Entance Exam of UA
Izumi finally got the O.K to join UA Academia from her papa finally making her to hug him tightly before she went to get ready for the entrance exam in four days time really as Miruko laughs at him fully since he was almost knocked over by her really which would have been funny.
"You made her day and I know you're going to be attacking the school, just make sure you're not going to make her use those three items really." Shigaraki shivers as Izumi knows how to fully make TNT and exploding arrows as she brought the TNT blaster making him to shiver at that really.
"If she does use them, me and Kurogiri are booking it out of there asap." Kurogiri agrees as they ain't messing around with her if she has all three as she got Fumukage into the arrows, Shoto with the TNT which he had fully planned to use on Endeavour really.
Which poor Touya had to stop him quickly as that is not going to be a good thing exceptionally with the TNT blaster really. Hawks had to lock it up with the Shigaraki's really until Shoto shows a lot of maturity to have it back making him to call Hawks 'mama' like Fumikage has been calling Hawks 'kaa-san'.
Both boys know Hawks isn't going to replace their mothers which helps them out as Izumi will start calling him aunty if he gets too annoying really which Hawks doesn't want a repeat of really as that's when he was being a tease with Miruko really.
Shoto still fully has the very much recommendation from Endeavour and doesn't want anything to do with the man, but Touya said to do so and to be nice to others during and after it which Shoto will try as Fumikage walks with Izumi into the normal exam holding room as 'Kaachan' waves them over.
"Damn, you look different, Deku." Izumi takes it as a complement since she's a very different person now really. Her hair is no longer very fluffy and dark green as it's now long straight white hair with dark green, purple, black, blue and yellow colored large streaks that's two inches wide.
The tips were red which goes up by four inches with monarch butterflies flying around her while mottled opal moths were flying around her head before landing on her head making it to look like hair ornaments really making her to love it really.
Her eyes are tri-colored: dark green, red and silvery-blue with her bust size being one hundred and seventeen inches thanks to swimming the breast stroke a lot, waist is fifty-nine inches and hips is ninety-three inches. She's now to Kacchan's shoulders which is a better height really.
(AN: just pretend this is Izumi and the girl looks just like how I had described Izumi, but her hair does actually looks just like this really plus the flower is there as well, too)
'Kacchan' is actually Bakugou Katsuki and he looks different as well, too with brown highlights, muscles to back up his strength since Izumi made sure he learns some close combat with her mama which made him both fear and respect Miruko there and then really.
Izumi was thankful for her new looks that Inko didn't even recognized her really which made her feel safe as she hates her biological one for her betrayal really like that as she could have learned his name. All well as her chichi was shocked when he found out about her.
The man was pissed and he sent presents for each birthday and the many Christmas he had fully missed with Tomura which helps out as he doesn't mind Tomura being her father as she doesn't know what he really looks like really. She even paid for plastic surgery to have his face looking like it did once before.
Present Mic was there and then everyone was quiet expect for Izumi who gave him two 'yeah's making him to like her cause of it really. Izumi, Fumikage and Katsuki were in three fully different testing areas cause they know each other making her to sigh really.
She was happy to have her armor with her as she suits up and has her sword as it's all Netherite making her to love it as she also has a Netherite bow and arrows as well, too. She got the high score since she's a high level and hasn't done any enchantments yet on her equipment.
'They aren't allowed really unless you are fighting mobs and the Ender Dragon.' Izumi thinks to herself as she got ten Zombies, ten Skeletons, ten Creepers, ten Wither Skeletons, ten Blazers, ten Piglings and ten Phantoms making her score to be one hundred and ten...
'Better make that ten a twenty. Where did they get the drowns from?' Izumi thinks as she shot ten Drowns down where they are in water making her to have a high score cause of this really. She saw someone who was having a hard time really and it was a mob called the Wither.
'Shit! Who made it?! It's against the rules!' Izumi bolts as she has her shield out and blocked the attacks making the girl to stay behind her as she doesn't like this. Izumi reflects the attacks fully back towards the Wither and then slices at it making it's health bar go down.
One more final hit and Izumi has fully beaten it making her to check on the girl and fastly treat any injuries she may have as this is not a good thing really. Izumi treats the many injuries and has her stay close to be safe as Izumi was pleased she has two weapons really.
"Focus on one and not two." The girl changed fast to her bow and arrows as Izumi gave tips making someone to notice this as he has found his successor making him to be interested in meeting her personally actually. Izumi met up with Katsuki and Fumikage once the exams were over.
"Man! Who the fuck put a fucking Wither in a fucking exam like this?!"
"This isn't a normal thing really."
"Not sure, but It's against the rules." Present Mic overheard them as he asked Izumi about it and will have everything checked out to make sure this doesn't happen again which calms the three down as they went home and trained before eating super and then going to bed to cheer Shoto on for tomorrow really.
Izumi didn't realized she had gained a hundred points for beating the wither and sixty points for helping the girl who was fully willing to give up her points if the girl who saved her didn't have really enough making the school principal to like Izumi fully.
The next day and Shoto was doing fine, if only that stupid damnna it Inasa Yoarashi would shut up about Endeavour really making him to snap and shouted at him to shut up about that fucking bastard and to never ever talk about him ever again in front of him before he bolts to Izumi's arms.
She glares angrily at the guy for this making him to flinch as he ticked someone off if the number of both butterfly and moth species mean anything around the girl really as he holds his hands up for peace as Present Mic saw Hawks as he calms Shoto down.
Shoto got into UA, but he doesn't want to be in the same classroom as the stupid idiot really making the principal to agree as he saw how Shoto was acting and he did good on holding his temper in, but best to just walk away from him really next time.
Miruko gave Izumi a huge math problem to solve which is the numbers after trillion and what number system naming this is making Izumi to sigh as she didn't expect to do this, but did it anyway as it kept her busy without even fully knowing that Nezu, the UA principal sent it to test her IQ.
'Million = 1x10⁶, Billion = 1x10⁹, Trillion = 1x10¹², Quadrillion = 1x10¹⁵, Quintillion = 1x10¹⁸, Sextillion = 1x10²¹, Septillion = 1x10²⁴, Octillion = 1x10²⁷, Nonillion = 1x10³⁰, Decillion = 1x10³³, Undecillion = 1x10³⁶.
Duodecillion = 1x10³⁹, Tredecillion = 1x10⁴², Quattuordecillion = 1x10⁴⁵, Quindecillion = 1x10⁴⁸, Sexdecillion = 1x10⁵¹, Septemdecillion = 1x10⁵⁴, Octodecillion = 1x10⁵⁷, Novemdecillion = 1x10⁶⁰, Vigintillion = 1x10⁶³.
Unvigintillion (or Vigintunillion) = 1x10⁶⁶, Duovigintillion (or Vigintiduoillion) = 1x10⁶⁹, Trevigintillion (or Vigintitrillion) = 1x10⁷², Quattuorvigintillion (or Vigintiquadrillion) = 1x10⁷⁵, Quinvigintillion (or Vigintiquintrillion) = 1x10⁷⁸.
Sexvigintillion (or Vigintisextillion) = 1x10⁸¹, Septvigintillion (or Vigintiseptillion) = 1x10⁸⁴, Octovigintillion (or Vigintoctillion) = 1x10⁸⁷, Nonvigintillion (or Vigintinonillion) = 1x10⁹⁰, Trigintillion = 1x10⁹³, Untrigintillion = 1x10⁹⁶, Duotrigintillion = 1x10⁹⁹, Ten-duotrigintillion = Googol = 1x10¹⁰⁰.
Skewer's number = 1x10¹³⁰
Centillion = 1x10³⁰³
Googolplex = 1x10¹⁰'¹⁰⁰
There are no names given to the numbers between googol, skewer's number, centillion and googolplex. And, there is apparently no Global agreement on naming large numbers. According to many books (such as Mathematics, A human Endeavor by Harold Jacobs) the googol is one of the largest numbers ever named.
The googolplex is one followed by a googol zeros. More recently, Skewer's number is the largest number ever used in a mathematical proof. (Let's hope we never hear about the National Debt in terms of Skewer's number!) The centillion is one hundred groups of three zeros beyond one thousand, which follows the American convention of naming numbers.
Webster's Dictionary differentiates between American and English systems of numeration. Our list above follows American convention. Until World War I, there was not much need for number names beyond millions, because large numbers could be expressed in powers of ten, without referring to any names.
This explains why a billion is 1,000,000,000 in the United States, while in England it is 1,000,000,000,000. Americans (apparently influenced by the French) gave the billion as one hundred and nine in our earliest native American arithmetic book in 1729.
Our convention names numbers by periods (groups of three zeros) beyond one thousand. Names for large numbers were the fashion in early days, often asking students to count to duodecillion before taking up addition. Hmm...
I wonder if today's students can do this?' Izumi wrote it down making her to not know she had shocked Nezu with this and that Miruko told him about her buildings she has build making him to go visit with a friend really to see this himself actually.
Izumi had went near the water and figures she could build a castle for the summer where everyone can go swimming and fishing really with a tower for Hawks and Touya to sleep in to make his hawk instincts fully happy really.
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