Calming down period and aftermath
Izumi was relaxing in the jacuzzi making her to feel the muscles losing up as she needs this with Sen joining her as Kyouka and Denki are taking a nap. Their ten children are playing with Shoto and Fumikage as Miruko plays peekaboo with Izumi's niece and nephew/siblings really.
Sen rubs her shoulders as she leans more into him as he keeps hitting the right spots while dear Katsuki was out on a date with Camie making his parents happy he has a girlfriend really. All Might had the babies and now is raising them as Aizawa has some days off from work.
Nezu didn't mind and allows it making them both to raise their children and enjoy each other's presence which Izumi likes as no one can tell she's a Landlady to her lands really. All For One gave her a low price for it and the other two lands really.
It was making her to be very much happy with this as she has the areas between them as well, too making it easier to keep track of them all really. Sen, Denki and Kyouka's levels are at Izuki's and Nezu finally fully knows what the level that Izumi is at really.
He was shocked and allows her to enchant her own stuff from now on making her to love this as she managed to get the enchantments to level X now which Sen, Denki and Kyouka are doing as well, too. Katsuki, Shoto, Momo, Camie, Fumikage, Tsuyu and Ochaco are the same.
Himiko is also at that very same enchantment level as well, too making her to love it. Izumi fully wonders if her tou-san would find love which she knows is going to be heart breaking once they die from old age really. Dr. Garaki's theory has been published.
He even included evidence to back it up making many to believe him really as they are doing even more studies and are keeping track of everyone's bodies to make sure they can handle it really. Izumi was happy for him as life is slowly changing now really.
The old government members are now fully in jail and fully replaced making the government to be very much better as many are getting more help and Japan is now back to being normal. Well, not really normal, but semi-normal actually.
Izumi knows her family is going to be getting bigger from her, Sen, Denki and Kyouka having kids in the future and she's curious on how they are going to look really. No one knows the future and it's best to keep it like that forever now really.
Both the Villagers and Traveling Traders are back and a lot of villages are back in place as the world as a lot of land for them as Iron Golems are now back and many have accepted it as Izumi was worried, but HPSC helped out there making it to be awesome.
So much has changed and Izumi hopes it stays that way for a good while and for a good reason as she hates to see the world change fully without a good reason and that's not a good thing. Ragdoll is doing fine and is getting better with the babies all doing alright as well, too really.
Ragdoll shouldn't have even gone through that making Izuki mad, but she's fully glad she got Ragdoll out of there really. Her ten children: Kota, Eri, Kai, Moharo, Nixon, Katsuma, Hisashi Jr., Nadeemeya, Djamel and Mukhtar are doing very fine and the last three now have control on their Nomu side.
Dr. Garaki helped them out and now they are much better than before really which Izumi loves as what those three went through should never have happened at all fully really as even Sen, Denki and Kyouka agrees with her now this one really.
No one should have gone through what all four has been through really as they don't deserved that kind of life at all really. Izumi had even built a playground for the children making them to have a lot of fun really which they loved very deeply since their mother made it for them.
Izumi had to spoil them somehow and a park was the best thing for them really which many agreed as she even built a sandbox for them really. Many loved it as there was even a bench to sit on to watch them all playing as Miruko loves it really.
Izumi has a lot of ideas and she can't stop herself which makes her unique really making her to blush as she doesn't know how to feel about that which has many to hate Inko for this really as her self conscious is short circuited cause of her abuse really.
'It's a good thing Sen, Denki and Kyouka are helping her out there really.' Everyone thinks as they watch the three teach her things she should have known already really. Hisashi was happy his daughter has such great lovers to help her out with somethings really.
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