"In order to tell you my secrets, I'd have to trust you to keep them."
The skies were dark and gloomy, seemingly copying Harry's current mood.
He looked around at all of the people, all of his supposed family members who only spared him short "I'm sorry"s before moving on.
It's not like the people who died weren't related to him.
It was only his mother and his sister, after all.
A man in a beige coat and black hat approached him, smiling softly. "Are you Harry Styles?"
Harry merely nodded because he hasn't been able to find words since that one tragic night, merely five days beforehand.
"Hello, Harry. I am Detective Harley Winston. I'd like to speak to you."
Speak to him?
Harry would like to speak to so many people.
He'd like to speak to his mother and sister, who were now gone. He'd like to apologize for what he put him through and how he acted.
He'd like to speak to his step father, who was always I business trips. He could've saved the girls if he would've been at home, where he belongs. Harry would like to tell the man what a fucking screw-up he was for leaving so often.
He wanted to speak to his birth father, who had died years before, when Harry was only seven, in a car accident all because Harry wanted some bloody icecream. He wanted to tell his father he's sorry for being a spoiled brat.
He would kill to talk to the two men go left his house the other night. He'd make them suffer for taking the lives of the two people so dear to Harry.
Those men took everything Harry truly cared for.
So, Harry would not speak to the detective.
Because, sometimes, you couldn't get what you wanted.
Harry woke up to the feeling of someone shaking his shoulder. Harry stared at Louis, blinking his eyes a few times in confusion.
"Are you okay?" Louis whispered, watching as Harry's chest moved quickly, keeping up with his heartbeat.
"I'm fine," Harry mumbled, suddenly getting up from the bed.
"Don't leave me!"
Harry looked at the small lad in surprise. Louis looked so little and so innocent. He was curled up into the blankets, looking up at Harry with frightened eyes, watching him carefully.
"Never," Harry found himself saying, reaching forward to brush his hand over Louis's cheek. "I'm only going to make a call, and I'll stay in here for it, yeah?"
Louis nodded but Harry could imagine what Louis was thinking- who the hell was he calling at half past one in the morning?
"Can I have a kiss?" Louis asked suddenly. Harry couldn't held but press a long kiss to Louis's lips, dipping his tongue in to taste Louis's warm mouth before pulling away and dialing a number on his phone.
Someone answered, but there was only shuffling before the line went dead. Rolling his eyes, Harry called again. And again. And again.
Finally, there was an answer. "Harry, I'm getting fucked right now! Call me tomorrow."
And the line was dead again.
Harry grunted. Usually, he'd be mad that Ed was sleeping with someone else, but he hadn't paid hardly any attention to the ginger lately. Sure, they're still sleeping together, but Harry's not as into it and thinks Ed can tell.
Harry isn't mad at that. No, he's mad that he had to screw everything up with his nightmares, keeping Louis up late, having to remember shit like that.
With a frustrated scream, Harry lunged his cell phone across the room, where it hit the wall and clattered to the floor.
Harry sat against the headboard of the bed, feeling his breathing picking up as he grew angrier with himself.
Why didn't anyone care about him? Was he really too selfish?
"Harry! Harry, calm down!"
But Harry couldn't calm down. He was breathing heavily, sucking in air, begging to breathe. Everything was gone, his mind was an empty void. He tried to think, tried to focus on his breathing, but it wasn't working. He could feel nothing.
He could hear a voice, distant and far, as if he was standing in a tunnel and the voice was on the other side.
Harry could feel again, but just barely. He felt hands on his cheeks, wiping at them, and Harry felt that maybe he was crying, but he fell back into emptiness before he could process what was going on.
Then, it was all black.
Harry was walking, but he didn't know where. In fact, everything around him was black.
The voice was familar, echoing through Harry's head.
"Harry, are you there? Stop twitching, you're okay!"
Was he twitching? Harry couldn't feel his own body; he didn't even know where he was.
"Mr. Styles? Can you open your eyes?" It was a female.
Harry couldn't open his eyes.
"Come on, love," the angelic voice spoke. Harry blinked.
"There you, come on."
White light flooded Harry's vision. He blinked a few times, wincing as a pain shit through his body.
"Harry!" There was a body wrapped around him and he screamed out.
"Mr. Tomlinson, please!" A woman spoke. Harry looked around warily. He caught sight of a tall woman in scrubs, but he really wanted to see a particular face.
He blinked again, looking over and seeing Louis, smiling a bright smile, tears trickling down his flushed cheeks.
"They didn't know if you'd make it!" Louis gasped, avoiding the wires attached to Harry in order to by the younger man. Louis was sobbing now and it really scared Harry because no one has cried over him before.
At least, not before his mother and his sister died.
"Louis," Harry whispered, and it was so delicate. Louis looked up at him, eyes watery, a sad smile on his face.
"I'm here," Louis replied, gripping Harry's hand.
"You're really lucky your boyfriend was there, Mr. Styles," the lady said, walking closer to Harry and looking at the couple.
Louis blushed, begging Harry to keep silent, but Harry knew the older boy only lied because you had to have a certain status to see Harry. It was convincing, he supposed, since Louis was at Harry's house.
"I'm Doctor Clark. What do you last remember?" The doctor asked, holding up a clipboard.
"Um..." Harry pushed himself to think, but he really couldn't. All he could remember is Louis, naked and under him, in all honesty, and he couldn't say that.
As he thought harder, he could remember cleaning them up and then falling asleep. Harry knitted his eyebrows together.
"Do you remember having a nightmare? Mr. Tomlinson said you were thrashing in your sleep."
"I don't remember," Harry whispered. "But I know I had one."
Dr. Clark raised her eyebrow. "You can't remember if you did, but you know you did?"
"I, um.... I have them every night," Harry admitted.
"Have you ever talked to a phy-"
"I have," Harry hissed, grabbing Louis's hand. The small man widened his eyes in shock, but squeezed Louis's hand nevertheless.
"Alright, Mr. Styles... I have your files here. Anxiety- you had an anxiety attack at first. Depression- I'm sure that's the reason for your nightmares. Bipolar disorder. Therapy for two years... What I'm not getting is why... Well, Mr. Styles, you suffered a seizure," the doctor listed.
Louis seemed shocked at what the doctor listed, but Harry wasn't going to talk about it right now.
"I had a seizure?" Harry gasped. He'd witnessed seizures before and they were a really horrid thing to witness.
Louis had to watch Harry have a seizure.
Harry's hand went to Louis's face, running his thumb across the pretty man's cheekbone.
For the first time in a long time, Harry felt guilty. Guilty about something that wasn't the gruesome death of the only two people who cared about him.
"Anyways, Mr. Styles, everything has gone back to normal. We'd like for you to stay the night again-"
"Again? How long have I been in here?" Harry interrupted.
"Well, you arrived around three in the morning and it's almost noon now. Just stay until tomorrow afternoon, pleas. We'd also like to recommend therapy-"
"No way. I'm leaving tonight! I have plans to get started with and I'm not attending therapy again," Harry snapped, sitting up carefully to avoid the wires.
"Mr. Styles, I insist on-"
"I don't give a damn what you insist on. I'm a grown man. Get me off these machines," Harry growled.
"Very well," Dr. Clark said quietly, pressing a button to call for a nurse. After giving Harry suggestions, like 'Don't do any sort of exercise' and 'If you feel light-headed, sit down', the doctor bid them a farewell.
Harry and Louis left the hospital room. "How'd you get here?" Harry asked Louis as they walked hand-in-hand to the elevator.
"I drove your car. Actually, I got a call this morning. Mine is out of the mechanic shop, so I can have it back. Of course, I prefer to walk or ride with you," Louis rambled.
Harry smiled softly because Louis was actually really adorable.
"You're wearing a skirt... And how did I get clothes on?"
Louis blushed, tugging at the hem of his lacy white skirt. "You rode to the hospital naked, so I grabbed you some clothes and pulled on this outfit. I'm ready to embrace the cross-dressing thing."
Harry couldn't help it- he felt proud.
"Alright, doll, we've got to-" Harry stopped mid-sentence as the elevator lurched to a stop. He clutched his knees, panting.
"Harry!? Are you sure that you want to leave the hospital?"
"I hate hospitals," Harry grunted, standing up with merely a wince and exiting the elevator with Louis in tow.
They existed the hospital and found Harry's car. Harry wanted to drive, but Louis was sort of worried. Harry let out a sigh, allowing Louis to drive them to Harry's apartment so he could get free clothes and then they stopped by Louis's so the lad could pack a bag.
"Where next?" Louis asked.
"Well, I'm starving, so we can go to lunch and then we have to meet some people at the building we're about to set up for the club. Also, after that, I have to be at the police department. They're trying to figure out who set Alive on fire."
"Do they think Avery did it?" Louis whispered as he got in the turn lane for a sandwich shop.
"They don't know... He wasn't supposed to be there, Louis. It looked suspicious. But even I was a suspect until you told them about you and I," Harry said as they parked. Together, they got out of the car and entered the sandwich shop.
The two ordered their lunches and started chatting about their favorite foods. This is really nice, Harry thought as he watched Louis bite into his sandwich.
Okay, so Harry was infatuated with Louis. But he didn't really think he liked him. He wasn't sure because he's only ever had true feelings for one person and that was when he was seventeen years old. It never turned into anything but friends with benefits as Harry was quick to fall out of love with Ed Sheeran.
"Harry... Why were you put into therapy?" Louis asked suddenly, picking at his lettuce.
Harry breathed out a sigh. He couldn't tell Louis.
"You'll hate me."
"Harry, I couldn't possibly-"
"Oh, yes, you could. We hated each other when we first met and you don't know what I've done. Let's just say that I had depression and I was sent to therapy, but I refused to once I turned seventeen. That's when I moved here."
"You met Ed here, didn't you?" Louis questioned.
Harry looked into Louis's blue eyes, not wanting to lie. "Uh, yeah. I met Ed here."
Louis nodded, sipping his tea. "Obviously, you've had sex with him. You said you liked having sex with your friends."
Harry closed his eyes, really wanting to just pass on the subject. "Louis... I will tell you about this. We can talk tonight, yeah? I just want to get all of this over with today, okay? Do you have me phone?"
Louis blushed, shaking his head. "N-no, you threw it at the wall and it b-broke."
"Why are you stuttering, doll? I'll just go get a new phone, okay? Do you have the broken one?"
"It's in my bag," Louis whispered, staring at the table.
"What's wrong, baby doll?"
Louis shook his head, standing up. "I'm fine."
Harry felt like Louis was hiding something, but he couldn't tell what, so he just paid for their food and they left.
Louis drove towards the direction of Harry's old strip club, pulling in beside a red Expedition and a black Range Rover similar to Harry's.
"That's Scott," Louis said, pointing out his old boss's figure hunched against the steps. "And there's Peter."
The two climbed out of the car. Harry immediately wrapped his arm around Louis's waist and guided them to the steps.
"Hello, Harry. Hello, Louis," Peter said, smiling at the pair. He was obviously excited for this.
"Hello," Scott mumbled. "When can we go in?"
"Hello, you two. Um, the key should be here so-"
A yellow Porsche suddenly pulled into the lot beside Harry's car. It was like a scene in a movie. It seemed like slow-motion as a brown boot stepped out, followed by skinny jeans, a light blue tee, and shiny ocean eyes.
"Thank you for giving us this place... And some money to fix it up," Harry said as the newcomer silently opened the door.
"'Course. My grandfather wasn't ever going to open it back up. We just have to remove the shelves and we can scrap those for more money. After that, we can open it."
"We?" Louis said, raising an eyebrow.
"One of the obligations was to hire me here," Ed said testily, shooting Louis a smirk.
Harry shifted because he meant to tell Louis about this, but he couldn't really think of a way.
"Yeah, forgot," Louis muttered.
"Of course you did," Ed said with a smirk, turning on his heel to give them a tour.
The building was twice as big as The Dollhouse, meaning it was about as big as Alive, but not quite.
"We'll hire a total of ten dancers, and there's us three. There are ten room going to be built. Us five will have our own- Scott and Peter's being offices while the rest are dressing rooms- and then all the other dancers will have to share with a partner," Ed explained as he showed them the area where the dressing rooms would be built.
This place was huge.
"Here will be the main area for our dancers. The stage will be here. Seats all along here. A bar in that corner. We'll hire Zayn, of course. He's the best bartender around," Ed continued before lead in them to a staircase. "Up these steps, now. Okay, so there will be a a total of thirteen private rooms and each dancer will have one. Any costume and makeup will be put in a spare room in the back an you'll put it in your dressing room related to your performance. Also, Scott, what do you plan on doing to The Dollhouse once they shut it down?" Ed asked suddenly, turning towards Scott.
"Selling it, I suppose."
"I want to buy it from you."
"What? Why?" Scott asked im surprise.
"We're going to turn the whole thing onto a studio to exercise and practice dances and things like that," Ed explained curtly. "How much do you want? Is five hundred thousand okay?"
Scott dropped his jaw. "N-no! I can give it to you, Ed, you-"
"Don't worry about it. My family could spare millions of dollars," Ed said carelessly and Harry knew that Ed was telling the truth. His parents were rich, stuck-up bitches. "Is there any questions?"
"What are we naming it?" Louis piped up. Everyone exchanged looks.
"To be fair, it was all Harry's idea. Let him name it," Peter offered.
Harry glanced around before smirking.
Oh, this was gonna be good.
Harry groaned as he plopped onto his couch, tired of being questioned by the cops.
"They aren't going to ins who burned it down. I don't see how it matters anymore," Louis said as Harry took out a piece of copy paper and a pencil. Louis sat beside Harry, placing his feet on the table as Harry sketched.
"How did you get Ed to just give you the building?" Louis asked.
Harry closed his eyes, letting out a sigh before opening them and continuing. "I was denying what he wants most from me- sex. I fucked him to make him happy and got the building with the agreement that he helped lead." Harry glanced over to see the shock on Louis's face. "Don't be pissed."
"I'm not. I'm actually really surprised that you told me the truth so easily," Louis said.
Harry shrugged, offering a smirk. "Figure you'd appreciate the truth... I did lie to you, though, by telling you that Ed and I met here."
Louis raised an eyebrow. "Where'd you meet? Even he e said you met here a when I first met him."
"We kept it a secret, but we knew each other beforehand. It's just a very long story. I will tell you one day. But not today."
Louis nodded. "Does that include the therapy stuff?"
"I'm not ready to tell you," Harry whispered, looking up from his sketch.
Louis nodded again. He understood, it seemed.
"What are you drawing?"
"The club's logo. I want a picture of you and I. I'm sketching it out," Harry explained.
"I like it. And... Is that the name?"
Harry smirked, nodding. "Yeah, do you like it?"
"I do."
"And that's the slogan."
"It's really good."
Harry grinned proudly, setting his pencil down.
Daddy's Playhouse- I love the feeling when you touch me, baby.
"Can we go to sleep? I'm tired," Louis whinex, already getting up to go to bed. Harry followed, watching as Louis pulled off his skirt and top, leaving himself in tangerine panties as he crawled into Harry's bed. Harry stripped into his boxers and followed, but he had other ideas.
Harry pressed his lips to Louis's soft neck, brushing ten down and nibbling on the drool-worthy collarbones. Louis whimpered, gripping Harry's bicep.
"Harry, I wanna sleep."
"I don't," Harry whispered, kissing back up Louis's neck and pressing a long kiss to his lips. "I want to make you cum- a lot."
Louis gulped. "How many times is a lot?"
"How many times is your record?"
"Four," Louis whispered.
"Then five," Harry replied, smirking.
"Harry, I don't think-"
"Your safe word is ocean."
"Why ocean?" Louis asked quietly.
"I was looking in your eyes for inspiration and that's what I saw," Harry responded honestly, kissing Louis's lips. "Can we try?"
Louis nodded, so Harry kissed down Louis's body, making his way to Louis's hole for the first go. He pulled off Louis's panties before his sinful lips kissed the rim before immediately darting his tongue out to lick across it. Louis whimpered above him and it was so beautiful and a bit contradicting because his voice was so angelic but his actions were so sinful.
Harry darted his tongue swiftly into Louis's hole and he whimpered. "Harry, please."
Smack. Harry's hand smacked against Louis's bum, causing it to jiggle obscenely and Harry moaned a little before tutting.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," Louis said shakily, burying his face into his neck.
Harry hummed, gripping Louis's bum and kissing over the slightly pink handprint. It was only one smack, but Harry had given it with firm authority.
Harry moved back down to lick the small lad out before completely tongue-fucking him. Louis was making the prettiest sounds, moans and whimpers and whines falling for Louis's lips repeatedly.
"Can I touch myself? Please let me touch myself," Louis begged.
There was another smack to his ass before Harry's hands were traveling to Louis's member, which was rock hard. Harry jerked it off a few times before Louis was coming.
Immediately, Louis was dragged backwards and placed over Harry's bare thighs, face buried into the comforter.
"Did I tell you that you could come?" Harry hissed, dragging his hand down Louis's back, leaving red lines as his nails dug into Louis's skin.
"No, Daddy," Louis whimpered, already ashamed with himself for doing that when all he had to do was wait for Harry's command.
"Now I have to stop pleasuring you and punish you. If you take it well, I'll start pleasing you again, alright? If not, I'm going to fuck you deep and hard into this mattress and you'll be feeling me there tomorrow, and for the next week, you got it?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Count," Harry ordered, slapping Louis across the bum.
"One!" Slap. "Two!" Slap. "T-Three!"
Harry kept on until Louis was sobbing out a fifteen. Harry was hard, so he figured he get Louis to come a second and third time before giving the small boy a break in order to get Harry off once and then getting Louis off once more before fucking him.
"Are you hard, baby? Want to come?" Harry cooed, letting Louis sit up in his lap. Louis nodded, pouting out his bottom lip. Harry smiled softly. "Okay, doll, I will jack you off for a minute and you can come whenever you need to as long as you warn Daddy before you do? Yeah?" Louis nodded. "Use your words," Harry said sharply.
"Yes, Daddy," Louis whispered.
Harry moved his hand to Louis's dick, making the small lad whimper at the contact to his leaking erection. Harry's shifted, warding away his own hard-on because this was about Louis.
Harry pumped his fist only four times before Louis was moaning out, "I think I am ready to come, Daddy!"
"Alright, doll, you may come."
Louis squirted cum out for the second time, panting through it. "Good boy. I'm gonna open you up now, okay?"
Louis whimpered as Harry got lube out of the side drawer before long fingers were coated with lube and one was slowly entering his hole.
Louis clutched Harry's shoulders, gasping as he slowly began to get hard again. Harry knew that it stung a little, but the way Harry was thrusting one- no, two- fingers in Louis was amazing- judging by the look on the older man's face. By the time Harry had wormed in a third digit, Louis was riding Harry's fingers.
Harry grunted because he was aching hard by then.
"Daddy!" Louis gasped as Harry's fingers hit his prostate. Suddenly, it was cold. Louis whined at the loss of fingers in his bum but Harry had put Louis on the bed and was already in his walk-in closet, digging for something. He came back with a small box and a smirk.
Harry knew that Louis hadn't seen that box before. "What's in there, Daddy?"
"Toys. I only have few, but if you like them, we can go buy more this weekend. Okay, baby doll? I'll let you pick out whatever you want."
Louis nodded, watching as Harry opened it. There was a few bottles of flavored lube, a pair of handcuffs lined with pink fur, and a long, slim dildo. It was hard, gold, and had a little button on the end. Harry coated it with strawberry lube.
Louis opened his mouth as Harry suddenly jammed the dildo into his loosened hole. "Oh, Harry!"
Harry tutted, digging the dildo deep inside Louis.
"I'm sorry, Daddy! I'm sorry!" Louis whined closing his eyes.
Harry began thrusting the dildo, grunting as Louis let out little whimpers. Louis spread his legs, leaning back on his hands.
Suddenly, Harry clicked on the button and the dildo came to life, revealing itself as a vibrator as well. Louis groaned as Harry dug the dildo against his prostate, feeling it vibrate roughly against it.
"Come, come, I have to come!" Louis warned, beginning to twitch as his release approached.
Harry nodded, allowing Louis to come hard against his own tummy, making it drenched in cum. Harry began to lick up the mess, even biting on one of Louis's nipples.
Louis hissed, arching his back. Harry really wanted to come, but he was ready to fuck Louis, so he just lined up his erection, closing his eyes because he had almost came at the touch, he was so close.
He pushed his tip into Louis and blue eyes opened. Louis panicked. "No! No, harry! I'm too sensitive!"
"Use your safe word," Harry said. Louis merely whimpered.
"I knew you were only putting on a show, you little slut. Want Daddy's cock so bad. Don't you?" Harry growled, shoving into Louis.
"Yes, Daddy, fuck me, please!" Louis sobbed out.
Harry pounded into Louis's shaking body and Louis was quick to say, "Daddy, I have to come but I don't think... Not untouched!"
Harry began to dig his narrow hips down, rubbing against Louis's dick and Louis's prostate at the same time. Louis was yelling, screaming, crying, begging Daddy to let him come, and Harry permitted it, so Louis was then shooting hardly anything out as he came, gasping for breath.
Harry grunted as he came inside Louis without warning. Louis groaned as Harry filled him up and pulled out, gasping as Harry's lips were on his nipple again.
"Harry, they're sensitive!" he said breathlessly, but Harry was licking the cum off of Louis's body, past his burning dick, and to his abused hole.
"Ah!" Louis sobbed when Harry began licking into him, sucking out his own cum. "No!" he whined when he somehow became hard again, rather quickly. "Harry, I don't think-"
"Come one more time," Harry whispered, looking up at Louis through the smaller lad's spread legs.
Louis came, only just a dribble of cum making it's way out. Louis was sobbing, but it felt so good to feel so wrecked.
Harry made his way up Louis's sore body, smiling proudly. "Oh, doll, you made Daddy so proud coming that many times! Five whole times, doll!"
Louis was breathing out wrecked sobs and Harry kissed away his tears, rubbing his belly soothingly. "Want to take a bath?"
"No more coming, please!" Louis begged.
"No, I'm all done making you come. You made me proud! Thank you for that!"
"I made you proud?" Louis sniffled, looking up at Harry.
"You did, baby doll! So proud! No one has ever done that for me."
Louis smiled through his tears. "I'm a good boy for you, Daddy... I want a kiss."
What happened next surprised even Harry himself- he let out a laugh. A real, genuine laugh.
"Here, doll," Harry whispered, kissing Louis. They shared a few more before Harry gave Louis a bath.
Before the author's note, this chapter was exactly 4500 words on the dot! And I got it done today (:
If you didn't read my last note (I just deleted it), I had a 4000 word chapter deleted by Wattpad so I re-wrote it and liked this waaaaay better
Dedicated to louistgirl1d for the name of the club! I love it! The slogan is from My House, the song that inspired this story!
QOTC: any thoughts about anything that went in this chapter! I want predictions, things like that!
Do me a HUGE favor if you want go back and correct any obvious mistakes you'll get love from me bc I'm WAY too tired to edit
PQOTC: I want to know how that smut was it's not rly personal but I liked it bc Harry's so in control but he showed some love, no?
Anyways I love you! Hope you enjoyed my longest chapter in history
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