Pixel's POV
I wrapped my jacket around Calum as we entered the prison office. Tyson and I signed in and sat down in one of the many chairs waiting to get called down.
I'm going to see my parents after four years...
"You okay?" Tyson spoke softly and I nodded. "What was the last thing you said to them?"
"I said..." I pondered for a moment, hugging Calum tighter. "'I'm moving back to Canada to raise this baby on my own, I really don't care about you anymore'."
"When was that?" Tyson asked and I sighed.
"July 23, 2012," I said instantly. I marked that day as my new beginning.
A beginning to a better life.
"Why so pacific? How can you remember that from so long ago?" Tyson asked and I shook my head, not really wanting to dig up the past.
"Tyson Malix and his plus two," a guard called. We stood up and walked over to her. "Can you please remove the jacket ma'am? We need to check you guy's pockets to make sure you're not trying to pull a fast one on us."
After going through security, we followed the guard down a long hallway. Each door we passed had a little window showing inside. Two people would hold an old phone to their ear, each on a different side of the room. A screen or glass wall divided the criminal from the civilian.
I tugged my jacket closer around Calum, who I set on my hip, as we walked down the hall. We stopped at the very end of the hall and the guard opened a very heavy door.
"Right through here is a visiting room. A glass wall is separating you from your... parents is it?" Tyson nodded. "A speaker and microphone will be used so you can hear each other. They both will be secured down to chairs on the other side of the glass because they are very dangerous. Don't worry, you will be fine on this side of the glass," the guard explained and we nodded. "Go on through."
We thanked her and walked through the heavy door. Tyson went ahead of me.
"There's my boy! How are you champ?" I heard Joel say.
I walked in behind Tyson. There was a giant glass wall in the middle of the room. Both of our parents sat in chairs with cuffs chained to the chairs. They both wore an orange jumpsuit with black numbers stamped where their hearts were.
"Hey Dad," Tyson smiled at them. I came into view.
"My disappointment of a daughter!" Hannah yelled. "Where is the thing you gave up your life on?"
"It is not a thing," I said calmly. "Calum baby, come say hi to your grandparents." I removed my jacket from around Calum and set him on the ground in front of me.
Our parents expression softened once they saw Calum.
"Mamma!" Calum grabbed my hand and pointed towards Joel. "Sono davvero i miei nonni mamma?" (=Are they really my grandparents mama?)
Joel had tears in his eyes.
"È gli insegnò a parlare italiano?" (=You taught him how to speak Italian?) Joel said back in Italian.
"Yes, I thought it might be a good idea. He actually had his first steps in Italy. I worked as a photographer and traveled around the world with him," I played with Calum's hair and smiled. "I came to see how you guys are doing, also to explain why I have Calum. You guys do know I never had a boyfriend before right?"
"I'm still mad at you for getting pregnant as a teenager," Joel spoke.
"THAT WAS OVER FOUR YEARS AGO! You don't even know what happened! I-"
"Then tell us!" Hannah said interrupting me. I placed my hands over Calum's ears and sighed, trying to stay calm.
"Yeah! Spit it out already!" Joel said.
"I WAS RAPED OKAY!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes. I could feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders.
I've had that built up on my shoulders for the longest of time. Tyson hugged me and our parents stayed quiet.
"Who did it?" Joel spoke quietly. I hummed in response. "WHO RAPED MY DAUGHTER?" Joel shouted, anger clear as day in his voice.
"Ryder, Anthony's ex-best friend," I explained and both parents eyes went wide.
"I always like Ryder," Hannah spoke softly. "Oh what I'd give to hold you in my arms again sweetheart."
I felt somewhat sick when she said 'sweetheart'. A knot at the bottom of my stomach formed.
"I'm so sorry we never let you explain baby girl," Joel spoke.
I flinch when he called me 'baby girl'. He broke a trust he had with me years ago. Just because he knows what happened doesn't mean he can waltz back into my life like nothing happened.
"Something wrong Pixel?" Tyson said quietly and I shook my head.
"We should probably get going now Tyce," I spoke softly and grabbed two wrapped boxes out of my bag. "Just a little gift for you guys, Merry Christmas Joel and Hannah." I gave a box to Calum and we walked closer to the glass. I slipped the box through a glass door and picked Calum up and he did the same. "It's the same thing in both boxes so you chose who gets what."
"Off to the mall now," Pixel said while strapping Calum in his booster seat.
"What are we doing there?" Tyson asked and I chuckled quietly.
"A traditional and kind act, we did this last year," I explained.
"Are we filling the toy chest Mama?" Calum asked and I nodded. Calum started bouncing up and down in his seat from excitement.
"How could I forget!" Tyson smiled. "Do gooder Pixel making children's Christmas wishes come true." I smacked his shoulder and he chuckled.
"Oh shut up," I said with a chuckle.
"You go with Calum and pick out a shopping cart full of boy toys, I'll do the same but with girl toys. Call me when you finish and make sure to get duplicates as well," I said to the boys and they nodded eagerly.
Ahh the perks of winning the lottery... (stupid idea I know but it's for story purposes)
I take my cart and push it towards the girl section for toys. I pick out two of everything on the shelves and continue shopping.
"Pixel?" I heard a familiar voice call. I turned to where the voice came from to see Ross.
"Hey Ross," I waved and he came over. He looked into my cart and gave me a confused look.
"What's with all the Barbies?" Ross asked and I laughed.
"Buying these to put in the toy chest near Santa's workshop," I explained and Ross nodded.
"That's cool," Ross replied as I placed more toys in my cart.
"I better get back to it, happy holidays Ross," I said and he wished me a happy holidays as well before leaving.
Thank god Tyson has Calum.
"And your total is $1379.36. Debit or credit?" The cashier asked and I pulled out my wallet.
"Credit please," I responded and inserted the chip of my card into the machine, punching in my code.
"Have a happy holidays ma'am!" The cashier said and I nodded smiling.
"You too." I looked over at the many bags on the ground in front of us.
"Need some help ma'am?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see the manager of TOYS R US.
"Yes please," I said and he nodded. He disappeared and came back with a forklift and giant box.
He helped Tyson and I load all the toys inside the large cardboard box and get in the forklift.
"Where to?" The manager asked.
"Follow me."
"Will do."
"Right here is fine," I said while holding Calum's hand.
"This is Santa's workshop, where's your car?" The manager asked confused.
"I'm donating all the toys sir," I explained and he smiled.
"Would you like some help loading the toys in the chest ma'am?" He asked and I shook my head.
"You should probably get back to work, thanks for the help!" I said and the man nodded, setting the huge box on the ground and driving away with the forklift.
I reached in and took out three bags, setting them on the ground. Calum grabbed a bag and brought it over to the chest. Tyson helped me take out all the bags and put them in the chest.
After almost an hour, we finished putting all the toys in the donation chest. Calum grabbed the last bag and I took out my camera, filming him putting in the last bag.
I didn't notice the crowd around us until everyone started clapping. I smiled and waved.
"Happy holidays everyone!" I shouted and everyone cheered. The chest was filled to the top with brand new toys.
"For she's a jolly good fellow,
For she's a jolly good fellow
For she's a jolly good fellow."
The crowd started chanting and I blushed embarrassed while laughing.
"Which nobody can deny.
Which nobody can deny,
Which nobody can deny
For she's a jolly good fellow,
For she's a jolly good fellow
For she's a jolly good fellow,
Which nobody can deny."
Tyson joined in with the singing, hugging me and swaying slightly.
"For she's a jolly good fellow,
For she's a jolly good fellow
For she's a jolly good fellow,
And so say all of us.
And so say all of us,
And so say all of us."
Tyson let go of me and picked up Calum, setting him on his shoulders.
"For she's a jolly good fellow,
For she's a jolly good fellow
For she's a jolly good fellow,
And so say all of us."
Ross' POV
I was walking with Max and Tim when we got towards Santa's workshop in the mall. Loud singing could be heard as we walked closer. A large crowd surrounded one part as everyone sang loudly.
"I wonder what's happening," Max said pointing to the crowd.
"Let's go find out," Tim said, Max and I nodded as we started making our way through the crowd.
Pixel stood in the middle with Tyson next to her and a filled donation toy chest behind them.
Pixel's face was bright red as she quietly sang along with the crowd. I chuckled quietly.
Adorable, too bad she already has a boyfriend. I would gladly take Tyson's place in her life.
Word count 1751
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