How much is what?! Entering the Todoroki family.
(AN: I used this currency calculator site for the numbers you are seeing below and this site for the money part below in this chapter: and plus I'm a Canadian, so it'll be from CAD to JPY)
Izumi figured out how much a single diamond is and she got her answer shocking herself really at the value of a single diamond. One diamond is one trillion and eight hundred billion CAD Dollar (AN: 1,000,800,000,000 for one diamond in Minecraft) which is a lot for one diamond.
She was shocked as that equals ninety-two trillion, ninety-five billion, two hundred and seventy-seven million, five hundred and nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven Yen and ninety-eight Sens (AN: 92,095,277,509,937.98438 JPY) which is a lot of money.
Izumi has a lot of money coming from this really as she wonders how much the gold, emeralds, rubies, Heart of the Sea, Enchanted Golden Apple (Notch Apple), Nether Star, Red Diamond, Topaz, Tourmaline, Amethyst, Spinel and Lolite would cost.
She even figured out how much nine diamonds are making her to feel a bit faint from this really as it's nine trillion, seven billion, two hundred million CAD Dollars (AN: $9,007,200,000,000 for nine diamonds in Minecraft) which equals eight hundred and twenty-eight trillion, eight hundred and fifty-seven billion, four hundred and ninety-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and forty-one yen and eighty-seven sen (AN: 828,857,497,589,441.875 JPY)
Izumi even freaked when she found out it's the same for a diamond block from nine diamonds really. nine trillion, seven billion, two hundred million CAD Dollars (AN: $9,007,200,000,000 for one diamond block in Minecraft) which equals eight hundred and twenty-eight trillion, eight hundred and fifty-seven billion, four hundred and ninety-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and forty-one yen and eighty-seven sen (AN: 828,857,497,589,441.875 JPY)
She was weak in the legs the moment she figured out that five diamond blocks is worth forty-five trillion and thirty-six billion CAD Dollars (AN: $45,036,000,000,000 for five diamond blocks in Minecraft) which equals four quadrillion, one hundred and forty-four trillion, two hundred and eighty-seven billion, four hundred and eighty-seven million, nine hundred and forty-seven thousand, two hundred and nine yens and five sen (AN: 4,144,287,487,947,209.5 JPY).
As of xx/xx/xx (AN: 11/21/12) the price of gold is about one thousand, seven hundred and forty-two dollars per ounce and standard gold bar is between three hundred and fifty oz and four hundred and thirty oz. Izumi was very shocked at this really.
Using these stats, a gold ingot (AN: in Minecraft) that's generally considered "worthless" is worth about six hundred and ninety thousand, five hundred dollars and fifty cents to seven hundred and forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and fourteen dollars and ninety cents.
A gold block is six million, two hundred and fourteen thousand, five hundred and four dollars and fifty cents to six million, seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand, three hundred and thirty-four dollars and ten cents. Izumi feels faint at the numbers she's getting.
A gold nugget is seventy-six thousand, seven hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty-eight cents to eighty-three thousand, two hundred and one dollars and sixty-six cents. That's sixty-three million, five hundred and thirty-eight thousand, four hundred and twenty-nine Yens to sixty-eight million, nine hundred and four thousand, four hundred and forty-nine Yens and forty-seven Sens for a gold ingot.
Five hundred and seventy-one million, eight hundred and forty-six thousand, two hundred and seventy-five Yens and eight Sens to six hundred and twenty million, one hundred and forty thousand and forty-five Yens and twenty-one Sens for a gold block.
Seven million, sixty-four thousand, four hundred and thirty-one Yens and sixty-six Sens to seven million, six hundred and fifty-six thousand and fifty Yens and thirty-five Sens for a gold nugget. Izumi doesn't know if she should be this filthy rich.
She has a lot of money now as she dully doesn't know what to do as she is soo glad she's going to be making a vault for her valuables which Miruko knows fully about since she had earned it for mining for it herself really.
She went to the mountain and she digged into it by one hundred blocks with it being four rows and four columns making it to be large to hold all of her valuables inside of it, but the door will hide how big the inside is to keep them all safe and sound.
She plans to have nine blocks of iron to use, redstone, four slime blocks, five honey blocks, redstone repeaters, sticky pistons, light gray glazed terracottas, white concert, lever, spruce planks and spruce slabs to make the vault door for her vault really.
Miruko will watch to make sure she doesn't hurt herself which Izumi doesn't mind since she was going to ask her to watch anyway as this is going to be the first time she build a vault really. Izumi had drugged down five blocks across in two depth to place her light gray glazed terracotta black down first.
On the third terracotta, she placed a slime block and then one behind it, two on top of that slime block and then one beside the top slim block making Miruko to like that design really. Izumi then placed a honey block between the two slime blocks, one behind that honey block and then one above and one below it.
"Not bad. Honey blocks don't stick to slime blocks at all." Miruko comments as Izumi was happy about this really as she goes back to building. She then placed the nine blocks of iron in front of the blocks making Miruko to like that really as Izumi is creative really.
Izumi got ride of the side blocks to see what she is doing as she is ready for the next part of the build and she knows her papa is just fully watching from the porch. She placed a sticky piston in by one block away from the terracotta.
She kept a block of dirt to place another sticky piston on top of it which she did to the other side of the slime blocks this time around before placing her white concert wall to cover the space between the middle blocks and the sticky pistons.
She then placed a lever on the lower right concert block which she turned it on as she then places down two blocks of iron in front of the space below the second sticky piston with one behind the top sticky piston which she then places one down beside the two lower blocks of iron.
Izumi then placed a redstone repeater down beside the second sticky piston and taps it twice, then redstone behind it, redstone down by one and redstone down beside it before destroying the block beside the block of iron and one below the sticky piston.
She placed down a redstone repeater down beside the block of iron as she has another terracotta underneath the sticky piston and she has destroyed one more block before putting a block of iron down and then redstone making sounds to show it's connected.
She checks with the lever and the right sides open making Miruko to be happy as Shigaraki was just smiling from where he is as it's cleaver how smart his little sister/adoptive daughter is really with finishing school early like she did two years ago.
"Now for the left side, but first." Izumi mumbles to herself as she flips the lever to have the door closed before she destroys a block beside the redstone repeater and then one under the block of iron and one beside it as she left that hole and goes in front of the vault door.
She destroyed the blocks in front with the blocks of iron being one more block down with redstone connecting it as she needs this done first before she went to the left side and digs more in to get to the back as she has the tunnel bigger now to clear it out more as she plans to keep the door open to keep her parents happy.
Izumi placed a redstone repeater next to the sticky piston on the ground, then four blocks of iron beside the redstone repeater with one behind the second sticky piston, destroyed a block behind the redstone repeater and placed a block of iron there.
She placed redstone there, two blocks of iron to the right and one up with another redstone repeater beside the second sticky piston which she taps twice on it before moving back to the front and then destroys the blocks inwards under the concert and replaced it with block of iron.
Izumi then destroyed the blocks beside the concert down by one and underneath it by two down and placed blocks of iron to have the redstone connect with a block of iron to replace a block and have redstone there.
Then destroy two blocks to the left and two up as she replaces it with blocks of iron and then connects it with redstone and a redstone repeater on the last block of iron making sounds to prove it's now connected. She went outside and flicks the lever as the door opens.
"Awesome, Izumi! You're vault is perfect!" Izumi frowns as she double checks and she destroys two blocks in and has a terracotta there before she flicks the lever making her to sigh as she was close to having a problem there which Miruko was nodding her head to really.
"Should of seen that one coming really. You're too smart for your own good, Izumi." Izumi then replaces a block and hides where the redstone is with spruce slabs to not disturb the redstone and change the flooring inside the vault to spruce planks.
She even changed the outside row to spruce planks also making it easier as Izumi has dirt, stone and gravel to cover the sides up once she's done changing the front of the vault as she also adds another wall of concert to help hide it even more and make it look perfect.
Izumi even had the vault opened to replace the blocks behind the terracotta and had terracotta there and five terracotta blocks above by four and behind the slime and honey blocks when she opens the vault door to enter making the vault ready to be used now.
"Huh?" Izumi heard something in the sky and she rushes outside as she looks to her left and she was very much confused at what she is seeing really. Izumi knows she needs to shout it out to have her mama hear her as she's inside the vault really.
Miruko rushed to see what is going on here as this can't be a good thing really as Hawks never would bring two strangers with him unless it's critical and it looks like one of the teen males is badly injuried while the other teen is out cold by something else really.
"Hawks! What is going on?!"
"No time! Hide them until it's cooled down back in the city! You're the only one I trust!" Hawks said as Miruko nods and she got them after taking the second male teen from Hawks to her house as Shigaraki shows the secret entrance to the underground house which may shock the other male adult, but he didn't have the time.
Izumi was happy she did that built before she did the cabin with it over one of the entrances to it and there was another cabin over the second one to keep it hidden from view as she did fully hid there until the two had gained her full trust really.
(AN: Izumi made it thrice the space, so she got triple the ghost blocks really to be placed on top of it to make it look like it's a small single layer odd hill really)
Izumi had hidden inside the vault as Hawks closed it for her since she had finished hiding it as she hears shouts from Endeavour, the number two hero making her to worry as this is not going to be a good thing as her mama is one spot below him after beating the formal Number Four Hero's record really.
'Mama... Please be alright!' Izumi prays as she doesn't want to lose her mama making a lot of her butterflies and moths to attack Endeavour making Miruko to be laughing as her daughter fully doesn't like him right now really making Endeavour to leave to not cause the child pain from losing them.
'Especially if she is fully mentally connected to them really.' Hawks let her out after five minutes to be on the safe side and she hugs her mama as she was worried making Miruko to apologies for that as Hawks explains the best he can why he was hiding his husband from Miruko making her to see why.
"He's Touya Todoroki, Endeavour's eldest child and eldest son. He was saved by the spirit of his very own grandfather, Endeavour's father when everyone thought he died. The kid he was carrying is his baby brother, Endeavour's youngest son.
He adopted him as his son to keep him away from their abusive sperm donor and now he needs a place to hide until Endeavour backs off as he has a lot of fines to pay and court orders to see. Plus he's on the verge of going Villain than staying as a Vigilant. Did I get all that right?"
"Yea, pretty much. Told him I wouldn't leave him and will cover for him as long as I can get rid of my hawk instincts safely and not hurt anyone. He was cool with it. You wanting to beat people up so badly, you might like this." Miruko laughs as she is doing that already.
"Oh, I have been doing that. My husbo is very happy to see me fighting that he is my very own cheering squad really with my own daughter!" Hawks laughs as he figured as much really which got Izumi blushing at that with Shigaraki as well, too.
"Who's the other boy, uncle?"
"Tokoyami Fumikage, he's out cold cause of trauma and stress. He saw his parents get killed in front of him cause of Endeavour not watching where he was bringing the fight of the villain he was after to really. I was there and had to letcher him while trying to calm him down really"
"Both cause of adoption and I know you need friends your own age and not through letters may you known him your whole life. You can teach them a think or two actually." Izumi nods as she then excuses herself to bring her many valuables to her vault to keep them all safe.
Izumi really had a lot as she had cleared the inside up with one hundred blocks behind, beside and above the terracotta being spruce planks as the floor and walls is fully spruce planks really making her to place where she wants her double chests of diamonds, her blocks of diamonds and other stuff as she has a lot of stuff to place inside her vault actually.
Izumi is guessing she is past the Quardrillionaire really and she doesn't want to know what it is really as she hates it and fears someone will marry her for her money more as she slowly let's the two boys get to know her really. She was having fun looking after them as they fight mobs.
She even had to explain in a sorting way who Todoroki Shoto's chichi, another way of saying father, is making him to hug Touya tightly with tears going down his face as Touya hugs him back as it was funny each time Shoto calls him chichi and not Endeavour really.
All three enjoy the adventures as she had a lot more fun stuff to tell Kacchan who got letters from the two as well, too making him to have fun as he wants to visit without Inko knowing it as she's been trying to get her daughter back ever since the adoption of Izumi by both her onii-chan and onee-sama really.
Izumi calling them her parents more is enough proof she trusts them more than Inko making them to blush the first couple times until they got use to it really. Izumi offered to build them a house to live in making Hawks to accept, but refuse as he doesn't want to tire her out really.
"It's been two weeks, uncle Hawks. You need a house of your own and that's final! That cabin is only temporary for you guys!" Izumi said making Miruko to fully laugh as Hawks can't fight with her on that one really which Touya can agree with, but did ask her to call him Dabi which she'll do in public while privately calling him Touya here.
"Can't fight you on that one really, kid." Izumi chuckles as she can't wait to build the house for both her uncle and godfather really.
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