The First Class
(More fluff because I will it)
It was a few months later that Shota was given new orders. He moved to a larger house where he was to wait for his first class. A group of promising young kids who wanted to join the rebellion.
His first job as a 'teacher'.
"How many?" Katsuki asked sneering as he sat down.
"Twelve," Shota answered as he made dinner.
"There are only five bedrooms," Hitoshi pointed out.
"You three will share a room again," Shota sighed.
"Who are you calling losers?" Hitoshi grumbled.
"YOU, YOU EXTRA!" Katsuki roared. He then gave a blank expression as Hitoshi smiled.
"Hito," Shota warned from the kitchen.
Hitoshi grumbled something unrecognizable before relenting. "Flick your forehead," he ordered Katsuki. Katsuki did so and then awoke.
Shota sighed as he stirred the noodles... he prayed that these new kids were more mature.
They weren't.
The first group of kids Shota took in was a group of twelve seventeen-year-olds. The majority of which were idiots. Shota didn't suffer idiots, at all.
In Shota's opinion, they were all spoiled brats. They had been living undercover with low-level quick, or quirkless, parents and were used to being praised. Aizawa didn't praise.
"You want us to what now?" one student asked.
"Did I stutter?" Aizawa challenged, glaring at his class. Why had he agreed to this again? He had an urge to crush these bratty kid's hopes and dreams from the get-go.
"No... but we just finished all those laps... you want us to do more?" another choked.
"Do you all want to be villains?" Aizawa asked.
"Of course," another student scoffed.
"Then stop arguing with me or I'll send you back to the sidelines where you all came from."
After the day came to a close, the new students collapsed in the living room. That was when the other three students went to training. The first student to notice was, of course, the loudest one.
"Whoa, Sensei has kids," he gaped looking out the window.
"No, you idiot," another scoffed. "Those are obviously the other students he mentioned earlier today.
Izuku was doing pushup's alongside Hitoshi while Katsuki was working on his quirk with Aizawa. The class watched them all silent through the glass as the three kids trained in the backyard.
"Man... they must have super strong quirks to be training this young," one girl pondered.
Aizawa nodded and on his signal, Katsuki let loose an explosion that was huge.
"WHOAAA!" one boy cried.
"Man, that's awesome!" another smiled.
Aizawa seemed to scoff and knelt down beside the boy, both were oblivious to the stalkers watching from the window.
"Try to focus your blasts on one area, it'll make a smaller, more powerful blast. One more focused for piercing armor or accurate shots." Shota instructed moving Katsuki's hands. Katsuki focused and furrowed his eyebrows in determination. "Give it a try."
Katsuki fired again and was able to shoot a hole through a cement wall meant for training in a few blasts.
"Good," Shota nodded, "Now go do your fitness exercises, Hito, you're up."
Hitoshi worked more mentally with Shota, they began to spar lightly and Hitoshi's job was to subtly drop questions while fighting to try to get Shota to answer. It was comedic for the students to watch the young boy try to best Shota but they couldn't see that if Hitoshi fought any of them, he would have brainwashed them long ago.
Eventually, Shota went on to Izuku. He worked trivia with Izuku as the young boy lifted weights and ran the track near the safe house. Shota would drop different types of quirks and Izuku would have to quickly respond with a way to beat it without possessing a quirk.
Finally, they all went in. They ate dinner together and the new students watched the children in interest. The younger children were unnaturally silent only making them seem more mysterious. Then of course... Katsuki got mad.
Izuku bumped him and made him spill his juice all over himself.
"DEKU YOU BASTARD!" Katsuki snapped.
"Sorry, Kacchan," Izuku winced.
"Katsuki, it was an accident," Hitoshi sighed.
"SHUT IT, LAVENDER!" Katsuki snapped.
"Bakugo," Shota warned glaring at the blond.
"Don't tell me what to do," Hitoshi stated, ignoring his sensei and taking another bite.
"You wanna take that tone with me!" Katsuki snapped standing up and looking down at Hitoshi.
"Do you honestly think I'm afraid of you?" Hitoshi challenged meeting Katsuki's gaze.
"Well you're gonna be-" Katsuki began... he managed to let out a final curse word before going blank-faced.
"Shinso," Shota sighed.
"Sit down Bakugo and eat," Hitoshi smiled cruelly.
Katsuki did so and Shota's new students inwardly freaked out.
"Oh come on Hito, there's no need for that," Izuku smiled. He poked Katsuki and immediately the boy was back to his old self.
"LAVENDER!" he roared turning to Hitoshi who was smirking as he took another bite of his dinner.
"Bakugo," Shota ordered harshly. "That's enough."
Katsuki swore before angrily stuffing food in his face.
After dinner ended, Shota went to do dishes while the rest of the kids were given free time. Hitoshi went to the living room to grab another pillow from the couches.
"Hey, kid," one of the students greeted.
Hitoshi gave a nod of recognition, "Hello."
"So... how'd you do that thing to the other kid at dinner?" the student asked curiously.
"Oh..." Hitoshi said slowly biting his lip. "My quirk... allows me to control people when they answer my question."
"Brainwashing?" one boy scoffed as he ate a potato chip from a bag in his hand.
"Yeah," Hitoshi answered turning to look at the boy.
The boy looked away.
"What's wrong with it?" Shinso challenged knowingly.
"Just doesn't sound like a quirk that belongs to a villain," the boy shrugged eating another potato chip.
"He does have a point," a girl agreed softly.
"Yeah, with a quirk like that you could get away with anything," another student whispered.
"It's kinda scary once you think about it," another added.
Hitoshi looked down and remained quiet, he had heard it all before. Izuku watched from the stairway. He gripped the wall as he watched Hitoshi be hurt with words.
"Maybe, you're just better suited to be a hero, you know?" the boy shrugged.
"Hito!" Izuku cried running up to Hitoshi before the purple-haired boy could respond.
"What?" Hitoshi asked looking to Izuku his gaze harder than normal.
"The fan in our room is doing that weird thing again," Izuku sighed pointing upstairs. "I can't reach it to fix the screw, could you help me?"
"Sure," Hitoshi shrugged following him up the stairs. When they reached the stairs Izuku turned and grabbed him by the shoulders, taking Hitoshi by surprise.
"Don't listen to them," Izuku ordered. "Your quirk is fantastic."
"Izu," Hitoshi sighed tiredly. "I'm fine. What they say is true, my quirk isn't exactly villain material, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to become a villain."
Izuku gazed at Hitoshi with a determined gaze, "You will become a villain, and then you'll become a real hero, someone who saves people with your quirk."
"Only if you promise to be there next to me," Hitoshi laughed dryly giving Izuku a gentle push.
Izuku grinned.
"Now let's go fix that fan," Hitoshi sighed.
"Oh... I was just- that was just- the fan is fine," Izuku stuttered rubbing the back of his head embarrassedly.
There was an explosion downstairs and smoke flooded the stairwell.
"What the hell?" Hitoshi coughed.
"BASTARD!" Katsuki roared.
Hitoshi and Izuku looked at each other.
"Kacchan," Izuku sighed.
---A few minutes earlier---
Katsuki gritted his teeth as Hitoshi and Izuku walked up the stairs. Damn extras weren't even going to stick up for themselves. The blonde-haired boy had watched the whole thing and was not happy. He walked up behind the couch that the elder boy was sitting in and put a hand on his shoulder startling him.
"Oh hey, you're that kid I saw training with Sensei, those were some impressive moves, you have some great potenti-" the kid began putting his bag of potato chips down.
"Words have meaning, you jerk," Katsuki growled. "You say something to someone and then you can never take it back." He blinked and saw Aunt Inko's corpse being taken away... he saw Izuku's missing posters and the sour words that he had never said to Izuku burned on his tongue. He'd lived with those damn words for twelve fucking years, it didn't matter if he was only four years old when he said them, they still hurt Izuku and Katsuki was forced to deal with that fact for twelve fucking years until he found him again. "If something were to happen, you can never apologize for your damn words. So if I were you, I'd take back every damn word you just said to Lavender Brainwasher."
The kid stood up, greatly towering over Katsuki and glaring at the kid threateningly.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" he asked.
"My name is Katsuki Bakugo, that kid with the lavender hair and brainwashing quirk is Hitoshi. He's my damn lavender extra and shouldn't have to put up with wimpy bastards like you!" Katsuki roared mini-explosions popping in his hands.
"You little shit. Who the hell do you think you are. You're ten years old with the ability to throw firecrackers!"
That was the line... and the older kid crossed it. Katsuki's hand met with the teen's face and the room was filled with smoke.
"BASTARD!" Katsuki roared.
Shota was in the room in seconds restraining the student who was now trying to attack Katsuki. Hitoshi and Izuku were holding Katsuki who was writhing furiously.
"Calm down Kacchan!" Izuku pleaded.
"I'LL KILL YA!" Katsuki roared more explosions popping around him.
"Why are you doing this Bakugo?" Hitoshi hissed as he struggled to hold the boy back.
"Because he fucking hurt your feelings, you extra, and you're too fucking weak to do anything about this pampered entitled bastard!" Katsuki roared.
"Sorry Bakugo," Hitoshi sighed. Katsuki realized that he had answered Hitoshi's question and swore internally as his face went blank. Izuku quickly released him and let him stand there. Hitoshi rubbed his face and sighed.
"You idiot, they were just jerks, you didn't have to start anything," the purple-haired boy sighed, silently thankful.
"I'm going to get the full explanation in a moment but until then," Shota threatened, his eyes glowing, "everyone better behave."
"Yes sir!" everyone shivered.
That first class only produced two villains, the rest were sent back to their safe houses. That was when Katsuki, Hitoshi, and Izuku realized that they weren't just lucky... Shota didn't do luck... he saw their potential and admired their persistence... the three boys deserved their place by his side.
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