Katsuki Bakugo
---Five Years Later---
Shota sighed as he looked over the extraction point. All for One's "heroes" were already prepared to ambush Shota and the kid he was supposed to pick up.
"Talk to me Izu, anything on these guys?" Shota asked touching the small camera on his eye gear. The familiar voice of Izuku came through from the microphone in his ear.
"The tall one is the hero 'BigSlash' he's the most dangerous of the lot," Izuku stated through the device.
"Although as you can tell with the name, he isn't too bright." Hitoshi's voice sounded out after Izuku's
He can increase the size of his weapons so watch the daggers around his belt," Izuku pondered. "Although I suppose if you can steal his quirk after he's increased the size of his weapon he'd be pretty shocked and probably is no use at long range so..." Izuku continued to mumble and Shota lost track of what the twelve-year-old what saying.
"Izu," Shota sighed.
"Right, sorry," Izuku squeaked. "Take out the shorter one, closest to you. He's no good close quarters."
Shota dropped out of the trees and landed behind the hero. Silently he disposed of him without alerting the others.
"Nice," Hitoshi's voice rang out. Shota gave a small smile.
"Great, now the one with the mask, careful, she's a paralyzer so don't let her touch you," Izuku warned over the earphone.
Shota readied his scarf and took the girl out too.
"Behind you," Hitoshi's calm voice warned.
Shota turned and delivered a swift kick to the hero sneaking up behind him.
They went hero by hero Izuku breaking down each one's quirk by what information he had gathered from the internet and the news. He had most of them written down in his dozens of journals on how to be a true hero. Izuku was both physically and mentally stronger than most children his age... Hitoshi was the same way. Izuku had trained with Shota for years and had discovered that he had a knack for breaking down quirks and finding weaknesses. Not only did it make Izuku feel useful but it had saved Aizawa more than a few times.
Hitoshi was the observant one, while Izuku flipped through his notebooks and did quick internet searches, Hitoshi stayed in the present being Shota's extra eyes. He was able to stay calm in struggling situations and was able to keep Izuku calm which was very difficult.
The two of them were who made Eraserhead such an unbeatable ghost. They were Shota's secret weapons; his sidekicks.
"There's one hiding off to the right," Hitoshi warned.
"He's the stealth hero, don't take your eyes off him or else you won't find him again," Izuku warned.
One by one they took out the heroes until only a few remained. At that moment the kid and his mother arrived, Shota had been told that the father was elsewhere drawing the heroes away from them. Shota swore as the heroes descended on the woman and her son.
Shota jumped into the fray, Izuku warning him about all the quirks he was up against and Hitoshi warning him about his blind spots. Then one of the heroes slammed a heavy fist against his face and the camera broke.
"Aizawa!" Izuku cried as his screen went black.
"Are you okay?" Hitoshi asked.
"I'm alright," Shota hissed as he knocked the hero aside. Damn, that camera was expensive and he was gonna have to ask Nezu for a new one.
"We can't help you anymore," Izuku gritted.
"It's alright kids, I'll see you at the safe house," Shota reassured the two as he knocked another villain out.
"You sure?" Hitoshi asked.
"Yes!" Shota gritted as he dodged a blow from a villain with talons.
"Be safe," Izuku pleaded.
Shota rolled his eyes and shut the earpiece off.
"You motherfuckers better back away from my little fuck of a son!" the woman shouted, forcing the child behind her.
"I can take them!" the blonde kid roared.
"No, you won't you little fuck!"
Shota jumped in and had the heroes at his feet before any of them could do any real damage. He turned his earpiece back off.
"I'm good guys, I'm on my way" Aizawa reported to his two sidekicks.
"We're good here too," Izuku breathed in relief.
"So I suppose your the villain I'm supposed to be looking out for," the woman sighed.
"Eraserhead," Shota greeted coldly.
"Well this brat here is Katsuki Bakugo," Mitsuri Bakugo sighed pushing the blonde-haired kid forward.
Katsuki looked furious but he was also biting his lip. Aizawa knew the look.
"Say hi you bastard," Mitsuri snapped.
"Don't yell at me you bitch" Katsuki snapped back.
The two began fighting and then Mitsuki sighed and hugged Katsuki which seemed to surprise the boy.
"You better be good you little shit," She whispered. "Don't you forget where you came from or I'll hunt you down and put you in the corner."
"Like to see you try you hag," Katsuki growled but his voice cracked in the defiance.
"You be brave alright, and fix that attitude!" Mitsuki smiled even though she spoke in a harsh tone.
There was shouting through the woods and the three looked that way expectantly.
"Head north," Shota instructed the woman. "You'll find a town crawling with villains, they'll help you out."
"Pfft, I'm not the one that's gonna need help, those heroes are in for a reckoning" Mitsuki smiled. She rubbed Katsuki's hair. "I love you, even if you are a little shit." She stood up and looked at Aizawa, "You better take care of him."
Then she turned and ran into the woods. Katsuki seemed to tremble once but then looked at Shota.
"Well, where the hell are we going?" the kid demanded, trying not to cry.
---Three hours later---
Katsuki was exhausted but he refused to slow or be assisted by Shota. Finally, the safe house came into view. There was a light on in the kitchen where no doubt Izuku was trying to make dinner.
"There's a light on," Katsuki observed.
"My apprentices," Shota nodded. "They're getting thing's ready for you."
"You're apprentices?" Katsuki asked suspiciously. "What, like your sidekicks?"
"Not exactly," Shota answered.
Shota turned his earpiece back on.
"Izu," he called. "Izu are you there?"
He didn't catch Katsuki's look when he said that name. It was first full of hope and then fell back to the face of dismissal.
There was the sound of the headset going over Izuku's hair, "Yeah, yeah sorry. Where are you?"
"I'm at the house, turn off the security."
"No problem, HITO!" Izuku said.
Aizawa heard a muffled yell.
"Security system?" Katsuki asked bringing Shota's attention back to the kid at his side/
"This is a secure safe house, you can't just walk up to it," Shota answered solemnly looking over the area.
"You're clear," Izuku claimed.
"Alright, let's go, follow my lead," Shota ordered.
Katsuki followed silently as Shota made his way to the house. He opened the door and walked in.
The house was two stories with two rooms on the top floor, a kitchen and a living room on the bottom floor. There were three plates set out on the small table in the living room.
"Izu, Hito?" Shota called cautiously.
Katsuki looked around wondering just what kind of shit show he had walked in to. There was a moan as the pile of blankets lying on the couch moved. Slowly a blanket shifted to show a mess of purple hair. Hitoshi sat up and yawned he looked to Shota.
"Hey," he greeted waving with the security controller.
"Hito," Shota greeted, "where's Izu?"
There was a clatter of steps as someone ran down the stairs. Izuku emerged with a cup-o-noodles in one hand, a headset over his mess of green hair, a noodle stuck on his chin, a pencil on his ear and a notebook under one arm.
"Hey," he greeted his mouth full of noodles.
Katsuki tensed and Izuku did as well when he saw Katsuki.
"Kacchan?" Izuku asked after gulping down his mouthful of noodles. Katsuki just seemed to stand there in shock.
"Deku?" Katsuki choked out.
(Hello Y'all. Here's the next chapter. I've started like three other books because the coronavirus has given me too much time on my hands. Someone stop me.
Have a good day/night. Stay safe and healthy!
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