I woke up and stretched. Calum stayed curled up on the mattress and I turn to see my brother sleeping like a starfish on his.
He's so weird.
I walk over to the kitchen and open some boxes that we sorted and left there. I opened a box labeled 'KITCHEN' , that had its contents wrapped in bubble wrap, and started putting the pots and pans away. I walked back to the family room and pulled my phone off its charger, seeing it fully charged.
'Seeing as you need to unpack, you can head over to SkyMedia in two days. Kind of rushed I know but we really could use another helping hand around here.'~Adam Daulberg
He also sent to office address in a different text.
I set my phone down and continued putting the pans away. I started putting plates in the cupboards when I heard foot steps. I turned around and saw a very tired looking Tyson walking in.
He's not much of a morning person.
"Hey Tyce?" I get a groan from him and I laugh softly. "Can you go to the store and pick up some eggs, milk and pancake mix from the store for me? We will properly go shopping tomorrow but right now we need food for breakfast." I heard him groan again and walk out of the kitchen. "Thank you!" I called after him. I put the last of the plates in the cupboard and started placing the plastic cups and glass cups inside it. I unfolded the box and threw it on the pile of empty, flattened boxes.
I opened another box to find a blender, toaster, waffle iron and coffee machine all wrapped in bubble wrap. I pull out the blender and toaster, setting them both on the counter.
I finished setting up the kitchen and placed the empty box on the pile of other boxes. I grabbed a blue tank top out of my suitcase, a pair of track shorts with a new bra and underwear. I walked into the bathroom with all my toiletries already put inside and changed into the new clothing.
I walked out of the bathroom, without makeup on, and walked back to the family room. I shook Calum awake and got him changed into some comfortable clothing. As I finished changing Calum the front door opened with Tyson walking in with two shopping bags one in each hand. I walk out of the guest bedroom and helped Tyson bring the bags over to the kitchen. We loaded the food, we weren't going to use for breakfast, into the fridge.
I placed the eggs and pancake mix on the counter and started making breakfast.
¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤
Once we finished breakfast and cleaned up, we started unpacking again.
Downstairs is bigger with a play room for Calum, sun room, exercise room, three guest rooms, two bathrooms on the ground floor with a living room and the family room.
Upstairs was Calum and mine's rooms as well as a bathroom and an empty room that's going to be my home office for animation. There was a hatch on the ceiling that lead up to the attic as well.
So far only the kitchen, part of Calum's room and the entire play room have been unpacked. Play room was a must to keep Calum from bugging us while Tyson and I unpacked the rest of the house. It took a while to finish unpacking the play room because of how tired we all were, and we kept messing around with the Nerf guns and mini rocket launchers.
I started to set up my room. I had the bed in pieces, scattered all along the laminated hard wood floors. I grabbed the instructions and tool set and started assembling the frame.
"I'm going to finish Calum's room!" I heard Tyson yell running up the stairs.
"Okay!" I yelled back to him.
¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤
"Mommy!" Calum yelled dragging out the 'o', 'm' and 'y' in mommy. "I'm HUNGRY!" I grabbed my phone off the newly assembled nightstand and clicked the home button.
"TYSON! GO BUY LUNCH!" I yelled only to here a loud thud.
"BISCUIT!" I popped my head into the exercise room to see him curled up in a ball groaning in pain. There was weights by his foot, the metal ones that is. They were only five pounds so it's highly unlikely he broke his foot by I could tell it still hurt a lot.
"You okay?" I asked and he gave me a 'really?' look.
"You go buy lunch," Tyson said groaning in pain.
"Okay, what do you want from McDonald's?" I asked still standing by the door frame.
"Just get me a Big Mac, extra Big Mac sauce," Tyson said with his eyes closed and head on the floor.
"'Kay, watch Calum for me," I said walking out of the room.
"Get me a Coke too!"
"Mkay. Calum? Honey be good for Uncle Tyson alright? I'll be back in a bit!" I yelled, pulling sweat pants over my shorts, collecting my phone, wallet and keys.
"Can I come?" Calum asked, peeking his head out of the play room.
"I want you to watch Uncle Tyson and do what he says okay? I won't be gone long, just getting some lunch," I smiled, kissed his forehead and grabbed my jacket.
"Okay..." Calum said quietly before running upstairs.
"Be back in a few!" I yelled and left the house, jump in into my convertible that was just shipped here an hour ago.
Yes I have a convertible. No, Calum does not ride in it.
I turn the key in the ignition and the car roars to life. I peel out of the driveway and down the road. I'm pretty sure my neighbors already hate me, Tyson did the same thing earlier.
I drove down the road then stopped and pulled over.
I had no idea where I was going...
I turn on the GPS that Tyson must of installed when he left to get breakfast.
I typed in the restaurant and it showed me my options. I chose the one closest which was in Seattle so I took a u-turn and started driving down the highlighted path.
¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤
"You have arrived at your destination," my GPS said that Tyson changed to the voice of Yoda.
My brother is such a nerd.
I put my car in park and hop out. Since the roof is down, considering its winter, I just close the door and lock my car. I walked into the McDonald's and walked over to the screens and put in my order.
One Big Mac and a medium Coke for Tyson... chicken nugget Happy Meal with an apple juice for Calum and a McChicken and a Sprite for me...
I finished putting in my order and reached into my pocket to grab my wallet only to start panicing when nothing was there. I started looking around panicing when a man came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I turned to face him with a confused look on my face.
"You dropped your wallet," he said shyly. He had light brown hair and blue eyes behind black rimmed glasses. He had a red wool beanie on his head and a nervous smile on his face. I smiled at him and took my wallet back.
"Thanks," I smiled at him and finished paying.
"No problem," he said waving and walking back to his table that had a brunette and and ginger sitting there.
"Did you get it Ross?" The ginger asked.
"Get what?" I heard the guy who returned my wallet say.
So his name is Ross.
"Her number dingus!" The brunette shouted. I took my receipt and walked over to the counter, waiting for my number to be called.
"No," the guy who apperently is named Ross said.
"I didn't pickpocket her for nothing!" I heard the ginger whisper yell. I felt my blood start to boil.
"You said she dropped it! I didn't know you purposely took it from her! Max what the hell!" Ross almost yelled.
What. The actual. Fuck!
Who the hell you stoop so low just for someones number! Doesn't matter, I wasn't interested in getting a guy anyway.
I really only trust my brother and my son. Those are the only guys I will ever truly trust.
"1037?" I heard an employee say. I looked down at my receipt to see the same numbers. I walk over, show them my receipt and grab the take out bag and drink tray. I walk over to the soda foundation and grab a couple straws and napkins. I passed the same group of guys on my way out.
Then I heard a whistle come from their table! It wasn't an 'innocent' whistle people would do and avoid eye contact! No it was a cat call whistle!
I turned around to face them and Ross had a red face and the Max guy was looking at my chest area.
"Hey-" I slapped Max across the face.
"I'm not interested, pervert," I said and walked out the door.
I hopped into my car, placing the food on the passenger seat and drink tray on the floor. I started my car and turned the GPS on. I punched in my address and backed out of my parking spot.
¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤
I hopped out of my car and into my house. I could hear music blasting inside.
"Rock-a-bye baby rock-a-bye! I'm going to rock you!" I heard Tyson sing inside the exercise room.
"Are you serious Tyson! I LEFT YOU HOME FOR ONLY TWO HOURS!"
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