Treehouse for an uncle and godfather part 1
Izumi figures a treehouse would work with it in a really big ass tree, but she does remember she needs to build it and she has a good idea for their home really. She waits until dark to make it as she needs to make it a surprise really as she uses oak wood more than jungle wood really.
'Need to keep it to the area really. I can't wait for the four to see it fully really.'
(AN: There is some changes as she'll keep the outside looking the very same, but the inside is not going to be following the very design in the video and it's hard to be very describe how the building is really being built when I'm only keeping the trunk the very same with the branches only really)
She doesn't want the trunk to be only seventeen blocks as she plans to double it to hold two nine block elevators on the inside to go to the top of the tree, so the trunk is going to be thirty-four blocks big. She has the lay out down and thinks on how big the elevator is going to be.
Izumi dug nine blocks and skips one block before doing it again to the right which she made sure it was two rows in as she has placed a concert block around the glass blocks that's around the nine soul sand blocks on the left side.
She has nine magma blocks in the right side one as she's making sure to then placed one oak fence in front of the soul sand and magma block with glass not in front of the sixth soul sand and magma block to allow entrance and exiting of the elevator.
She brings her wings out as the treehouse is going to be fifty-two feet high to make her uncle Hawks feel better really which will shock him as she wants him to be happy really. The back of the elevator will have a pattern of terracotta blocks.
It's to be making it easier then pure concert really which she placed on the side as well, too as she knows Hawks hates white rooms with passion, so she plans to keep white out of the building really to keep her from getting him mad as he may hide it, he'll be upset with her really.
She adds the concert behind the terracotta which works as she's not going to be pissing her uncle Hawks off. Izumi places a second layer of glass and then oak fence before flying up a bit and placed a glass block above the second oak fence.
She then did the same to the down elevator with the other third layer glass blocks to make it fair as Izumi used the light gray glazed terracotta for the first two sixteen columns for four different patterns as she had light gray wool in the third columns.
Izumi had moved the elevator for going down over by three blocks to have it looking like the up elevator making her to have it perfect now. She also has the same color wool block for below and above the glazed terracotta blocks as she did the second and third layer of the trunk to make it even up.
She had light grey wool block on top, below and beside in the third column of the light gray glazed terracotta blocks and then dark grey wool was placed on top with grey glazed terracotta for the next sixteen columns with dark gray wool on top, below and beside it.
And then the eighth layer where she has oak planks to do the floor with in front of the elevators with three oak wood columns in the middle. Izumi wants to make sure there is a exit to get to the first part of the treehouse as she wants to make sure they can get to it.
She used a sticky pistol to stop the water to allow them to leave the elevator making her to make sure there is a way to get them to the other platforms which is stairs if need be making her to make sure to be careful when she does that.
She has two oak fences in front of this spot with a glass block above the second oak fence which has a oak wood in front of it to hide it really. She then did the sixteen glazed terracotta blocks first inside to making it easier as she then did pink wool.
Izumi then did pink glazed terracotta sixteen times with pink wool in the third column with pink wool on top. Layer seventeen has three rows and two columns of oak fences on the right side making Izumi to make this something for them.
She can't place wool or terracotta blocks there plus glass blocks as she did layer eighteen and then layer nineteen before doing a small part of a branch to mark that's there a branch is going to be going as it's starting from the eighteenth layer and nineteenth layer.
Izumi has the branch going out a bit before going up as she has a good branch forming from this as she then has wool that is behind the nineteenth layer which is colored blue with sixteen blue glazed terracotta blocks and blue wool in the third columns.
Blue wool went on top as Izumi knows it's going to be uneven as she needs to skip four terracotta blocks there and just do twelve blocks of terracotta instead really to make it fair really as missing gone pattern isn't going to kill her for it really.
Izumi went back down and did the glass blocks plus the trunk part to make it even as she placed blue wool on top of the terracotta blocks and sole wool column before she placed down light blue wool with sixteen terracotta blocks and the third column has the light blue wool with a row of light blue wool on top of it.
When she went down, she went to the ground and used magenta glazed terracotta to show what which way the elevator goes: she looked left to have the magenta block pointing down for the down elevator and looked right to have the magenta block pointing up for the up elevator with oak planks hiding the middling in between the elevators.
She even hide the glass blocks from view making her to have the bottom covered as they can't see how the sides looked really. With the light blue layer finished, she then did the cyan layer as she did cyan wool first then sixteen cyan terracotta blocks with cyan wool in the third column with cyan wool on top.
Layer twenty-five had the cyan wool on top making layer twenty-six to have the orange wool as she did orange glazed terracotta blocks on top with orange wool in the third column then layer forty-two has the last block for the fourth pattern for the orange glazed terracotta blocks with orange wool above it.
Izumi did three more layers and then did glass blocks on the third layer and covers the top of the elevator with glass blocks after placing a sea lantern on the fourth layer. She also did the same for the exit elevator as she has concert blocks on the fourth layer making it to be fair as she has oak wood covering the concert blocks.
She did oak planks for the floor as she knows she needs to have the buildings done, but she needs to do the water first for the elevators as she needs to make sure they can go up and down or else the elevator won't work for them really.
Izumi has layer twenty-three marked out to have a building on her left side making her to keep an eye out as she needs to make sure the treehouse works for them really as she has to make sure there is a opening for them to leave the elevator as she'll have to leave a sign on how to use the elevator really.
She did the second branch on the same layer with it going out and in making it easier as the twenty-six layer is holding the oak wood for the door as she did the oak wood, glass blocks and concert layers next to keep up with what she is doing with the tree with the very much doorway cleared on the left side of the tree.
She did have to skip a pattern once again, but that's life as Izumi has the thirtieth layer to have a viewing platform really. The third branch was at layer twenty-eight making her to be careful as branches is going to be hard to do now really.
The viewing platform has three rows and two columns of oak fences to open to look at the view as she then had layer thirty-two have a branch coming out of it as she keeps working on the branch until it's done.
Layer thirty-five has a branch coming out of it as Izumi knows this treehouse is going to be very huge really and might shock them, but she wants it to be perfect for them and keeps her cousins safe from Endeavour if he ever shows his ugly mug face here again.
Layer thirty-six also has a branch coming out of it making her to wonder how long she has been working on the treehouse for her uncle and godfather as it seems she started at nine P.M and it's now twelve something in the morning making her to be exhausted.
Branch seven was also coming out of layer thirty-six making Izumi to want sleep, but needing to build them a home took over her mind as she keeps focus on her job right now as she needs to get them a home to call their own really.
Eighth and ninth branches is coming out of layer thirty-seven as Izumi tries her best to make it looking like a tree. Branch ten and eleven is coming out of layer forty-one which has a door from behind as Izumi has a place that's perfect for there.
Izumi has both branch twelve and thirteen coming fully from layer forty-three as she didn't think a tree would fully need this many branches really in her life as she is almost done the branches, just two more to do really. Izumi has added two more oak wood to the last layer and has the last branch, branch fourteen coming from there.
She is glad the branches are done as she still needs to have the houses as she needs to get started as soon as she can really. Izumi was really tired and she doesn't know how to hide something this massive really from anyone as it's going to be hard to do that really.
Miruko found out and helped hide it to allow her some time to sleep as Izumi nods and Hawks needs to stay in the city for a bit which is actually six days which he hates as Endeavour is looking for him to lost control and attack him really.
Izumi looks after her caterpillars and then goes to take a good sleep as she explains about the huge treehouse she's making and how tall it is as she needs to wait until dark out, but will still make sure there's food for them.
"We'll stay quiet, mama!" All six said as they enjoy the toys she hand-made for them and the pre-school lesson books to learn from as Izumi went to sleep and gets her energy back to finish the built as she knows her mama is sooo going to be helping her out with this really.
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