To Inquire
(More angst anyone?)
Aizawa awoke in a cold empty room. He was strapped to a metal chair that sat at a rectangle metal table. He tried to pull his wrists out of the restraints but that was useless. He looked around the room trying to get his bearings. The room had one light, it hung high above where Aizawa was and shone down on him without mercy. There was a door across from his seat but he'd have to escape his bonds, get around the table, and open it before getting caught.
"Hello Eraserhead," a cold voice chuckled. Aizawa scanned the room and his eyes stopped as he spotted someone sitting in the shadows, only their feet visible in the low light.
"All for One," Aizawa guessed leaning back in his chair. Now it was coming back to him; the attack. He could vividly see Izuku's and Katsuki's horrified faces as he was dragged through the portal. He didn't remember much after that.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," All for One grinned, "Now if you don't mind, my apprentice had some questions for you."
Aizawa's senses suddenly went on high alert and he recognized that someone was behind him. That someone put a hand on his chair, being careful to only touch it with four fingers, and walked to his side.
"Hello Eraser," Tomura Shigaraki grinned cruelly looking down at the prisoner.
Aizawa felt something chill in his bones... he recognized it; hopelessness. He couldn't get out of this, not with All for One a few feet away. He tried to use his quirk but nothing came.
"Don't even bother," All for One laughed from his seat in the shadows.
"So, how about you tell us all of the little rabbit holes your fellow rats might be hiding in?" Tomura smiled cruelly.
Aizawa swallowed the lump in his throat and managed a smile, "You think threatening to turn me into a pile of dirt is going to make me talk?"
"Oh no," Tomura smiled walking to the door, "But maybe the thought of one of your precious students disintegrating will. He opened the door and Aizawa's eyes widened.
Two guards walked in and in between them was Hitoshi. He was struggling but based on the bruise on his face, it wasn't going well. They shoved him into the room and walked out. Tomura slammed the door before Hitoshi could get to his feet and walked slowly towards the purple-haired student.
Hitoshi faced Tomura and took meager steps back as the 'hero' approached, his back to Aizawa.
"Man, it must suck to be surrounded by those rays of sunshine all the time... I mean you heroes must be in a constant state of boredom if all you have to talk to are those guards," Hitoshi chuckled dryly. He glanced over his shoulder at Aizawa and quickly put two and two together. He was their idea of leverage for whatever they wanted from Aizawa which meant that he had to be smart about this.
"Come here, little brat," Tomura laughed holding his hands out.
"You want a hug?" Hitoshi mocked backing away slowly.
"Stop playing Shigaraki," All for One reprimanded. Hitoshi turned to All for One and felt the world melt as he faced the most powerful man in the world. He felt his heartbeat race and he began sweating in fear. His body refused to move as panic set in.
Tomura took advantage and grabbed Hitoshi. The hero pulled the student in and wrapped a hand around his neck, one finger hovering over the skin. Hitoshi froze recognizing the danger and Aizawa struggled.
"Don't!" Aizawa threatened.
"Or what?" Tomura chided, "It's not that hard a question Eraser, where are the rest of your little rats hiding?" He squeezed and Hitoshi flinched.
"I don't know!" Aizawa retorted.
"You do," Tomura smiled, "At least I hope you do, for this boy's sake."
Aizawa trembled. What could he do?
Then, Hitoshi found his voice.
"Don't tell them anything!" Hitoshi ordered his voice cracking.
"Shut it brat," Tomura hissed.
Hitoshi glared at him and then threw all caution to the wind, he was going to die anyway.
"You can live with losing me, they're just gonna kill me anyway... but don't let them get anyone else," Hitoshi pleaded.
"If I were you, I'd stay quiet," Tomura grinned threatening to place his fifth finger on Hitoshi's neck.
"Well, I'm not you," Hitoshi snarled, "I'm no coward."
"You - "Tomura growled.
"Enough," All for One ordered standing up.
"But - " Tomura began.
"Release the boy Tomura," All for One soothed, "These two are not our typical villains."
Reluctantly Tomura released Hitoshi. Hitoshi began to breathe slowly trying to calm himself.
"I must say, Eraser," All for One began walking forward into the light, "I'm pleasantly surprised, not many people can train students that are so brave... and entertaining."
He waved a hand and Hitoshi went stiff.
"Shinso?" Aizawa questioned.
"I can't move," Hitoshi swore as he trembled.
All for One gestured with his hand and the chair he had been sitting in flew forward and placed itself across the table from Aizawa. Hitoshi was jerked over there by some other force and was forced into the chair. The restraints on the chair snapped shut around his wrists and whatever was controlling Hitoshi before released itself. Hitoshi immediately began struggling but it was useless.
"There is another reason I asked Shigaraki to bring you here Hitoshi," All for One smiled walking up to the boy who froze in fear. Hitoshi couldn't find the courage to face the greatest man on earth.
All for One placed his hand on Hitoshi's head and smiled as he felt the boy flinch.
"Your quirk is very, very impressive," All for One smiled.
"Leave him alone," Aizawa demanded.
All for One put a finger to his lips to gesture for silence. Hitoshi stared at the table intently, he felt the courage drain out of him, and against his will began to shake in fear.
"You have proven to be a very strong young man," All for One assured him, "So how about I offer you a deal?"
Hitoshi tried to answer but nothing in his body would respond. His mind was screaming in terror.
"I want you to brainwash your sensei and ask him where I can find rebellion outposts," All for One smiled.
There was a moment of horrified silence.
"My quirk can't do that," Hitoshi managed to say as he trembled.
To this, All for One gave a haughty laugh and smiled down on the boy, "No, but with my help, you can."
Aizawa glared at All for One wondering wishing using his quirk would activate.
"Why would I?" Hitoshi spat trying to sound braver then he was.
"Well, if you ask your sensei, I'll let you and all of your friends that I've caught go. The Todoroki boy and Miss Hagakure. As soon as Eraser tells me what I want to know, I will release all of you and you may all go free... you can run and warn everyone to abandon the outposts Aizawa tells me about... you can save all of your little friends and your teacher," All for One grinned.
Hitoshi trembled but he felt the fear melting away into anger, "You're a filthy liar," he shook, "You'd never do that, and if you did there'd be some loophole where we would all get stuck here."
"You're a smart boy," All for One told Hitoshi, "But I swear there will be no loophole and I am not lying."
"But why?" Hitoshi trembled slowly looking up until he was staring into the eyes of All for One, "Why would you ever do that?"
All for One gave a cold smile and slowly began to walk around the table. "This may surprise you Hitoshi, but ruling the world can get boring. I have to constantly find entertainment. First, it was creating nomus, then, watching villains fight without quirks in my arena, now... I find that I enjoy watching stories play out." He passed behind Aizawa and continued his slow pace, "You struck me today as a new character. I've met many boys your age but almost none of them accepted their fate so quickly and met it with courage."
Aizawa felt rage flow threw his blood, the man was toying with Hitoshi and Aizawa hated that he was helpless to stop it.
"Those who stood up to me were either foolish or immensely strong," All for One explained, "But you... you are neither of those. You never fantasized about somehow defeating me and escaping, but you never conceded to your demise... I saw that you were still trying to find a way to escape and in that way, you've offered everyone you love and yourself a chance to escape."
"That still doesn't explain why you would let everyone go... after you tried so hard to catch us," Hitoshi argued bravely, "That'll make everything you've done for nothing!"
"Nothing?" All for One laughed, "Nothing I do is for nothing. By forcing information out of your own sensei you will open yourself up for pounds upon pounds of guilt that will lie on your shoulders. Maybe you can reach everyone in time and maybe I won't catch anyone... but both you and I know that no one is that fast or that good. People will die... and I want to see what that does to you... Hito."
Hitoshi shuddered at his nickname and stared at the man who was still slowly pacing around them. He opened his mouth to refute All for One but All for One stopped and grinned at him.
"Or, let's say you don't. Then it's quite simple. I will forcibly take your quirk right here and right now. If your steadfast Sensei's lips are still sealed after watching you suffer through that excruciating situation, then I will brainwash him and force the information out. Then I will watch as you and your beloved teacher are fed to my new nomus... the ones I will make from Miss Hagakure and Mr. Todoroki. I will decimate the rest of the rebellion and all because Hitoshi Shinso couldn't find it in himself to brainwash his teacher," All for One shrugged stopping behind Hitoshi's chair.
Aizawa could see the conflicting emotions in Hitoshi's eyes. Hitoshi stared at the table, horrified and terrified.
"The real question is... who do you trust more with your quirk... you... or me?" All for One grinned.
Hitoshi shivered and slowly responded, "You swear you aren't lying?"
All for One smiled in triumph, "I swear."
"All I have to do is ask him where the safehouses are and you'll let us go?" Hitoshi asked.
"That's all you must do," All for One grinned.
"Shinso, no," Aizawa pleaded. Hitoshi looked to him and suddenly Aizawa saw something in Hitoshi's eyes.
"I'll do it," Hitoshi gritted. All for One placed his hand back on Hitoshi's head and smiled.
"A good choice young man," All for One smiled. His hand glowed red and Hitoshi felt his body erupt in pain as excess power flooded through his being. He screamed and struggled but the restraints held fast. He thought he heard Aizawa call his name but he couldn't be sure. His heartbeat was deafening as was the pain. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the pain subsided and Hitoshi leaned back and took in gasps of air, his body trembling like a leaf in the wind. If he hadn't been in a chair, he would've collapsed on the floor and simply stayed there. Everything hurt.
"I've momentarily boosted your quirk," All for One explained backing away, "Now if you brainwash someone, they will answer your questions along with doing whatever you order."
Hitoshi took another shaky breath in and slowly sat up in his chair facing Aizawa from across the table. Aizawa's face was a painting of concern and fear. Fear for Hitoshi, fear for the future, fear for the present.
Aizawa saw only one thing in Hitoshi; determination.
"Oh, and Eraser," All for One smiled from behind Hitoshi, "I deeply recommend that you answer whatever question he asks you."
Hitoshi stared at Aizawa, determination burned in his chest as the pain faded into the background and he could only think of one question to ask Aizawa.
"Mr. Aizawa," Hitoshi began shakily, he met Aizawa's eyes and forced the rest out, "do you trust me?"
Aizawa hesitated only a moment before understanding. He nodded his head and slowly responded, "Yes."
Aizawa's face went blank, his eyes glazed over, and he sat up straight.
"Now, ask," All for One grinned.
Hitoshi took a deep breath and stared at Aizawa, "Where are the other safe houses?"
Aizawa took a deep breath in, All for One stepped forward watching intensely and Hitoshi smiled. Before Aizawa responded Hitoshi shot out an order.
"Don't answer that or anything anyone else asks!" Hitoshi grinned. All for One grabbed him and slammed his head into the table so fast Hitoshi didn't have time to gloat, Aizawa remained stonefaced.
"That, that was a mistake," All for One chuckled, "A brave one... but a foolish one."
"You said I had to ask him... you never said you needed an answer," Hitoshi chuckled, his nose now bleeding, looking up at All for One, "Now hold up your end of the deal, let us go."
All for One... for the first time in a long time... was stunned. And then he laughed.
Tomura watched from the shadows and was also stunned. The kid had guts.
All for One kept laughing and slowly he let Hitoshi up. Hitoshi sat up, blood was trickling out of his nose and from his forehead from his harsh meeting with the table.
"You are clever," All for One laughed, "foolhardy, but clever."
All for One walked over to Aizawa and pat him on the shoulder. Aizawa immediately awoke and looked around in confusion. His eyes settled on Hitoshi who was now bleeding.
"Your student, Eraser, has bested me in a game of witts," All for One bragged to Aizawa.
"He doesn't know anything," Hitoshi assured Aizawa slowly.
"No, no I do not..." All for One sighed, "But that... that was exhilarating. Tomura," All for One called looking to his apprentice.
Tomura looked at his master.
"Take our dear guest back to his cell... he's proven himself to be quite entertaining," All for One grinned waving his hands. The restraints holding Hitoshi released and Hitoshi flew backward over the chair and landed hard on his back knocking the wind out of him. Hitoshi lay there stunned and slowly Tomura walked up and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt before yanking him to his feet.
"You swore!" Hitoshi yelled ripping out of Tomura's grasp and staring at All for One who laughed and shrugged.
All for One met Hitoshi's eyes and grinned, "Simply put, I lied."
Tomura grabbed Hitoshi and grinned as he watched desperation worm its way into the boy's eyes.
"Let's go brat," Tomura grinned pulling Hitoshi away, opening the door and handing him to the guards.
All for One smiled as the door shut and looked to Aizawa, "You raised him well. His wit has saved his life and his quirk today."
Aizawa clenched his jaw and glared at All for One. All for One walked over to the chair Hitoshi had sat in and sat down in it staring at Aizawa from across the table.
"Now... I suppose I'm going to have to use other means," All for One sighed.
(I dunno where this book came from or its writing style but I am definitely questioning my writing methods
Oh welllllllllll~
Love y'all, I promise this gets better in a moment or two. Thanks for reading and have a great day/night!!)
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