Izumi, Fumikage, Shoto, Ochaco, Katsuki, Kyouka, Denki and Sen were all getting use to the new training upgrades that Miruko did to them all as they are now getting more powerful and Hisashi Jr fully loves his two new parental figures his sissy got for him really.
Izumi isn't blushing that much anymore, just on her cheeks really as Kyouka enjoys playing with the children as Izumi had built her an concert hall and stage with lots of interments to play with really as Izumi went all out on making her to like it really.
Sen was happy with his own dojo as physical training can be inside now making all of them happy as Izumi really wants them all to be very happy as Toga has managed to get closer to Ochaco and steal her first kiss making the two to be an item now really which Miruko mumbles about "It's about time!". (AN: Dojo is twenty times bigger really)
Shigaraki got four more members with them trying to figure out the government's next move for Izumi making them to know that HPSC knows about Miruko and Hawks being part of them cause of the government's actions towards Izumi fully really.
Izumi has her Netherite bow and arrow cause of the exams making her to be prepared as she isn't just going to be failing the exams any time soon making them to be up against mobs for the second part before going up against their very teachers in the third to make it fair.
Izumi helps with All Might's class exams making them to answer questions while fighting her fully one-on-one making a lot to pass as All Might had Nejire-Chan to do it for Izumi to make it fair which she enjoys making her to be happy to see her senpai once again really.
"Still trying to figure out Ryukyu's coded message really." Aizawa said as he looks down and the Morse Code message she sent to him really.
-.-- / --- / ..- / -. / . / . / -.. / - / --- / ... / . / -. / -.. / .... / . / .-. / -... / .- / -.-. / -.- / - / --- / -- / . / .-.-.- / ... / .... / . / .----. / ... / .- / .... / . / .-. / --- / .. / -. / . / .. / -.. / --- / -. / .----. / - / .-- / .- / -. / - / - / --- / -- / . / ... / ... / .-- / .. / - / .... / .. / ..-. / .. / .-- / .- / ... / .- / ...- / .. / .-.. / .-.. / .- / .. / -. / --..-- / -... / ..- / - / - / .... / . / .--. / .-. / --- / -... / .-.. / . / -- / .. / ... / - / .... / . / --. / --- / ...- / . / .-. / -. / -- / . / -. / - / .. / ... / -- / .- / -.- / .. / -. / --. / -- / --- / ...- / . / ... / .- / --. / .- / .. / -. / ... / - / .... / . / .-. / .- / -. / -.. / ... / .... / . / -. / . / . / -.. / ... / .- / .-.. / --- / - / --- / ..-. / - / .-. / .- / .. / -. / .. / -. / --. / - / --- / .... / .- / -. / -.. / .-.. / . / - / .... / . / -- / .- / -. / -.. / .... / . / .-. / .--. / .- / .-. / . / -. / - / ... / -.-. / .- / -. / .----. / - / -.. / --- / .. / - / .- / .-.. / --- / -. / . / .-- / .. / - / .... / .... / .--. / ... / -.-. / .... / . / .-.. / .--. / .. / -. / --. / - / .... / . / -- / --- / ..- / - / .-. / . / .- / .-.. / .-.. / -.-- / -.-.-- / ..- / .--. / - / .... / . / - / .-. / .- / .. / -. / .. / -. / --. / ..-. / --- / .-. / .- / .-.. / .-.. / ... / - / ..- / -.. / . / -. / - / ... / .- / ... / .- / .--. / -.-.--
"I managed to figure it all out since this is a very spaced out one and she had to have a lot of spaces in fully everything to hide what the message means in case the government tries to figure it out really." Nezu said as he show's what the message had said to them all.
'You need to send her back to me. She's a heroine I don't want to mess with if I was a villainess, but the problem is the government is making moves against her and she needs a lot of training to handle them and her parents can't do it alone with HPSC helping them out really! Up the training for students ASAP!'
"I'm not going to be liking this one bit, aren't I?" Midnight asked as this is not going to be a good thing as government agents tried to attack them in front of Best Jean and that's a bad move really. Nezu isn't liking this as he was warned about her Herobrine, Hero Steve and Hero Alex Genes.
"We do as the message said and Power Load, we're going to be soo needing as many of those advance technology and equipment as much as you can make. Hovering vehicles and more with hovering might be the thing we need. Plus try and make one that would fully allow her to build a floating island in the sky if it helps to keep her safe."
"Yes, Nezu-san." Power loader said as he left the room to start as Hatsume might want to join in on this project with him really. All Might and Aizawa wasn't liking this as THAT'S their student! They had that look in their eyes making many to laugh at them both.
"Looks like both Dadzawa and DadMight are out and about now." Present Mic teasingly making both males to blush as they never told Shigaraki about this really.
"He wouldn't mind, but he's more overprotective of her as both a big brother and a father really. Just to warn you two there." Nezu said making them to hang their heads at that reminder really. For the second part of the exams, was going up against the mobs.
Izumi has it being done like teams with Katsuki and Fumikage being with Denki, Sero, Ashido and Kirishima while Nezu got her with Asui, Ochaco, Shoto and Iida as Kyouka is with Yaoyorozu, Sato, Hagakure and Shoji while the rest is a team.
Izumi and her team went first as Ochaco and Shoto are soo use to following her leads as both Asui and Iida needs to get use to this really. Izumi saw creepers and she used her arrow to shoot them all making them to drop gunpowder which will be giving to the school.
Ochaco had the zombies floating in the sky for the others to shoot at all while she deals with the phantoms flying around them with her double swords. Asui has the drowns and Shoto has the skeletons which leaves Iida with the Piglins making them to be doing good since Izumi is leading them.
The Wither was the difficult one since there was ten making Nezu to wonder if the government did this to her only making her to craft shields with Iron fast making them to handle this as they aren't going up against this many Withers without a shield, but then Izumi had saw it: the Witherlord.
A very powerful entity that commands legions of Wither Skeletons and Withers, also has the power of the Supreme Nether Star which holds limitless amount of energy, he is considered one of the most powerful being in the Nether.
When on his home realm, he can grow more powerful than ever to which nothing can stop it (although this doesn't work when he is outside the realm like for example when he's in the Overworld), but still a powerful adversary to his foes and poses a great threat to all the realms.
Izumi wasn't going to be liking this as he has summoned fifty Wither Skeletons and a hundred Withers making this to be more difficult as no one has never ever seen what the Witherlord looks like and yet here he is. Izumi is worried for her team as this guy is huge and powerful.
Izumi was worried until she then noticed something making her to squint her eyes and widening in shock as she rushed towards him making many to be shocked until she jumps up in the air and had her TNT Arrow out making many to see it glowing as the dust from her wings glowed.
It went straight for her arrow and the Witherlord looks up making him to back away in fear as he was shaking in terror and fear which was confusing everyone until they saw her eyes. They were glowing white, but there was fully something different about them.
Alex has long bright orange hair hanging to the left side, pale white skin, and white eyes with green pupils, with light-green shirt (un-tucked on the right side and a dark green belt wrapped around it), a pair of brown pants, and grayish boots. Alex appears to have pinkish lips and has thinner arms than Steve.
Steve has short brown hair, brown ten skin and white eyes with purple pupils, with a light-blue shirt (un-tucked on the left side), a pair of blue pants and light blueish-grey boots. Where the pupils would be, was a purple and green glow with the white glow making many to be shocked.
Izumi fired her arrow and the Witherlord froze as the arrow hits him in the one weak spot that he has; his chest. The power of her Quirk and TNT arrow has fully caused his death making many to be shocked as Izumi floats down and collected the sword.
It shrinks to fit her hand as the crown was there making her to collect it as well, but she didn't wear it making many to sigh of relief as Izumi just places both in her inventory with the Supreme Nether Star before turning to the Wither Skeletons and Withers making them to stay where they are really.
Izumi used the Witherlord's own Sword and one K.Oed them all, but allowed her team to take the experience points for themselves. The Witherlord had quadruple the experience points of the Ender Dragon really making Izumi to have a lot of levels to use up really.
All Might was shocked as how the heck did Izumi know the weak spot of the Witherlord really cause this was not making sense at all really. (AN: Not sure if that arrow would kill him, so for the story, let's just say it can) Izumi was tired, but she has to keep going for her team's sake.
Izumi took a nap when the other teams had a turn making Shoto to let her nap on his lap which she took as she needs a nap making Yaoyorozu to be jealous, but she knows it's just a nap and that both Shoto and Izumi knew each other for a long time before school even really.
Katsuki took over, so Yaoyorozu can be with Shoto making it fair as Izumi is going to be drained when she's up against All Might with Katsuki really. Both Iida and Asui explains the test to Aizawa making him to nod as Ochaco didn't need to since she knows how Izumi works.
"Alright, you two. Go take a long breather and relax." Both nod and left making Aizawa to wonder how the heck did Izumi even do that really. Herobrine was looking at Steve and Alex after a long time and he didn't even try to attack them at all.
"Where are we, Brine?"
"Inside of our shared descendent, Shigaraki Izumi."
"Why are we inside of her?"
"The world has changed and now there is governments and more islands making the world to be very different. One government is trying to fully turn my... Our descendent into a villainess. The people of this new world has powers.
They call them Quirks. She has one, but the problem is... The government wants her to be a villainess and not a hero like you two really. The government is pushing it and has even made her team in her exams to go up against the Witherlord.
Who has summoned fifty Wither Skeletons and a hundred Withers which she K.Oed with the very Witherlord's own Sword which has shrieked to fit her hands really." Herobrine said as both Alex and Steve were very shocked by this.
"Not even us two combine together or even with your help could win against one if they had even existed really!"
"How did she do it, Brine?!" Herobrine showed the memories from his point of view of the actions which has both Steve and Alex were shocked.
"She's soo young. Why would the government do this?"
"From what I can tell, they've been doing this since Quirks first showed up over two hundred years ago. It took them to see a way to make more heroes by making more villains really. There is also the very Z-Ranked Quirks.
If the user dies a natural death, they will become gods. She has met five of them on the roof of the Nether and has built them a home with civilians to worship them. She cares for family and her friends. She's not villainess material no matter what really."
"Brine, why do you hold her true-self back?"
"She has mine, yours and Alex's Genes, Steve. The government wouldn't hesitate to turn her if they knew about my Genes all while over looking both yours and Alex's Genes. I can't have it. Luckily she has a group on her side: HPSC.
They work with heroes and got her a Key, Lock and Timer to stop the Genes to give me a hand. They're dating now which will increase the success of the Genes being locked now. Having them unlocked would be a big trouble for her.
I don't want that as she is my last chance of redemption in this world." Brine pulls the two in and hugs them fully shocking the two of them as they can feel him shaking in their hold making them to realized he has made a mistake and is trying to fix it all really.
"I should have gone for either the Blacksmith, Toolsmith or Mason Career than the one I had really cause then I could have been a proper hero like you guys. That's all I wanted." Steve and Alex hugs Herobrine tightly as they forgive him making them to then hear Notch's voice and that Herobrine is close to redemption soon.
"If only my brother, Herobrine didn't move the command Block to where you guys were to have new victims and not expecting two heroes and a villain to show up from it all really."
"It's fine, Notch. What will happen to Izumi now?"
"Fear not for she is safe and the government is going to lose big time when the time has come. They cannot mess with any of the Z-Ranked Quirks of which is my daughter's very own caliber really while my nephew does the normal Quirks.
All will be well." Notch said before his voiced vanished making all three to hope so as they don't like what Izumi has to go through really. Izumi woke up as she has missed the other matches making her to apologies as she was never that tired before really.
"It's fine, Izumi. Come on. It's our turn." Izumi nods as she wonders what's going to be fully happening as she saw the city they are in and she was quick to pull Katsuki into a building as air went fully pass behind Katuski and they hide fast before peeked outside.
"All Might... This is going to be ending badly, Kacchan. We need to get to the gates. I don't know if I can carry someone while flying, but this might be our only option. We wouldn't be able to win fully against him really." Katsuki nods as they head for the roof top of the building without All Might fully knowing it.
All Might looks around as he thinks they are hiding somewhere on the ground as he knows they wouldn't go to the roof top since he has traps up there, but Izumi knew this and she carried Katsuki as the first ten steps were safe to walk on.
Both remained quiet and Izumi flew towards the gate making them to have a good amount of space and she kept going until she starts to get tired making Katsuki to tell her to land slowly. Izumi falls to the grounds panting and breathing heavily.
Katsuki places her gently on his back and bolts fast for the gates making All Might to see a door open on one of the roof tops since he went to check on the traps and bolts towards the gates making All Might to be gaining speed on them.
Katsuki has to use his Explosion Quirk to get to the gates faster which is what's making All Might know where they are heading really. Izumi was exhausted and saw All Might making her to say it which made Katsuki to hold her by one hand and shoot at All Might with the other hand.
"All Might..."
"NOT TODAY, MOTHER FUCKER!" Katsuki was pleased that the shot had them closer to the gate as they have ten seconds between them and gates with only five minutes passing them by since they have an hour to either beat the teachers or get to the gates.
Katsuki ran through the gates and both passed as he had Recovery Girl to check on Izumi fast making her to see she needs more nectar really making him to make sugary water and hopes Izumi drinks it which she does making him to calm.
All For One recommends sugary water to help her out which works greatly as this is not going to be easy for Izumi making Kyouka, Denki and Sen to worry about her as they hope she doesn't need to drink that much sugary water when she is in this sort of state really ever.
'Why Izumi?'
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