The Rescue
"Anyone have any questions?" Izuku asked.
He was met with a sea of solemn faces, each one staring at the nightmare of a building before them. They were in a skyscraper that was still being constructed and easily saw the monstrosity of the building before them. It was only natural that All for One would make his headquarters look like some scyscraper straight from hell, what with it's dark exterior and smooth walls.
"This is gonna be tough," Izuku breathed.
"We have to do this," Momo stated clearly determined.
"Let's go get those sons of bitches," Katsuki growled.
Koji and Mezo stayed outside of the building. Koji snuck alley to alley and talked to all of the rats, birds, mice, and other animals he could find. Mezo stood on lookout listening to the sounds of the city and making sure nothing bad went wrong on his end.
The rest of the class went into the building.
There was nothing secretive about the frontal attack, let's be honest, stealth wasn't this classes's forte. Now a surprise attack and full frontal assault - that was their specialty. Izuku, Katsuki, Fumikage, and Mashirao burst through the doors and went on the offensive. Mashirao knocked out the first few guards with his tail. Katsuki blasted the reinforcements away. Izuku knocked out the desk attendants and immediately turned out the lights. Fumikage unleashed Dark Shadow and destroyed everyone else in the vicinity. The rest of the class ran in and Izuku put the building on lock down stopping anyone from coming in... and hindering their escape, but that could be taken care of.
"Ojiro, Tokoyami, guard this computer, it's our ticket out of here!" Izuku ordered as they left.
"Will do," Mashirao nodded. "Just make sure you save everyone!"
A gigantic Dark Shadow roared in glee as more reinforcements ran out of the elevator.
The rest of the class took the stairs.
Level after level they scaled, Izuku had memorized the floor plan of this place from blueprints which had been stolen from the construction workers years prior and posted on dark places on the web. Izuku had been studying this building for years, dreaming of a day when he could do something about it, well today was that day.
Finally, they burst onto the fifty-something-or-other-floor-cause-everyone-stopped-counting and emerged onto a prison level. The level was covered in cold silver metal and there were rows upon rows of cells.
"HITO!" Izuku called running down the cells and pounding on them.
"LAVENDER!" Katsuki demanded kicking cell doors.
"I FOUND HAGAKURE!" Mina shrieked. They all ran over to her as she studied the dial pad code on the door. The prison cell had a plastic name plat in slipped in it was a paper slip labeled Toru Hagakure.
Izuku ran over and immediately began thinking. He pulled out a bag of dust from his belt for he had come prepared and dusted the keypad easily seeing the fingerprints on the buttons.
"I didn't think that would work," Hanta murmured.
"Yeah, you only see that in movies," Mina gawked.
"Old tricks are old for a reason," Izuku breathed looking over the numbers and beginning to punch in possible combinations. Finally, he got it right and the metal door slid open.
The invisible girl lay on the ground in the pajamas she had worn when she was captured. Mina was immediately by her side.
"Toru?!" She cried.
"Toru?" Tsuyu croaked hopping up next to them.
"Is she okay?" Momo asked pushing to the front of the crowd.
"She's breathing," Mina nodded feeling the girl's neck, though it took a moment to find.
The girl shifted and they all looked at her.
"Guys?" she murmured. "Is it really you?"
"TORU!" Mina cried hugging her.
"Kero," Tsuyu smiled hugging as well.
"Everyone's here?" Toru choked, "You guys came."
"Yep," Izuku nodded.
"DEKU!" Katsuki roared. "I found half-and-half!"
Izuku and Momo immediately followed the sound of Katsuki's voice. He was kicking on the door.
"Come on, ANSWER DAMMIT!" Katsuki roared kicking again.
Izuku flung the dust on the keypad and furiously began typing repeating the numbers to himself over and over again.
"COME ON!" Katuski yelled impatiently.
"I'M TRYING!" Izuku retorted.
"There you are!" a hero yelled emerging from the stairwell. He was immediately knocked away by Rikido who punched him so hard that the hero's teeth were knocked loose.
"Dang, you haven't even eaten any sugar," Denki noticed.
"No, I'm just that angry," Rikido answered.
"YES!" Izuku cheered as Shoto's door slid open.
Shoto looked defeated. His hair hung around his face and he looked pale. As soon as the door opened he looked up and his eyes widened in joy.
"You-" he trembled.
"Hey there Todoroki," Izuku smiled from the doorway.
"You ready to go half-and-half?" Katsuki grinned from behind him.
Shoto's face lit into a rare smile and he shakily stood - they had tortured him for only a few minutes, trying to pry information from him. One of them had a quirk that manipulated the nervous system which had caused Shoto to feel like he was being torn apart even though they did nothing to him. After him, they moved on to Toru... Shoto didn't know about Hitoshi.
"Can you walk?" Momo asked peeking in.
"Yes," Shoto nodded slowly walking forward, hope flaring in his heart. They had come for him, he wasn't going to die... not alone anyway. "Hagakure is down here somewhere... I don't know about Shinso," he explained.
"I'm here," Toru cried from the back, she was leaning on Tsuyu slowly regaining her strength.
"Shinso isn't, we've checked the other doors," Hanta explained running up to the group.
"There's only on more prison floor... if he's not there..." Izuku murmured.
"I guess we'll just blast this place apart until we find the bastard," Katsuki grinned turning to the stairwell.
Izuku nodded fiercely, "Right."
They ran up the next flight of stairs... Katsuki blasted a few more heroes who were climbing up after them and accidentally destroyed a portion of the stairwell. They ran to the door of the next level and were startled when it opened revealing many more heroes.
"DIE!" Katsuki yelled blasting them.
Izuku threw one down the stairs where he was sent flying over the stair-well railing by a punch from Kyoka.
"That felt good," Kyoka smiled as the guard screamed in his quick descent to the bottom floor.
They fought their way onto the level and almost immediately found Hitoshi's cell. Izuku opened it in record time and burst into the cell room. It was dark and seemingly empty until someone tackled him and pinned him on the floor.
"Hito!" Izuku cried.
Immediately the grip loosened and the person scrambled off of him.
"Izu?" Hitoshi asked eyes wide his voice trembling in amazement.
Izuku looked to him, he too was pale, blood was dried on his head and in his hair. There was a bruise on the side of his face but he was smiling. As soon as Izuku got to his feet and walked over and hugged him.
"BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled pulling Izuku away and grabbing Hitoshi by his shirt, "THE HELL LAVENDER!? YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST GO GET CAUGHT? THE FREAKING HELL BASTARD?!"
"Good to see you too," Hitoshi chuckled.
And then suddenly Hitoshi's gaze hardened, "Aizawa... did you guys get Aizawa!?"
"No... do you know where he is?" Izuku asked as Katsuki released him.
Hitoshi looked at them darkly, "I think so."
Alarms were blaring, people were running around in chaos but All for One never noticed up in his inquiry room... he was busy.
Aizawa screamed and slumped forward in the chair once the pain had passed.
"What's wrong, Eraserhead, not in the mood to talk?" All for One laughed as he flicked his fingers which sparked with electricity.
"Go to hell," Shota growled weakly.
"Temper, temper," All for One sighed shocking him again making Shota convulse and scream
"NOW!" someone cried making both Aizawa and All for One look around in shock, that was, until Aizawa passed out. All for One looked down to make sure he wasn't dead, that moment of lost focus cost him greatly.
Toru shoved into All for One fully invisible making the top hero stumble back clearly startled. Yuga jumped out as Toru made her move and sent a laser beam for All for One who couldn't dodge. He stumbled further back from the blow.
"Let's do this!" Mina yelled throwing acid on All for One and the areas surrounding him.
"Kaminari!" Kyoka yelled plugging her earphone jacks into the speakers on her wrists and sending the shock waves towards All for One.
Tsuyu in her camouflage form had placed one of Kaminari's aim devices on the wall behind All for One allowing him to zap him. It had been constructed by some young rebellion engineer who was known for her awesome gadgets.
"HELL YEAH!" Denki laughed sending a large burst of electricity forward. All for One was bombarded with sound waves, lasers, and electricity. Shoto, Katsuki, Hitoshi, stood back preparing for things to go wrong.
"We're ready Midoriya!" Hanta yelled from the end of the room.
Izuku let out a yell and launched himself towards the villain, trying madly to forget the fear thrumming through his veins. The long-distance team halted their attacks just as Izuku slammed into All for One, sending him stumbling with a kick. Izuku then propelled himself off the ground, flew forward and punched All for One sending him stumbling into the wall. Mineta had been working in record time, attacting his purple balls covered the wall and so All for One was stuck. Hanta began covering All for One in tape from afar as Momo created handcuffs and chained him to the piping on the wall, Mina then sprayed acid under his feet to give him less grip.
Sato ran in after devouring twenty sugar packets, ripped Aizawa's restraints off him and carried his teacher in his arms.
"We got him let's go!" Sato yelled running out.
The rescue in the room had taken maybe a minute..
The students all ran out. But All for One began breaking free, clearly angered. Izuku was the last out.
"Kacchan!" he yelled.
"I listened to your plan you damn nerd!"Katsuki roared raising both gauntlet gloves and aiming for All for One. Shouto grabbed one pin while Hitoshi grabbed the other, once Izuku made it past them both pulled and large explosions blasted out towards All for One forcing, Katsuki backward from the mere force of the blasts. Sato was there pushing his back against Katsuki and stopping him from flying backward so he could continue to fire at All for One. Aizawa was unconscious in his arms.
The room began filling with smoke and when Katsuki's explosion ended Shoto slammed his hands on the ground sending up a wall of ice over the doorway.
"That won't keep him for long," Shoto growled.
"We gotta go," Hitoshi ordered.
"Yeah," Katsuki gritted holding his strained arms.
Aizawa has been rescued.
Now they had to escape.
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