Pro-Hero Exams
Izumi wonders how the exams are going to be as there is three exams: Mobs, taking out opposite schools and then finally a destructed city with civilians to save plus fighting mobs at the same time really. All For One did have Herobrine's command block powers and he did use them to bring mobs in, but that's about it really.
Izumi will have to be careful as this is going to be a major thing for herself as she has her bow and one arrow of each kind plus she has the upgrades in the U.A school of having her Netherite Sword with her making her to be proud of this really.
Izumi has Fire Aspect II, Knockback II, Looting III, Mending VIII, Sharpness V, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods V, Sweeping Edge III and Unbreaking III on her sword making her to have the best sword ever making Denki to get the same enchantments for his bow.
Izumi was shocked at how poor Ochaco is making her to hate that as Toga has Ochaco staying with her instead and she doesn't care if she's poor or not making Ochaco to hug Toga tightly and she was happy about that as that's what was making her to think a lot really.
Izumi can't believe this and didn't mind sending her parents jobs to earn the money making Ochaco to be shocked as Nezu also did the same making Ochaco to hug both of them which Izumi didn't mind cause she's her friend. Nezu though... He's stiff as a board. Why? Past as a lab rat cause of his Quirk really.
Nezu was taken by Aizawa and giving to Hound Dog to talk it out making Ochaco to feel bad which Aizawa said a bit about Nezu's past making them to all feel bad for their principle really. All Might is still the number one hero, but she is off duty to care for her health cause of her pregnancy.
Endeavour was pissed as All Might is still the number one hero and he can't over take her making someone to send HPSC onto him and they are taking his license for six months to investigate the claims. Touya sent it in to keep him down and Hawks explains his side to them all fully.
Toga went as a student in another school to watch both Ochaco and Izumi making her to keep it down as she needs to keep it down as Shigarkai is getting really over-protective of his sole little sister/daughter. Miruko had twin boys making Shigaraki to freak and Miruko had to put him down.
(AN: I figured I show you what the kids are going to be when grown up as small children aged five to six. Shigaraki did do that as he thought it was only one child actually and not two children really)
Izumi laughs since she saw it first and made sure it was live with the title 'Kaa-san puts Chichi down' and many loved it making Shigaraki to want revenge making her to avoid him for a while until he is calmed really as the kids are laughing at him.
She was at UA as it's holding the exams and she noticed lots of schools and can't wait to see what they are going to do to past the first part which is mobs, then schools vs schools and then saving civilians from a villain and his minions while fighting mobs at the same time making her to not wait as this is going to be fun really.
Izumi saw the government got involved once again once it's her turn and this time, she has to go up against the Witherlord, Witherstorm and Witherlord Wither plus four Ender Dragons making her to hate this as HPSC was freaking out as everything was done by alphabets of hero names.
Izumi knows she should hide, but she didn't. Why? The government is watching making her to prove herself to them about her being a hero. She takes a deep breath and bolts towards them as she was quick and faster cause of her training really.
She slides under the Witherlord's sword, dodges a Witherstorm's taser, blocked a large wither skull and knocked it up to it's face by her sword and then she used TNT arrows on the four Ender Dragons making them to roar in pain from the arrow attacks.
Izumi bends forward and jumps up before she curls into a ball and allows her wings to come out, but they went into their full length making her to bend her back as her feet are higher and her head is below making everyone to be shocked.
Her wings were black and purple in a pattern to make it look beautiful with some green and cyan being mixed in with monarch butterfly colors as well as Izumi has her antennas come out of her forehead as her tongue changed into one of a butterfly's mouth to allow her to have nectar and still have her mouth to eat human food.
Her hair has a flower crown on her head with it having rows of flowers connected to it as they go down her back making many to still be shocked as the next thing is her height changed to fifteen feet after she pointed her feet to the ground allow her to be taller than a normal human and she was even taller than Mt. Lady really.
Izumi's clothing even changed to a pure white spaghetti strapped dress with it crossing over her back with room for her wings to come out of her back with her feet barefooted as the dress fully makes her to look like a goddess making many to be more shocked at her.
"Holy..." Nezu was shocked as Izumi is going to be tall for a Goddess since she's still growing, but the fact her Quirk has absorbed Regeneration Quirk, Gigantification Quirk and Fairy Dust Quirk making it to be stronger and went to ZZZ-Rank cause of this making Nezu to be shocked.
The government was more shocked as they were scared since she could change her height even more making Mt. Lady to hide behind Kamui Wood who didn't mind it since the kid is going to be very tall really when she is much older and Mt. Lady had the right to freak out about it.
Izumi opens her eyes and they were crystalizing version of her eye colors like crystals took her eye color and then it was that color, but a lighter one with sparkles inside of them really. In her pupil was Alex and Steve's eye colors as they were also crystalizing versions.
The white was glowing making her to stable all of her powers and she plans to take these things out as she started with the Witherstorm first and she shrinked herself to it's height and she fully rushed at it as she punched and kicked it up into the air before she gained the experience points since she had it fall onto her Netherite sword.
Witherstorm gives twice the amount the Witherlord gives in experience points. Izumi turns to the Witherlord Wither and she used her bow making her to get good head shots at the middle head as she roll dodges the attacks and keeps shooting at it.
The Witherlord Wither gives triple what the Witherlord gives as Izumi has fired a storm of arrows at the middle head making her to defeat it and four Ender Dragons combined together gives sixty thousand experience points which Izumi has before she passed out.
Izumi used the same technique she always uses when alone and she won making her to be taken to the infirmary where Recovery Girl keeps an eye on her as Denki, Kyouka and Sen was with her making them to worry since the government did something they shouldn't have done.
They made Izumi's Quirk be a Primordial Goddess Ranked Quirk making her to be now ZZZS-Ranked since she didn't hide the One For All Quirk from them really making them to help figure out some of the Quirks within really. One was Float and Ochaco helped with that one.
Izumi stayed asleep until the second part where Denki, Kyouka and Sen will separate from her and Ochaco will keep an eye on her with Sero. Mt. Lady doesn't know if she should have Izumi internship with her after this or not as she is scary as shit and she hates this feeling really.
"It's going to be alright." Kamui said as they saw Truth-Man walking over to them and asked them if they are interested in a mission he has like Edgeshot is doing since he's doing some spying for HPSC cause of a case they have being done.
"What's the case?" He shows more making the two to be shocked as that's not right making them to be furies and agrees to help out as this is not right at all for a child to go through really. Izumi knows what the HPSC and Truth-man is doing as she won't stop them as Edgeshot is doing a lot of spying on them in the basement.
'All thanks to me doing a map of the place when I had fully escaped from them really.' Izumi thinks as Edgeshot is going to be having fun with this one. Izumi has a plan and had Class 1-B do the same making them to pass as they sent balls at three other students.
Both classes passed and need to wait for the final part making them to leave and Izumi took another nap to get her strength back really. Sen was allowing her to nap on his leg making her to cuddle a stuffy version of both Kyouka and Denki that Yaoyorozu has made for her.
"It should help her out. How long has this been going on for her?"
"Since she was seven. The government wants her to be a villainess, but the problem is she's too kind-hearted, caring, helpful and protective of others that she's not going to be able to be a evil villainess really which made the government to do anything to make her a villainess.
It's not possible really and she wouldn't be able to keep secrets since she hates them and will understand if it's for a good reason like 'State Secret' or 'Government Secret', but anything else, she'll keep you far away from her as she hates having things hidden from her.
Her mother did that once and now she's happy with a new family and a new mother who cares and never hides anything from her. Like her chichi does as he never hides anything from her and she'll whoop his ass if he tries to." Katsuki said as Toga hears it.
She did promise to help the girl she's pretending to be to get her hero license for her to allow her to use her form to keep an eye on two people in the exams. Toga is going to keep her promise as this is critical really and is being careful to keep it looking natural since she explains everything to know more about her.
'I can't tell them as that's not going to be a good thing really.' Toga thinks to herself as she learned how to shoot with a bow and how to use a sword from the girl who is Camie Utsushimi making Bakugou to gain a crush on her and Toga will warn the real one about this.
Izumi saw that they are all in the same area that All Might and her tou-san, All For One a.k.a Shigaraki Hisashi fought in making her to worry as she is not going to enjoy this really. Both Sero and Ochaco went with her as they went into the city.
They saw a 'small child' and Izumi knows it's not an actually small child, but she still picked them up and hugs them as Sero checks for others in the area as Ochaco keeps her eyes out for villains. Izumi has a weakness for children making her to keep this a secret as she can't let her children get hurt.
Izumi calms him down and took him to the medical tent as the other's check the area for his grandfather, may they know it's just part of his acting or not making him to like Izumi for this as she calmly hands him over and explains the situation to the nurse who nods and thanks for her help.
"You're welcome, ma'am." Izumi said politely as she went back out again making the two to smile as she did a good job while Katuski had to letcher a pair and then gave them ten seconds to change to a different injury in which he'll return making them to be quick.
Kirishima and Denki knew Katuski is still going to pass with everyone and those not picking the right one for him is a bad one as he went down and got them out one at a time with Kirishima and Denki watching for threats near by.
"Now how do you think we should do this? We need to get them to the medical tent fast for treatments." Kirishima thinks before Denki whistles and a horse with a medical carriage being pulled by it shows up making them to smirk at this.
"Nothing against animals really. I checked. Vanessa said to be prepared for anything and I'm following that advice no matter what." Denki said as inside was stuff to keep the man still and to not move around while the woman got two castes and bandages around her head plus a board to keep her back straight.
Denki rode the horse as Kirishima and Katsuki noticed the carriage has enough room for five more people and got others making Denki to notice the medical tent. He blow an actually whistle and got the medical tent's attention as they carefully handed the 'injuried' over to them.
Kirishima did the report as Denki and Katsuki helped with the unloading making them to get major points for this as Denki was smart to do this really. Kyouka was using her Earphone Jacks to search for those covered in rubble making her to point to where they are.
Both Sato and Shouji lifts the rubble up carefully as Sen, Quake and Kendo got them out carefully with Yaoyorozu creating medical supplies to trend to their injuries before Kyouka whistles and a horse with a carriage shows up to place them inside of it.
"Like she said. 'Be prepared for anything.' Advice from Vanessa." Only those from U.A High understood what she means while Quake was confused as he took the carriage to the medical tent and helped unload them as he explains where they were from and how his partners were searching for more.
HPSC was pleased with this as Izumi's advice is very special as she is over-prepared for anything really. Four hundred ravagers somehow got in with the same amount of Pillagers, Vindicators, Evokers and Illusioners plus Witches making Izumi to up very upset as the government has gone too far making her to deal with them herself.
"Vanessa! Stop!" Ashido shouts as many saw her rushing to the attackers making them to look towards her as she was very upset and had dual Netherite swords with the second one having the same enchantments on it as the first one really. Vexes were also summoned cause of the evokers.
Izumi starting slashing at the many Pillagers, Vindicators, Evokers, Illusioners, Vexes, Ravagers and Witches as she wasn't going to allow them to hurt anyone making many to see how skilled she is as she also dodged and made the Pillagers to attack each other with each dodge and ducked she made. (AN: Izumi is pulling an Elizabeth from Black Butler: Book of Atlantis really)
No one can do that and still managed this as the Pro-Hero Grand Orca and his sidekicks were shocked at her as she has this in the bag making him to do as he was told for the other testers before she took an arrow for him in her right shoulder in the front as he was aimed at and she took it.
"O.K, that's it. I was going to let you deal with them alone, but now that one shot at me and you took it for me... BOYS! ATTACK!" Orca ordered making many to cheer and rush the many left over Pillagers, Vindicators, Evokers, Illusioners, Ravagers and Witches making them to be scared of the number they are against.
Izumi left it be as she did do a good amount of decreasing their numbers really and there was only half of the numbers now as Grand Orca took her to the medical tent to be treated and to see if she can still do the test which she can, but no swords and she agrees to it.
"Thank you, sir." Izumi said to Grand Orca before she left making him to see a great hero in her which the medical tent does as well, too. HPSC was proud of Izumi as she took on sooo many by herself and she was still willing to protect others no matter what sate she was in really.
Izumi wasn't going to be letting something like this stop her as she then went and ambushed ten that got away and took quick care of them making many to shiver as she was pissed at them for ruining the exam. No one was sane enough to even do that really.
Katsumi, Ochaco, Fumikage, Shoto, Denki, Kyouka and Sen were shocked as Toga shivers at that as Izumi is crazy really to do that really. They stayed away from her since she's still mad and she was looking around for anymore of those things.
Izumi turned fast to the sound and saw the government has sent four hundred Wither Skeletons and Withers with a Witherlord making Izumi to be pissed as her eyes glowed Herobrine-like as she has gained some new abilities cause of Notch's own brother, Herobrine.
'May I hate my brother... This child doesn't deserve what is happening to her.' Herobrine thinks as she's also related to him cause he married her great-grandmother and lived a very normal life thanks to her great-grandmother and he enjoyed it very much really.
Herobrine has incredible Magical Powers. One of his powers are his glowing white eyes which give him 360° vision, precognition and accelerated perception. He can use Potions on his foe, mainly Harming Potions and Poison Potions or curse and hex them without the use of potions.
Herobrine can also fly up to the build level and do so at great speed. Herobrine can also Teleport across huge and presumably limitless distances, though it is unknown if he can teleport through Dimensions, for example, teleporting into the Nether or the End from another dimension.
Herobrine also has Telekinesis and he can use to move objects or his enemy. Herobrine is Absolute immortality and, while he is entirely immune to Death, he is truly impossible to kill. He can also become invisible without drinking a Potion of Invisibility.
Herobrine also possesses True Omnipotence and ridiculously Powerful Physical Attributes. He is incredibly strong, and, with a single punch, can deeply injure or even kill a Miner like Steve. He is also very fast and can fly and run at very high Speeds without Exhaustion.
He is also extremely Durable and can withstand even the strongest of attacks. Herobrine has Pyrokinetic Abilities, which he can use to set fire to the environment surrounding him, or to blast deadly Fireballs at his enemies.
Herobrine has Telepathic abilities, allowing him to communicate between Minds and to Read Minds. He can also use his Telepathic Abilities to Control Minds, to make a friendly mob turn against the player or to control hostile mobs.
However, it is unknown if he can use more psychic abilities like psionic or if he can protect his mind with a psionic shield, though his mind is, clearly, not very vulnerable to Mind Control or Psionic Blasts. Herobrine has Matter Manipulation as well, allowing him to control Matter, alter it or even destroy or disintegrate it.
Herobrine can also shatter the world around him, destroying the environment and sending living beings flying. Herobrine wields a Diamond Sword, which he is very skilled with as he was able to defeat and kill the Witherlord with it.
Herobrine is also very cunning and wise, and he is very skilled in making Dangerous traps for anyone unfortunate enough to be his enemy. Herobrine, like his brother Notch, can Create whatever he wants out of thin air, but while Notch makes things like animals and farms and Food, Herobrine makes Pure Creations like Mobs, Traps, Fortresses and Poisons.
However, he could make anything, if he wanted to, out of thin air and not just evil creations. Herobrine can cast illusions, such as disguising himself and even others like in his fight with Notch when he disguised Steve to having white eyes, so that Notch would think he is Herobrine.
Herobrine can Warp Reality to break the laws of physics allowing him to produce weapons out of thin air (materialization), walk on walls and even changing the laws of physics. Herobrine is also Omnipotent, or very nearly, and is, pretty much, invincible.
Though, Herobrine's most popular attack is the "Lightning Strike", where he uses lightning to strike and blast his enemies, mostly putting them on fire and even killing them. Izumi rushed and took out half with one swing of her sword making many to be shocked.
Her eyes were fully glowing as the other Herobrine, Steve and Alex were shocked as the Lock, Key and Timer switched to this other Herobrine powers making Notch to be shocked as he saw his brother, Herobrine unlocking all of her Genes.
"Why, brother?"
"She needs it... To survive the government, brother. They won't stop coming for her." Notch was shocked as he he can't believe what the government is doing to a child making him to hate this and it seems his brother mellowed out over the years since he got married to his wife really.
Izumi took out each Wither Skeleton and Wither before facing the Witherlord and she stabbed him in the chest making her to have his crown and sword as she plans to combine this sword and the other one back home together really.
Many were scared and shocked at her as she's protecting them like a true hero making many to wonder who taught her how to fight like this fully really. Toga is going to be having a lot of stuff to tell Shigaraki really after this is over as she knows she's being close to getting the license for Camie.
Izumi passed out after all 'civilians' were in the medical tents making them all to pass and Toga needs to get the license to Camie fast as she managed to keep Katsuki from seeing her leave as he wanted to ask her out on a date. Izumi was good at hiding she knew it was Toga.
Toga managed to come back to Camie's house and gave the license card to her and with a big warning of Katsuki having a crush on her and she explains the exams making her to understand as Twice has a video recording of all three exam parts for Shigaraki and a copy for Camie to watch later.
"Thanks for helping me out."
"No problem. It was fun seeing the exams even if I am a Villain, but the government..."
"Say no more. I'll help you fight them. It'll be fun to do some Vigilant work really. If the government is doing something they shouldn't be, then I'll help out really." Toga nods as she leaves after handing the video over and went back to Shigaraki.
"She's helping. Camie is going to be helping with the fight against the government." Toga explains that one since Shigaraki saw the video of the exams already and he nods as this is great to know really. Izumi was carried back home by Katsuki since she's a heavily sleeper once she passes out.
"The government went too far!"
"Three times! Why are they doing this for?!"
"Why do they not like about Izumi?!"
"I'll float them to the sun!"
"Freeze they're bodies and then melt it to melt their bodies."
"Use Dark Shadow to give them nightmares and be jumpy at every shadow."
"Destroy their brains with my sound attack."
"Zap them to death."
"I'll keep an eye on Izumi. You guys can do whatever you want to the government. We need someone to keep an eye on her."
"Fucking bastards! I'll fucking kill them!" L.O.V shakes their heads at them while Toga hugs Ochaco happy to see her again as she needs to pretend she wasn't in the exams with them. Katsuki has Izumi in bed and went back up as the children are taking a nap to grow more.
"Got a plan?"
"We got more recruits to deal with the government. Kurogiri is staying near us and having others get stuff for us. A meeting point was created for them to hand it over to Kurogiri with the money for their help. I didn't touch her vault as I'm using my own money.
"Good." Katsuki knows under the mansion that Izumi made for him and his parents was a vault like hers and has only emeralds, diamonds, gold, sapphires and rubies. His family is set for life really thanks to Izumi as she's too kind hearted for her own good.
AN: I had Camie like that cause I can't do how she talks really. Sorry.
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