whimpered again. Harry couldn't help but reach out, but he retracted his hand quickly and Louis let out a sob.
"Louis. No."
Harry backed up and away from Louis before leaving.
The days were going by as quick as ever and Harry was thankful for that.
Time was ticking by and they were very close to opening the new club. It's only been two weeks since auditions and they've hired everyone they needed, plus the building was quickly renovated into a club.
The only problem was the first dance of opening night.
It was agreed that Harry and Louis, as the faces of the club, would share the stage for the first dance.
They've worked on the dance, of course.
It always ended with Louis in tears and Harry holding himself back from kissing Louis to happiness.
Harry was only teasing himself.
How can I be the source of anyone's happiness? I can't even keep myself happy.
Harry knew that the first step was to make himself better. He would start by dancing again.
Harry was a stripper. But Harry was good at being a stripper. He belonged in a strip club. He belonged somewhere where he could he demanding and in charge of the crowd.
Seven days before opening and Harry was hanging up the completed flyers.
Four days before opening and Harry was buying professional makeup to his his scars.
Two days before opening and Harry was having nightmares of him falling off the stage.
One day before opening and Harry was drinking himself unconscious.
The day of opening came and Harry was to be at the club early to practice his and Louis's dance.
He was so fucking nervous.
Harry wasn't ever nervous, but he sure as hell was now.
Harry and Louis didn't exchange words. Ed was always there, guiding and directing, complimenting Louis for his high kicks and Harry for his swift movements.
At six in the evening, Daddy's Playhouse was open for business. Harry watched as Louis came up beside him, not saying a word, just staring at the closed curtains, blinking away what Harry presumed to be forming tears.
"Good luck," Harry whispered right before Ed's voice came from the other side of the curtain, welcoming everyone to the club and introducing Harry and Louis for the first dance.
The curtains opened and the two walked onto the stage. It was all dark, but the two knew where they were going.
Harry stood right behind Louis as the music started. There was the intro before the spotlight was on the pair.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Harry used his left hand to move around Louis before the second part of the intro started with Louis moving his thick hips in a circle, head tilted back onto Harry's shoulder.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
At the 'Hey!' Louis and Harry separated, Harry on the left Louis on the right, three feet away from one another.
Walk out the house with my swagger
Hop in the whip yo I got places to go
Harry was at the pole on the side of the stage the same time as Louis, both wrapped tightly around it. Louis's leg was up while Harry's arm was up, and their movements were distracting the crowd from seeing someone please the chair in the middle of the stage.
People to see, time is precious
I look at my Cartier, out of control
Harry was off the pole and in the chair in seconds, just on time for Louis to kick his leg up, revealing turquoise panties under his short, black skirt.
Just like my mind where I'm going
No women, no shorties, no nothing my clothes
Louis was suddenly behind Harry's chair, unbuttoning the younger's crisp white shirt with swift fingers.
No stomping on my Perreli's on froze
Unlike my jewelry that's always on cold
At 'jewelry', Harry shirt was off and at 'cold', Louis was I Harry's lap, facing the crowd.
I know the storm is coming
My pockets keep telling me its gonna- Louis spread his legs over Harry's- shower
Call up my homies it's on and poppin' tonight cause it's meant to be- Harry's hands slapped Louis's thighs- ours
We keep a fade away shot cause we balling this platinum Patron every hour
Louis was grinding against Harry, unbuttoning his own black, leather vest, revealing his pretty chest and offering a coy wink to the crowd.
Look momma I owe you just like the flowers
Girl you the truth with all that goody sour
At the 'GO!', Louis and Harry were both up and back to the poles, ignoring the screams of the crowd in order to focus on the dance.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Harry was down an around the pole, stopping at the sound of the woman's singing in order to let Louis copy Harry's movements, but with more attitude.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go- Louis dropped as Harry went back to the chair- down down
From the top of the pole, I watch her go- Louis kicked his leg around the pole- down
She got me throwing my money- Louis was up and strutting towards Harry- around
Ain't nothing more beautiful to be found
It's going down down
From the top of the pole, I watch her go- Louis slithered out of his skirt- down
She got me throwing my money- Louis, who now only had on panties, dropped into Harry's lap again- around
Ain't nothing more beautiful to be found
It's going down down
Another 'Hey!' and Harry grabbed Louis's hips, pushing him up to stand like they were when they first started.
Shorty must know I'm the man
Louis had his hands on his thighs, dipping down.
My money love her like a number one fan
Harry's large hands teased the band of Louis's panties.
Don't open my mouth- Louis covered his mouth with his hand as he dipped down with a leg on Harry's shoulder- let her talk to my fans, my Benjamin Franklin's
A couple of grands, I got rubber bands, my paper planes making her dance- Louis spun to face the crowd, dipping until he was concealed by Harry-
Get dirty on like the spot on my hand
We building castles that made out of sand
She's amazin', her fire blazin', hotter than Cajun, girl won't you move a little closer
Harry worked his hips, moving his hand down his body to unbutton his pants- fly aways. Harry pulled the front, Louis pulled the back, and the pants were gone, revealing tight, black briefs.
Time to get paid, it's maximum wage, that body belong on a poster
And Louis was on Harry's back like in the flyer, fingers tangled in Harry's necklace and leg held in Harry's grip. Louis's lips pressed into Harry's neck and Harry tilted his head back, breathing harshly because Louis was so close.
Focus, Harry.
I'm in a daze, that bottom is waving at me like dammit I told ya
Louis was back around Harry and leaping around the pole.
You want a show like a gun out a holster
Tell me whatever and I'll be ya chauffeur
I'm spending my money (Aye!)
Louis swing around the pole again as Harry dropped into the chair.
I'm out of control! (Aye!)
Harry focused on kicking his own leg up and tilting the chair back.
Somebody help me
She taking my bank roll
But I'm king of the club (Aye!)
Louis's blue eyes set towards Harry's figure as he made his last strut across the stage and place his hands on Harry's shoulders.
And I'm wearing the crown
Poppin' these bottles
Touching these models
Watching they asses go down down
It repeated 'down' and Louis jolted his hips each time, his ass wiggling in the panties.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Louis turned slowly back around, cutting his hips as he went, Harry's hands roaming Louis's chest and back down.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Harry's large hands went to Louis's ass, turning the boy to face him again, looking in his eyes as he squeezed Louis's bum.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Louis climbed fully into Harry's lap, getting ready for the last part.
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down- Louis's legs went to Harry's shoulders as Louis's body fell backwards and he gripped Harry's ankles with his body showing off in the light- down
Cheers erupted through the crowded club, Harry snapping back into reality. Money littered the stage- more money than Harry's ever made in one go; even with more people by his side.
Harry gripped Louis's hands, helping the lad up, and the two disappeared backstage.
Before either could speak, Ed was there, informing them that someone requested Louis in a private room already as he had fifteen minute to be there. Then, Ed left because it was his turn to dance.
Harry and Louis stared at each other before Louis took off towards his dressing room.
Harry followed.
The door closed behind Harry and Louis was pushed onto the couch, Harry's lips molded against Louis's immediately.
The two kissed, long and slow, holding tightly to one another before Harry pulled slowly away, blinking his eyes open to already see Louis's on him.
"Ocean," Louis whispered shakily.
"You don't want me here?" Harry asked softly.
"Ocean is my safe word. I used it before I got to emotional," Louis said with a watery smile. Harry kissed him again, having missed the taste of Louis's sweet lips and the feel of Louis's warm body.
Louis's tiny hands traveled down to Harry's crotch, but the younger pulled away, getting off of Louis and pulling the small man to his feet.
"Not here, Louis. Not now. I... Can I take you out on Friday night? For a real date?"
Louis blushed, smiling shyly at Harry. "I'd love that. I have a private room to get to in a few minutes anyways."
Harry hummed, dipping down and kissing Louis's neck. He nipped into it and Louis hissed as Harry blew cold air over the forming bruise.
"They can't have you like I can," Harry whispered, licking into Louis's mouth before kissing his temple and leaving.
And maybe Harry was wrong again- him and Louis could both be happy.
If I make a three-person relationship story, would anyone read? I have an idea, but I'm not sure if I should do it yet.
If you would read, what three boys would you like together?
Can be any of the following:
1D members, 5SOS members, Ed Sheeran
My thoughts:
I want to do Harry, Louis, and Zayn. (Harry never bottoms, Louis never tops, Zayn is versatile)
Or Louis, Harry, and Ed (Harry never bottoms, Louis never tops, Ed never tops)
Or Zayn, Luke, and Ed (haven't decided on tops and bottoms)
Id really like opinions if you read I'll do more than one if you have any plot ideas but I really want to try writing one with a three-way relationship!
Oaky about the chapter I thought it was okay I'm not happy with the end but I liked the beginning
QOTC: what do you thin Harry has planned for a first date?
PQOTC: have you seen a Pitch Perfect 2?
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