Momo Yaoyorozu
It had only been a few months since Shoto had joined the group. They had moved three times to more secure safe houses but no matter where they were, Aizawa trained them harshly and without mercy. Shoto was growing as a person - his right side didn't make him think of his father, in fact, he hardly thought of his family at all.
And poor Aizawa couldn't catch a break.
"Nezu... I'm really not sure about this," Aizawa sighed over the phone one afternoon as the boys gulped down water after a few hours of intense training.
"It's one more," Nezu chuckled from the other end as he took a sip of tea.
"She's a Yaoyorozu, I'm sure they can find another... more prepared teacher. What about the one the Iida's sent their sons to?" Aizawa asked.
"They want you. Your students are the best," Nezu chuckled.
"Where am I going to meet them?" Aizawa asked.
"Wherever you want," Nezu answered.
"You're serious?" Aizawa asked.
"They wanted your input, you are the best," Nezu laughed.
"Whenever you want," Nezu responded.
"Is there anything they do want?" Aizawa asked.
"Yes," Nezu answered, "They want her to meet your students before agreeing to come."
"That's something you should tell me first Nezu. Because that means I have to bring the kids."
Izuku was on perimeter duty, he walked calmly around the block keeping tabs on the hero presence in the city. He was dressed in his green hoodie and jeans looking like any typical civilian. Hitoshi was perched on top of a building, he was acting as a lookout. He too had on a hoodie but wore sweat pants and a voice replicator over his mouth. Katsuki and Shoto sat with Aizawa in the coffee shop. Shoto had a hood on to hide his face and hair, Katsuki wore a simple baseball cap and was watching everyone in the coffee shop carefully.
"I see her," Hitoshi whispered into his comm. "She's coming down fifth avenue, red frilled shirt, white skirt, high heels, curled hair... you know, not noticeable at all." He said the last part sarcastically.
"I see her," Izuku nodded, "I'm approaching her... not being creepy though!"
Momo looked around unsure of herself. She was alone and she'd never felt so exposed, perhaps it was a bad idea to wear heels, but then again, the hero's never expected their enemies to wear high heels...
That's when she saw him, a figure with a hoodie approaching her. She was concerned when he came up right next to her, he looked up at her and smiled. He was her age.
"Yaoyorozu?" He asked softly with a smile.
"Are you - " Momo began.
"Our friend sent me," Izuku responded... it was code and Momo immediately relaxed.
"Lead the way," she smiled.
"Here," Izuku said putting something in her hand; it was an earpiece.
She discretely put it on and looked around.
"Hello Momo," a voice greeted.
"Eraserhe-" Momo began.
"Yes," Aizawa nodded, "The boy with you is Izuku, he's going to help you find us, but you're going to have to listen to me. Think of this as your first exam."
Momo swallowed a lump in her throat. First day with her villain teacher and she was already being tested.
"Come on," Izuku chuckled.
The two made their way down the busy street both trying not to draw attention to their selves. On top of the rooftops, Hitoshi watched their progress. Then, drawn by some commotion, he looked down to an alley, he saw a hero and a civilian.
"I... I told you that's all I had," the civilian trembled, backing away.
"What, I save your life from that car and the most you can give me is sixty bucks?" the hero asked coldly.
"That's all I have on me!" the civilian cried stepping back until his back was pressed against the wall.
"I know you're lying," the hero stated.
"Please, please I got a family..." the civilian cried throwing their hands up.
"They won't miss you," the hero shrugged raising their fist and punching the civilian.
"Aizawa," Hitoshi growled, watching this.
"What is it?" Aizawa asked on a different earpiece so that Yaoyorozu couldn't hear them.
"You might want to tell Izu to pick up the pace."
"I'm going to do something that I'll probably regret," Hitoshi shrugged.
"What are you -"
The hero had beaten the civilian to the ground where they were sobbing.
"Yo, the hell are you doing?" a deep voice growled.
"You want to intervene!?" the hero snarled turning around - no one was there.
"Do I really sound like someone you want to mess with?" the voice asked.
"Hell yeah, show yourself and I'll beat you into a -" the hero began. He then relaxed and stood still much to the civilian's horror. Then, someone jumped down from the roof and landed in front of the civilian making them shriek.
"You're alright," the boy with the strange deep voice said. "Just scram and don't tell anyone about this."
"Thank you," the civilian breathed as they wiped their bloody nose and ran out of the alley.
Hitoshi watched them go, then he walked up to the brainwashed hero and smiled under his voice replicator.
"Now hide behind those dumpsters and don't make a sound," Hitoshi ordered, the hero did so and Hitoshi left without another word.
Momo was led to a quaint coffee shop at a street corner. Izuku walked in, ordered two coffees under the name "Deku" then led Momo to a table.
"Where is our friend?" Momo asked in code.
"Around," Izuku answered, he discretely slid her a piece of paper. She opened it and read it.
'Booth closest to the door.'
She took a mirror out of her small purse and pretended to put on lipstick. In all reality, she was studying the booth closest to the door. Two boys and one man sat there. One with blonde hair and a baseball cap was flipping through his phone, he looked up; scanning the area. His eyes saw her mirror and he stared at her; he knew the trick - he was good. The other had all of his hair hidden and was eating a bagel while watching the street. The man was on a computer - utilizing the free wifi - and talking into an earpiece; a brilliant cover.
"Hello Yaoyorozu," Aizawa said through her earpiece.
Momo closed the mirror and put it in her bag.
"Hello," she murmured.
"I was given instructions that we weren't to leave until you say so, so we can stay here all d-" Aizawa began.
Then, in line with Aizawa's classic luck, police cars wailed and rushed past the coffee shop. They all tensed.
"I correct my statement, we have to leave now," Aizawa stated.
"Deku!?" the coffee shop employee called.
"Perfect timing," Momo muttered.
She and Izuku got up and picked up their coffees. At the same time, Aizawa and the two boys packed up their things and stood up to leave.
... And then all hell broke loose.
"GET DOWN!" Izuku yelled spying the hero. Momo lunged for a booth. Izuku dove over the counter, shocking the employee. Katsuki ducked under the table, as did Aizawa and Shoto.
The windows shattered as a type of bullet quirk that sprayed thousands of attacks into the coffee shop. A hero approached continuing his onslaught of attacks. People screamed and hunkered down, some had been injured but luckily most were unharmed. Izuku pressed his back against the counter and looked beside him at the employee who was shaking in fear.
The hero walked in and immediately grabbed a man who had been hiding. He held the man and put his hand against his head.
"Alright villains, you better show yourself or people are going to start dying," the hero growled.
Izuku tensed.
Momo's heart jumped into her throat.
Katsuki felt sweat drip off his hands; nervous sweat.
Shoto was trying to calm his racing heart.
Aizawa's mind was working to find a way out of this.
"Even if you knock me out, you're surrounded," the hero chuckled. "And don't try to hide, we hacked into your little radio and pinpointed your location."
Aizawa thought about this, they most likely hacked the frequency between him and Hitoshi. Quickly he turned his earpiece off and hoped Hitoshi would figure it out. Momo did the same with hers.
"Show yourselves!" the hero demanded.
"...Please," the man he was holding choked.
"I won't kill you," the hero laughed, "Unless the villains choose to hide like the cowards they are!"
Izuku slowly reached up to the counter and grabbed a shaker of cinnamon. He unscrewed the lid and took a deep breath. He looked over to the employee who couldn't have been much older then he had been.
"Stay down," Izuku instructed him in a whisper.
Aizawa was about to stand when another voice rang out.
"It's me!" Izuku cried standing up slowly, "I'm who you're looking for."
The hero turned to him and his eyes narrowed. "But you're just a boy."
"Yes," Izuku nodded, his hands were hidden behind the counter.
"Show me your hands!" the hero demanded.
Aizawa was ready to pounce as was Katsuki and Shoto. Momo looked over and realized this, she then began to focus and slowly created something from her hand.
"I am just a boy," Izuku nodded. "But I'm resourceful."
Before the hero could do anything Izuku had flung a handful of cinnamon into the hero's eyes. The hero instinctively closed them and tried to rub them. The civilian was able to wiggle free and he ran to the opposite side of the room.
"YOU BRAT!" the hero screamed opening his now blood-shot eyes and raising his hands at Izuku. He moved to fire but his quirk wouldn't come.
"Bad mistake," a cold voice growled; Aizawa. His eyes were burning and his hair was beginning to levitate.
"The hell!?" the hero cried.
"DIE!" Katsuki roared lunging forward and delivering an explosion right to his face. The hero fell backward; unconscious.
"Let's go!" Aizawa commanded, his eyes went back to normal and his hair fell back down. Then he jumped out and ran to the door. Izuku followed quickly as did Katsuki. Shoto ran over to Momo and helped her to her feet. She had made new shoes for herself and had discarded her heels. She was also holding something in her hand
"Let's go," Shoto said.
"Right," Momo nodded. The two of them ran over the sea of broken glass and lept out the broken window frames. They then took off after Aizawa and the other two.
Aizawa, as he was running, pulled out a flip phone and dialed someone he put it to his ear, "Hey, we have trouble."
"I'm on my way," a voice responded.
They put on speed when they heard sirens. Then they all slipped into an alley where they caught their breath.
"Izuku, that was almost stupid," Aizawa scolded the boy.
Izuku grinned.
"I thought he said that heroes had that place surrounded," Shoto reminded them.
"They did," another voice from above stated.
All of them tensed as a figure jumped down the fire escape. Then they relaxed; it was Hitoshi.
"Most of them are hiding behind some trashcans though," Hitoshi smiled.
"Well done," Aizawa nodded.
"And I take it you're Yaoyorozu," Hitoshi greeted Momo.
Momo nodded her head.
"So, how are we going to get out of this?" Shoto asked Aizawa.
"I called in backup, they'll be here in a moment... we're lucky that they were in town," Aizawa sighed.
"There you are!" someone growled. Something ripped through Hitoshi's leg and he cried out and fell to the floor.
"HITO!" Izuku cried.
A hero jumped down and threw a rock that suddenly glowed purple and flew for Katsuki. Shoto put his foot down and a wall of ice came up between them and the hero. Izuku ran to Hitoshi's side and threw the wounded boy's arm over his shoulder.
"There are more bastards coming!" Katsuki yelled.
"I can distract them!" Momo yelled. She opened her hand and looked at the small metal ball in her hand. Without hesitation, she threw it to the floor and it began spewing grey smoke. As the hero who had shot Hitoshi broke the ice wall the villains were encased in smoke. The other heroes coming ran into the thick cloud and became lost.
Momo led the group through the smoke, up the fire escape that Hitoshi had jumped down from and onto the roof.
"That was close," Momo breathed.
"Good thinking," Izuku nodded.
"How's Lavender?" Katsuki growled.
"He passed out due to shock, and he's losing blood," Izuku said looking to the boy who he was supporting.
"What are we going to do?" Shoto asked.
"We keep movi-" Aizawa began.
The roof they were standing on suddenly collapsed. They all tumbled into the floor below where they found themselves surrounded by heroes.
"Nowhere to run," one of them smiled.
Shoto recovered from his fall and threw up and ice wall that surrounded them all.
"We're trapped!" Momo cried panic gripping her chest.
"Have no fear!" a voice announced. The heroes looked up and it was now their time to be scared. Aizawa and the kids looked up and they couldn't believe their eyes. Hitoshi groaned as he awoke but his eyes widened as he saw the man standing on the edge of the hole in the roof.
"Why?" the man standing there asked, his blue eyes sparkling with anger.
The kids all smiled and Aizawa chortled.
"Because I Am Here!" All Might laughed, standing there in all his terrifying awesomeness.
"RETREAT!" a hero yelled.
A few heroes did so, a few more foolish ones actually tried to attack All Might. The strongest villain jumped into the air avoiding the long-range attacks. He landed among the heroes, the force of his landing was so strong that the floor dented, the wind picked up and Shoto found that his ice was cracking. Through the ice they watched All Might decimate the forces with attacks that were only maybe 5% of his capability.
They heard more sirens and the sound of a helicopter. All Might did too. He threw aside the last hero and jumped into the circle of ice.
"Hello Eraserhead," All Might greeted.
"All Might, you seemed to take your time getting here," Aizawa stated coldly.
All Might laughed his signature laugh. "Sorry, my friend, now... let's get out of here."
He grabbed all of them in an instant and jumped into the air. He jumped higher then any of them had ever been before - except Momo who had been in a private jet once. This led to Shoto pondering death, Izuku clinging onto All Might for dear life, Katsuki cussing in hidden fear, and Aizawa deadpanning... Hitoshi wasn't in the right state of mind to understand what was happening.
They landed on the outskirts of the city, next to a white jeep, where he let them all go.
"That was unnecessary," Aizawa murmured, his hair immensely ruffled.
"Unnecessary?" another voice asked. Slowly, Recovery Girl got out of the jeep. "One of your students is in need of my help Shota, I think it's perfectly necessary. Just like you to be stupid and reckless."
She walked up to Hitoshi who All Might had laid gently on the ground.
"You don't have to worry ma'am, I'll be fine," Hitoshi assured her weakly.
"Hush young man," Recovery Girl denied. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek making everyone (except All Might and Aizawa) go white with shock, Hitoshi included. Then his leg wound began healing miraculously fast.
"Whoa," Hitoshi murmured, his eyes widening.
"Oh my gosh, you're Recovery Girl, the rebellion's top medic," Izuku cried whipping out a journal from his sweatshirt pocket. "I've never seen your quirk in action but... A-and you're ALL MIGHT!" Izuku cried pointing to All Might. "OHMYGOSH!"
"Here we go," Katsuki growled, secretly in awe too.
Izuku suddenly barraged All Might with questions and then ended it with a "Can I have your autograph???"
All Might gave it willingly and Izuku beamed brighter than the sun.
"Well, that was certainly exciting," Momo smiled at last.
"Things aren't normally this hectic," Shoto said simply.
Momo only smiled.
"So I take it you've chosen to stay with us Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa asked looking to her.
"Yes please," Momo nodded. "Seeing you in action was brilliant. You all knew exactly what to do even without a decisive plan. It was incredible," Momo beamed.
"Don't sell yourself short, you came up with that smoke bomb," Aizawa scoffed.
"But the cinnamon... and the idea of lookouts and the control you all showed throughout the situation if I can get that good I'm sure the rebellion can put me to good use!" Momo smiled.
"Well, welcome to the group," Hitoshi grinned from the ground, testing his healed leg.
"Now don't get up yet young man, you need time to rest," Recovery Girl scolded him.
"Well, if you're staying, we should probably introduce ourselves!" Izuku smiled. "I'm Izuku Midoriya." He offered him his hand and she took it.
"Todoroki," Shoto said simply taking off his baseball cap to expose his half-white half-red hair.
"I'm Shinso," Hitoshi winced as he sat up.
"I told you to take it easy, Eraser, you'll have to carry him to your car!" Recovery Girl yelled.
Katsuki only scoffed.
"And this is Bakugo," Izuku smiled pointing to Katsuki.
"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu... and my quirk is creation," Momo smiled.
(HAhahaha!!! The family is growing...)
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