I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as I followed my GPS with the directions Adam sent me.
"Turn right in 50 meters. Destination on the right," I heard the Yoda GPS say and I drove forward a bit more before pulling up to the offices. I found a parking spot and hopped out of my car. I walked up to the front door and opened it. I pushed my blonde hair out of my face and saw a man standing in the lobby looking down at his phone. He was tall, maybe about 6 feet tall, he has light brown curly hair and glasses on. He seemed familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it.
"Are you Adam?" I asked and the guy looked up.
Fuck, he's the guy who returned my wallet at McDonald's.
"No I'm Ross," he said looking up from his phone. When he saw me he jumped back a bit. "Are you a new hire?"
I nodded. "Yes I'm here for an interview with the owner of SkyMedia Offices. Do you know where that is?" I asked and the guy nodded. "You're the guy from McDonald's aren't you? Yeah! Your red headed friend took my wallet."
"Yeah..." Ross said and scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry 'bout that."
"It's whatever I guess..." I said and looked down at my watch. "Can you show me where SkyMedia is please? I really don't wanna be late."
"Oh yeah, follow me," Ross said and guided me towards a staircase. We climbed the stairs in silence and came over to a door. Ross opened the door and I saw another blonde sitting behind a desk. She was typing away at her keyboard and didn't notice us yet. "Hey Em."
"Hi Ross, didn't you just leave?" 'Em' said looking up from her monitor. "Oh hello!" She greeted cheerfully when she saw me. I waved and walked over.
"Do you know where Mr. Dahlberg is? Adam Dahlberg?" I asked nervously.
"Name?" She asked looking back at her monitor.
"Pixel Malixs," I said leaning against the front desk. I heard foot steps behind me and I turned around to see Ross gone.
"Ah yes, follow me. I'm Emily by the way but you can call me Em," Emily greeted and I nodded, following close behind her.
She opened a door and we started walking down a corridor.
My anxiety started kicking in and I could not stay calm. I was starting to get jumpy as Em guided me to a conference type room.
"I'll go get Adam, wait here," Em said and I nodded, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
I started tapping my fingers on the table and let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.
"Fuck, how's my hair?" I asked while fixing my shirt collar.
"Geez Adam, you're acting like your going to an interview not giving one! You look find dude calm down!" Red said and I nodded.
"Yeah you're right, thanks Red. See you in a bit," I said and Red nodded. I walked out of the men's bathroom and into Em.
"Adam! The new hire is here, she's in the meeting room right now," Em said and I nodded.
"Thanks." I jogged down the hall and over to the meeting room. I stop outside the door and take a deep breathe, my hand gripping the door knob. I walk inside to see Pixel sitting at a chair. "Hello Pixel! I'm Adam, nice to finally meet you in person!" I greeted with a smile, holding out my hand towards her. She stood up and shook my hand.
"Nice to finally meet you too Mr. Daulberg!" Pixel greeted back.
"My father is Mr. Daulberg please, call me Adam," I told her and she nodded.
We were a good bit into the interview when Pixel started to stutter and get more nervous.
"You okay?" I asked and she pointed to the window behind me. I turned around to see all the guys with their faces squished against the glass. "Seriously guys?" I asked and they stood there like I didn't see them. "Sorry, I'll be right back." Pixel nodded and I stood up from my chair. I walked over to the door and most people scattered. "Guys what the heck!" I shouted and Red walked over.
"Hi I'm Micheal but you can call me Red!" Red chirped at the door way.
"Red go," I said and he looked at me before walking off.
"Sorry about them," I apologized as Pixel nodded understandingly and we carried on with the interview.
"I would love to have you as a new addition to Skymedia, you are hired! Welcome to the team," I said happily, standing up from my seat. Pixel stood up with a smile on her face and shook my hand. I looked down at my watch and saw it was a couple minutes before lunch break. "Let's go round some people up for lunch! I'm going to go change though, I'll be right back."
I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I called Tyson and he answered after the third ring.
"Hello?" I heard Tyson say on the other end of the phone.
"Hey Tyce!" I smiled and leaned against the wall.
"How'd the interview go?"
"I got the job."
"That's great!- Calum want to talk to you," Tyson said and I waited for the familiar voice of my little man.
"Mommy!" Calum yelled into the phone, I felt a smile creep onto my face.
"Hey!" I smiled happily. "Are you being a good boy to Tycey?" I said quieter in a baby voice.
Calum hummed in response. "Yeah! Me and Unckie Tycie are in da car now!"
"Yeah and we have to go now, Calum say goodbye," I heard Tyson faintly say, must have given Calum his phone.
"Bye Mommy!"
"Bye baby," I said into the phone and hung up. I walked out of the meeting room and found Adam talking to someone. There was a group of people scattered around the room.
"LUNCH TIME!" Adam yelled with his fists in the air, running towards the door.
He's my boss.
This is actually happening.
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