Sport Fest Festival part 3
Izumi worries as Endeavor was here and Shoto needed to stay with Touya and Hawks which he was quick to do so making Touya to be pissed as he had Shoto sitting on his lap with Hawks doing the angry mother hawk sounds which scared Endeavor fully.
Nezu even agrees with Hawks as he loved their actions really which has Hawks blushing really from that making Shoto to chuckle at him really. Izumi sighs as she told Iida where Shoto is making him to thank her for letting him know.
The first fight of the second round is Ojirou vs Yaoyarozu making Izumi to wonder how this fight is going to be like as she doesn't know if Yaoyarozu can win against him, but will keep her opining's to herself as she won't say them to anyone.
"Alright, folks! It's the second rounds and we have Ojirou vs Yaoyarozu as the first match!" Present Mic shouts as Izumi wonders how this fight id going to be like as she saw Yaoyarozu go on defense while Ojirou fights her making her to see where she's going wrong and then a bo staff.
Yaoyarozu was quick to do swings at him as she keeps her defense out to keep herself safe mkaing Ojirou to be working some sweat cause of this making him to think of a way to defeat her before he used his tail to trip her and pins her down.
"Oooooooooooooooooooh! Yaoyarozu was doing so good before she got knocked over by Ojirou's tail making him to then pin her down to the ground!"
"Yaoyarozu was never meant to be a Combat Hero, but I know some training and she can defend civilians, but she's more of a Support Hero really. I can tell she was trying her best and she made a couple of mistakes out there, but she can learn from them."
"Yaoyarozu, can you move at all?" She tries to move or get him off of her, but she can't.
"No, I can't get up."
"Winner, Ojirou!" Ojirou helped her up making there to be sportsmanship between them really as everyone liked how Yaoyarozu had tried to win against a marital arts student really and Izumi was happy Yaoyarozu didn't get hurt as she did try her best out there really.
"Guess it's our turn then, rival." Izumi saw Monoma there as she nods and left with him making them to walk together as he copies a couple of Quirks, but not from her as it wouldn't be fair to her really making them to walk out together and he keeps going.
"Ooooh! Both Midoriya and Monoma walked out together! What sportsmanship between two rivals, folks!" Many cheers for them as they both take a deep breath and closed their eyes making many to wonder what's going on before they saw a single feather.
Midnight bolts fast as she's not getting in the way there as once the feather touched the ground, they snapped their eyes opened and Monoma used Cementoss' Quirk making Izumi to parkour over and around them shocking everyone as she lands some kicks really.
Monoma was then quick to use Shoda's Twin Impact Quirk making her to dodge as she spins in the air making her and Monoma to be taking this serious really as his time limits are increased the more he focuses on other things making him to get stronger.
Izumi had her wooden knives out and Monoma used Sen Kaibara's Gyrate Quirk to destroy them and then use some marital arts moves he taught him fast making Izumi to block and attack each time making them to use the terrain as spring boards.
Izumi stops on the ground and used the same bracelet to have two gloves out which she placed on before she punched the ground making Monoma to jump as pillars of obsidian with a End Crystal shows up and it explodes making Monoma to shout in pain as it hits him in the back.
He was quick to use Ochaco's Quirk to stop his fall and make some of the broken cement pieces to attack Izumi making her to dodge and looks to him before punching the ground twice making sand to form from the broken cement and captured Monoma fast as he can't move cause of it.
"Gha!" Monoma thinks and he used Gyrate again as he then used Midnight's Quirk to attack her with making her to hold her breath as she's not going to inhale that stuff making her to think fast as she raises her left hand and turns it before she slams the back of her hand onto the ground making it to release steam.
Izumi rushed him making him to back away as he wasn't going to let her be able to touch him as he's going to use Yaoyarozu's Quirk and he made a giant fan from Naruto to blow her away, but Izumi held her grounds making him to use a huge amount of Midnight's Quirk and sent it to Izumi really.
Izumi was quick and she takes a deep breath from behind her hands and used both to slam Monoma to the ground back first as she tossed him over her shoulder once she got to him and he was over the line making many to be shocked at this match as there is no way this was possible really.
Izumi and Monoma was tired making Midnight to call the match as Izumi lowers herself to the ground and both pant as that was tiring really with their bodies facing the opposite way by their heads making the crowd to cheer loudly cause of this really as it'll take thirty minutes to clean the whole area up fully.
Recovery Girl had a field day as Monoma needs lots of rest and lots to eat while Izumi wasn't even hurt, but was fully exhausted making All Might to visit her for some time as the next match is on once the cleaning up is over.
"You shocked your classmates a lot there with your match against young Monoma, young Shigaraki." All Might said making her to flinch a bit at that.
"Sorry." All Might gently rubs her head as Monoma is asleep and needs it as both Shigaraki and Miruko shows up to see how she is doing making Recovery Girl to explain as Vlad King shows up for Monoma since he never knew this about his student.
It was making him to be proud as Monoma has improved a lot making him to wonder who was helping him out really as he wants to thank them for helping his student before he sees the slingshot in Izumi's hand after getting hit by something in the head.
'Did she hit him again with that?' All four think as Vlad King was hit by something in the room.
"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SHOT ME WITH THE SLINGSHOT IN THE STANDS!" Shigaraki laughs as Miruko chuckles making All Might to smirk as it seems she seems to want him to shut up really which Nezu was going to get a kick out of really.
"Guess she wanted you to shut up in the stands, Vlad." All Might said making Vlad King to fully mumble angrily about Aizawa's student making Izumi to giggle at him once he's gone really. Nezu pops in and gave her a mission making her to smirk as she's going to enjoy this.
"Boredness. She's going to get a kick out of it really." Nezu said as he pops out to go back to his office. Izumi gave the puppy eyes to All Might making him to give her a slip for two weeks making her to hug him happy before she starts doing some planning with some input from both Miruko and Shigaraki.
"I made her day." All Might said making Recovery Girl to still be shocked by the hug that All Might got really from Izumi before smiling down to her as she's happy she's like this really. Recovery Girl nods as Izumi has been draining energy drinks to give her a boost to have Recovery Girl heal her up.
All Might tough it was funny she's acting like a child since what he was able to figure out, she never had a normal childhood or even had one to begin with making him to hate that which makes him happy that she's able to still act childish as Nezu gave her an opportunity to do so really.
Katsuki was shocked as Izumi is OP! That's it! She's too OP really! Like the fuck?! Katsuki can't figure it out as Fumikage and Ochaco hugs him to calm him down as Izumi is showing off her tech and many are going to be shocked by this really.
Shinso vs Fumikage was next as the arena is now clean and some Nezu kept like the obsidian to see if it can't be used for the students making Power Loader to enjoy the new material as there was also some of the End Crystal still there making him to have fun with those stuff really.
Fumikage tries to have Dark Shadow to grab Shinso, but he dodges and he then managed to punch Fumikage in the face making Dark Shadow to try to punch him from behind, but Shinso controlled him and used him to knocked Fumikage out of the ring making him to win.
Izumi flinched as that's going to make Fumikage to be upset even if he had managed to make it to the top six spot really which he can accept as this is a good mark for his first time doing the Sport Fest Festival really in first year of UA which Izumi nods to.
Katsuki vs Kirishima was the last match before a break making Katsuki to calm down enough to do his match as Kirishima was telling him he wasn't going down without a fight making him to smirk as this is going to be fun which Izumi shakes her head with a smile on her face.
"Kacchan is going to win." Both Recovery Girl and All Might looked to her and then each other before looking to the screen as they wonder how she knows this really. Katsuki knows his Quirk got powerful cause of Miruko's training, but he had to do a lot of training to handle it.
Katsuki sent an explosion straight at Kirishima who went rock hard to keep the blasts from hitting him which made him use the smoke to his advantage really. It was making Katsuki to not expect the four punches and two kicks before he blasted him.
It was making him to cough as he didn't expect that sort of attack really making him to wonder what kind of training Kirishima does all while not knowing that Izumi had helped the whole class there. Izumi was making them actually do Miruko's training really.
Kirishima kept it a secret as Izumi doesn't want Katsuki to know about it which makes sense as Katsuki has his own training he does and she didn't want to stop it really to do her own which actually helps them out a lot more really.
Shoto did frown at the fire training one, but it was more for smoke and steam to cover his ice attacks with some fire uses like lighting up dark places and some other stuff making him to actually try and he finds it's actually kind of fun really as he uses it a lot on Touya to get an edge onto him really.
Katsuki had to dodge again as Kirishima is getting better at being sneaky at this point making Katsuki to send out a lot of blasts making Kirishima to hold on until he couldn't and then Katsuki blasted him out of the ring which made Kirishima to laugh since he lost to his best male friend.
"Not bad, Bakubro! Man, I couldn't keep up with you!" Katsuki blushes, but he doesn't know why as he got it to go away before anyone saw really making only Izumi, Shoto and Fumikage to noticed really and had a smile on their faces from the site.
"Agreed there." Izumi knows the two are going to be teasing the shits out of Katsuki for this which will make him explode onto them and then his mother will be on his ass which will caused a word fight between the two and then Fumikage and Dark Shadow has to separate them from each other.
Shoto would have Touya and Hawks there to keep them from fighting really making Miruko and Shigaraki to hide their laughter as this was a comedy act for them really which Izumi likes as the kids would be doing training with her whenever this fully happens really.
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