I reached over and locked the passenger side door, going on my phone to turn on my hotspot. I heard knocking on the window and I threw my thumb over my shoulder.
A muffled "Fuck off," was heard as I sighed and looked up at him.
"Get in the back seat, I want you to try something," I growled and he still stood outside. "We are going to be late Max, get in the back seat!"
After a while Max climbed into the backseat, grumbling to himself.
I finished turning on everything and passed Max the game pad.
"What?" Max asked questioningly and I opened the little TV screen that would usually be used to watch movies.
"I've set up a WiiU in here and I want you to test it." I explained, glancing back at Max. "Motion bar is in between the front seats, games are in the pouch of the passenger seat. If you remove the carpet under your feet, the WiiU is in a little protective compartment," I finished as I heard Max turning the WiiU on, it echoing throughout the car speakers.
"How the hell- did you make this?" Max asked and I nodded.
"Yes, now put your seatbelt on. We have to get going if we wanna show up on time."
The entire ride to work Max played Smash Bros. I focused on driving and after a while, we made it to the offices.
I turned off the ignition and the WiiU shut off.
"HEY!" Max shouted and I laughed.
"Get out, we have to work now," I said and Max grumbled, getting out of the car.
"Why can't I just access it in the front seat?" Max asked and I chuckled as we walked into the first set of door, heading to the stairs.
"Its not only distracting to the driver but I've added a soundproof glass you can pull up too if it gets too intense. Also I don't want people that gets car sick throwing up," I explained and Max nodded. "I'm experimenting with other gaming consoles but WiiU is the easiest so far," I explained as Max opened the door leading to the offices.
I signed in and quickly retreated to my office, locking the door.
I logging into my computer and started editing the videos I had been sent.
I heard a knock on my door as I was messing with my phone. I opened my door and raised an eyebrow at Adam.
"Hey boss!" I greeted and Adam smiled back.
"I was wondering if we could borrow your car, Max explained what happened this morning and I want to see it for myself," Adam explained and I nodded, passing him my car keys after removing my house ones.
"Don't scratch it and please don't crash, pull up the sound proofing if need be," I said to Adam and he nodded.
"Thanks Pix!" Adam said before closing my door.
I turned back to my monitor and started editing a smoothie challenge.
I packed up for the day and walked to Adam's office, wanting my car keys back.
I checked to make sure he wasn't recording before knocking on the door.
"Come in!" I heard Adam shout from the other side of the door. I opened the door and leaned against the frame. "Hey Pixel, what can I do ya for?" Adam asked and turned to face me fully. He had a stack of papers in his hands.
"My car keys, I didn't get them back," I explained and Adam gave me a confused look.
"Max said he'd give them back," Adam explained and I slowly nodded.
"Well, after I get my keys I'm going to head home," I explained and Adam nodded.
"Have a good weekend Pixel!"
I closed his door and made my way to the Edit Spot. I walked over to Max's desk and tapped him on the shoulder.
He turned around and placed his headphones around his neck.
"Yeah?" Max asked and raised an eyebrow.
"I need my keys, I'm leaving now," I explained and Max raised his eyebrow at me.
"Work doesn't end for over an hour," Max explained.
I NEED TO PICK UP CALUM! Just let me leave, Jesus!
"I work through my lunch break so I can get off earlier," I explained and Max nodded, going into his pocket to give me my keys.
He opened his mouth to say something but I grabbed the keys out of his hands and ran to the front desk.
I'm going to be late! I'm going to be late! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!
I continued to shout that to myself until I was just outside the daycare.
I locked my car and made my way to the front door.
After knocking I was greeted with the smiling owner.
"You wanna come get him?" They asked and I nodded. "Follow me, all the kids are outside right now."
I followed them outside and found Calum playing 'don't let the balloon touch the floor' with three other kids.
"Cal!" I called out and watched Calum run towards me, jumping into my arms. "Hey baby boy," I said kissing his cheek.
"Mama!" Calum giggled and threw his arms around my neck.
"Its time to go home baby, go grab your stuff," I said, placing Calum back on the ground.
I went over to the door and started writing a check for this month. I handed it to the owner and walked outside with Calum holding my hand.
"How was your day baby?" I asked and Calum chatted happily about his day all the way home.
I finished cooking dinner and took two plates upstairs for Calum and I.
"I'm going to take Bandit on a walk quickly okay baby? Stay up here and when I get back we can watch some movies, sound good?" Calum nodded his head quickly, a ketchup mustache on his face.
I left him to enjoy his burger as I went to my room and changed into a tank top with short shorts.
I grabbed the leash off its hook and called for Bandit.
I heard the light scampering as the husky came running over. I attached the leash to his collar and swiped a bottle of water out of the fridge before going outside, grabbing my keys on the way out.
I got out of the car and followed Ross and Tim to the front door. I watched Ross as he pulled the spare key out of the mailbox and opened the door.
"What smells so good?" Ross asked as I took a whiff of the air.
"No idea but now I'm hungry," Tim said as my stomach growled.
"Me too," I said and walked into the kitchen. A plate of burger patties sat on the counter next to some hamburger buns and a bunch of condiments. "Sweet." I grabbed a (KRABBY) patty and a hamburger bun. I put some ketchup on it and took a bite. "That is amazingly delicious."
The guys both took one each and started chowing down.
After a while Ross perked up and looked around.
"Where's Pixel? The house is pretty quiet, I don't even hear Bandit's barking," Ross piped up and I shrugged, scrolling through my Twitter timeline.
"Don't know, don't care."
"Could you care for once dude? Yeah I know you don't like her but will you not destroy my chances with her? I really like her and I don't want you to make her hate me," Ross said quietly and I sighed, getting up and walking to my room.
"I'll be in my room if you need me," I said and closed my door, Galileo jumping up on my temporary bed.
I did a quick run around the block before heading back inside.
As I stepped inside, and let Bandit off his leash, I walked over to the stairs only to see Ross and Tim half ways up.
"GUYS!" I shouted grabbing both boy's attention. "Get down from there before I kick you out of my house!" I yelled and watched the two quickly scurry down the steps. "Go to the living room, I'll deal with you in bit," I growled and shot up the stairs, jumping over the baby gate.
I quickly ran into Calum's room and found it empty.
"Cal? Baby I'm here, you can come out now," I said and watched Calum shoot out of the closet, hugging my legs immediately.
"Mommy they almost got me!" Calum cried and I picked him up, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"They didn't get up the stairs baby, and I would never let them hurt you," I cooed and held Calum closed to me, his head resting on my chest.
"Who was that Mommy?"
"That was Ross and Tim, they would never hurt you but their other friend I'm not too sure."
"Then why is he staying if he could hurt Mommy?"
"Because neither of them would have a place to stay if I didn't. Don't worry Cal, they're leaving so I promise."
After showering and changing into some PJ's, I made my way downstairs. I found Ross and Tim on their phones in the living room, looking up when they heard me walk in.
"I don't care nor want to hear your excuse to trying to go upstairs," I started off and stood in front of them. My hands on my hips.
"Zip it!" I shouted, pointing at Tim after cutting him off. "I said I didn't care and I don't. But I swear to god I will kick your butt if I find out you went upstairs. If you hear a scream, cry or loud noise LEAVE IT!" I shouted. "I am this damn close to kicking you guys out of my house," I threatened and pinched my fingers close together, small gap in between. "But I won't only because I believe in second chances, thirds... not so much!"
I paced the living room, endless scenarios of the possible outcomes of not showing up earlier playing throughout my head. I ran my hands through my hair, tugging on it slightly.
"We're sorry and we'll respect your boundaries from now on," Ross said after a couple minutes of me pacing in silence.
"You better," I growled before walking away and heading upstairs to unwind, watching movies with Calum.
They better, I don't want to dig up my past right now or at all really.
Hey everyone! Thanks for reading and that's for all those Wattpad views! I know Skymedia is no longer a thing but I'm pretty sure I'm ending it soon (I think, don't quote me on that).
Have a good day or night everyone! 😘
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