You Won't Believe The Last Few Days I Had Doc It Was Crazy
(this chapter is inspired by the fanart above sadly I couldn't find ther artist tou)
Steven walks into the building of his psychologist. He has been going here for almost an entire year now . The familiar smell of lavender and dusty books hits his nose with a warm feeling spreading in his chest, as he looks at the baby blue walls that are decorated with pictures of beautiful beaches and forests.
Steven arrived at the counter to find a guy around 19 years old with square glasses chocolate colored eyes, caramel colored skin with his hair covered under a red cab in a yellow sweater.
"hey tuck how's it going?" steven asks holding a bag of dounuts from a new dounut shop that opened a block away.
"hey steven, fine I guess same old day like always. You're here for your appointment right?" Tucker Foley answerd. Tucker is the son of stevens psychologist, he, steven and a few of Tucker's friends meet up to play video games sometimes
"jup" steven confirms
"well Mom is waiting for you so you should probably get going" tucker tells steven
"alright, want a donut?" steven asks giving him a knowing look
"I would love one but I caaaaan't" tucker drags out and putts himself into a dramatic pose "I am on a diet!"
"well, see you later then" steven chuckles skating down the hallway (bc steven has those cool shoes with weels you can detach if you want)
"Miss Foley you won't believe the stuff I am about to tell you!" steven exclaims entering the office of Dr. Foley and taking a seat on a black leather couch.
"try me kid" miss Foley, (an Afro-American woman in a blue sweater with wisdom filled eyes), chuckles sitting on an arm chair opposite to the couch
"I rememberd a few things!" steven announced proudly
"really? that great!" Miss Foley praises
"That new hero mount lady. She was definitely not the first giant woman I saw there were plenty! I even sang a song once, because I wanted to see someone turn into a giant woman" steven chuckled
"really this week was crazy, we had that an arm wrestling contest. I won''steven smiled" but also do you remember that sludge villain a few days ago?" steven asks
"that one which held that bakugo kid hostage?" Dr. Foley returns the question
Steven whinzes "yea that one"
"what about him?" Miss Foley asks catching stevens reaction
"he attacked me" steven says casually
"what happened?" dr. Foley asks concerned. After all she is one of the people that know steven best and he tends to make things sound better than they actually are.
"he was fleeing from a store and then he suddenly just launched himself at me and started suffocating me. I thought I was dying for a second there. Then I started glowing again, but this time it was like I exploded it was really scary I screamed, but it was like really loud he flew right off of me, I also accidentally broke a few windows and stuff, but I fixed everything before anyone got upset so I guess that's okey? I think the sludge guy hid in the sewers or something, because I couldn't see him anywhere when I wanted to bubble him for the police." steven explains
" wait wait wait you glowed, again?" Ms Foley questions concerned about the glowing
" yea"steven says
"steven we will have to figure out what causes this so we can establish if it's a normal thing of your quirk or if it has different causes" Miss foley states
Steven starts thinking back to the times he was glowing: "well the first time it happened that kid almost got crushed by that wall I am lucky it made me so fast actually. Well the other time I was just paniking about that school project no one else in the group seemed to care about. And that one time I finally got shinsou to try and brainwash me, it was really strange I think I had a creepy flashback or something of that kind again but I couldn't remember it afterwards it was really bizarr"
"well I think it is safe to assume that this glowing is related to you being stressed."miss. Foley diagnoses, "but stressed or not you will have to learn to control it, otherwise you could get really big problems when you grow up"
"I think so too but I really don't know how I could control it, if it only happenes when I am stressed"
"I have a few things in mind that could help to get you to calm down and once you have a clear mind you can try to control those glowing powers. Of course we can't do that in the city, we wouldn't want to break anything or violate the law, but I can ask a friend of mine if she and her friends would like to help you train in that private forest of theirs." Dr. Foley suggests
"do you really think they would do that? What would that even be Quirk training or something? I mean it would take a lot of time and what if in the end it was a waste?" Steven questions not confident in having private quirk training with random people. What if they expect him to become a hero or something?
"Well I guess you could call it that and even if it takes a lot of time if in the end of it you are able to at least sort of controll the glowing I consider it successfull. I of course first need to ask them if they have the time and if Mrs. Elric is okey with it,but she shouldn't mind once I explain it to her."
"uhm miss foley" steven asks in a hesitant quiet voice
"yes? " she asks realizing the sudden mood swing of her patient.
"there has been another thing I wanted to talk to you about for actually a little longern now."
"you know you can tell me anything"
"I know."steven confirms
" the past few days and actually weeks I had those strange dreams again. Some of them where nice others where really disturbing. I don't know what to make of them. It's just getting so much with the dreams and now that everyone says I need to choose a path for my future and with all the school work. If quirk training comes on board I think I will lose it"steven tells hugging himself
"I see, of course it is not good to put to much pressure on to you expecially now that we want you to get a grip on the glowing. Lets see do you have a general idea of what you want to do later in life?" Miss foley smiles handing him a lolly
" I want to help others but I don't really know how" steven explains
"well you would make a great hero if you ask me" Miss foley suggest smiling
"Everyone always says that. But I don't really see it. I mean sure I can bubble stuff and I have the shield and well I can fly and heal myself and others but that doesn't make me a hero. A hero fights crime to protect others and bring peace. While it is a way to help I don't know if I am cut out for it like Almight. I don't think I could attack anyone even if it is to protect someone else" steven tells his psychologist doubtful
''wow" Dr. Foley breathed
"I think you are the first person I know of to describe a hero like that, but steven heros don't always fight they also help rescue people after natural desasters with your quirk you can help those in need even if you don't want to fight criminals. And if you still choose against it you can still help people. Even in a different profession! You can be a doctor, or a nurse or a psychologist and hunderets of other jobs you can do without a quirk. All doors are open to you. And no matter what you choose you will be fantastic in it"
"alright" steven smiles " you know I actually didn't think of it like that before"
"you always need to look at things on more angels before you decide if something is a good or bad decision" miss foley advises.
"yea if every porkchop were perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs" steven smiles to himself.
"thats right kiddo!" miss foley agreed "but now back to the dreams you mentioned earlier what's going on"
"well I had some weard dreams again. I-I don't know how to describe it. In one I was again like in a watermelon that kind of looked like me and there was an entire village of me siced watermelons. It is weard because I had these kind of dreams more often." steven says than takes a deep breath and continues" I think that the villain attack triggerd something because I had these dreams where I was suffocated. Once by some flying waterbubbles, another time I was inside a green ball thing which was filling up with water or something I don't really know what it was. Then I was floating out in space in my bubble for some time and once Lion laid onto me and because his fur is really thick I couldn't breathe throu it, I think"
"while not every dream has a meaning to it, the last one could be a memory." Miss foley suggests
"I think most of them are memories actually, those dreams just feel so real."steven signs
"I know it is still hard for you not knowing much about your past. And that you want to know more about it, but sometimes it's not good for your mental health to think about it to much. What happend, happened and we need to keep moving forward to not get stuck in the past and live in the present."Miss foley tells empathicly
" I know, I-I I know. I just can't help it" steven says hugging himself again.
"oh steven it is okey. Healing and moving on never happens over night it is a long prozess like climbing a mountain. Bit by bit the grive and pressure gets less if you just let it."
'ding' the clock makes a sound signaling the sessions end
Steven gets up and makes his way to the door. He stops and leaps forward miss Foley embracing her in a hug
" thank you" he whispers quietly before quickly leaving.
"Anytime" miss Foley whispers back while steven is leaving.
'he forgot his donuts'
The door closes and Dr. Foley takes a deep breath taking out her phone and dialing a number the phone rings once, twice
"hello?" a jung boys voice answers
"hey Kota, how are you?" Dr. Foley greets in a warm voice
"Miss Foley! I am fine, um, is there a reason you are calling usually Mandali calls you for appointments" the young boys voice lights up but then asks worry flowing into his voice
"yea but don't worry it is nothing bad, could I speak to Mandali for a second?" Dr. Foley asks to calm the kid down
"oh okey sure. MANDALI!!!" kota is heard yelling
"hello?" a few seconds later a female voice answers
"Hello Mandaly I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Miss Foley asks
"uhm well sure what do you need?" mandaly questions
"I have a patient he is a angel but he has problems with his quirk it is acting up when he gets stressed he starts litterly glowing as he put it." miss foley explains
"okey so I assume you want us to help him get a grip on it?" Mandaly asks
"if it isn't to much to ask for yes" miss Foley confirms
"when shall we start?"
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