Toga's fun with Uraraka 4th Arc part 2-2
Toga was watching as Uraraka was twitching every now and then as this is going to be perfect as she thrusts herself back onto Uraraka making her to groan as she's getting tired and whatever is happening isn't going to be stopping anytime soon.
The tugging was getting too much for her before the orbs glowed hot making her to bounce up and down onto her bed making Toga to be lose her balance and let Uraraka thrust into her as she leans onto her stomach making it to be faster.
Both came at the same time as Uraraka hasn't stopped thrusting into Toga making her to lean back as her belly is getting bigger and bigger before she stops as Toga has a lot inside of her and it's sucked out making her to have Uraraka back inside of her.
Uraraka felt the orbs go even hotter and she was doing it again as Toga was just riding Uraraka making her to gasp as she didn't expect Uraraka to be going faster on her as as her knees are together and Toga can't take it now as the milking of her milk is too much.
The orbs got hotter and hotter making Uraraka to thrust deeper into Toga each time making her to hit the roof of Toga's womb each time before the orbs unleased a heat wave inside of her making Uraraka to come and still be thrusting into Toga who was just bouncing in place.
Toga was feeling her stomach getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger as Uraraka kept coming inside of her before she pulls Uraraka out of her making her to still be going as two of the same had to help making Toga to be drained really.
The orbs had stopped releasing heat waves and Uraraka calms down as the orbs have then turned into sand pieces and her milk compacity was huge making her to feel the bloat was gone and the hooks are going, but the thrusting inside of her breast was a new one.
It was making her breast to increase in size as she's now a I forty-eight cup making her to feel weird before the orb inside of her womb vanished and it has caused her compacity of female eggs in both ovaries to have more making Toga to have fun in the future.
Toga thrusts herself back down onto Uraraka and both moaned as Toga knows she's going to be sore in the morning and her lower back is going to be hurting really as Uraraka somehow broke the rope on her hands and grabs Toga's hips making her to thrust her up and down onto her.
Toga was shocked as it's too much making Uraraka to feel the thrusting stopping and instead she was now sucked on as she can't stop herself before Toga kissed her making them to be hold onto each other before Uraraka breaks it as she can feel herself about to come.
Uraraka comes inside of Toga, but she can't stop trusting as she keeps going trying to get ride of the pressure making Toga to be in a difficult spot as Uraraka wasn't stopping making her to feel full and hurting there before Uraraka stops and pants as she was calmer now.
Toga pulls off and it was sucked away making her to be sore in the lower back, but Uraraka fully wasn't done as Toga realized her mistake as it's getting to her girlfriend and she's was thrusted back onto her girlfriend who thrusts into her over and over.
Toga was shocked as it's too much making Uraraka to feel the tightness on her cock and she can't stop herself as she wants more of this body that she is feeling really making her to lose her sense of control before she had felt herself about to come.
Uraraka comes inside of Toga, but she can't stop trusting as she keeps going trying to get ride of the pressure again making Toga to be getting filled up once again as Uraraka wasn't stopping making her to feel full and hurting there before Uraraka stops and pants as she was calmer now.
Toga pulls off and it was sucked away making her to be sore in the lower back and she can't believe the mistake she had done to her girlfriend as this is going to be a long night for them both as Toga knows Uraraka was going to do it again and she did.
Toga was getting sore as Uraraka can't stop herself as grabs Toga's breast and gave them a squeeze making more milk to come out as Toga was gasping in shock as Uraraka has lose her mind and she needs to stop her somehow as Uraraka kept thrusting and squeezing Toga.
It was finally eight A.M and Uraraka was tired out as she was asleep as Toga was beside her as both were panting as there was no way of explaining that nigh as Toga was feeling really sore and her back is hurting each time she moves making her to see Uraraka beside her.
Uraraka was back to normal expect her breast are going to stay that size really as Toga's were the same making her to move carefully as she dressed her girlfriend and kissed her forehead. Last night was a mistake as Toga has different forms to change into on the second night she came.
Uraraka didn't making this night to be a mistake as Uraraka's sex drive went into overdrive cause of this making her to know to never do this again as she got dressed herself and knows the fifth night is going to be the last as she plans to let Uraraka see her.
Toga tucks her girlfriend in and limps to the window as she looks back to Uraraka before she turns away and walks out of the window as she shuts it making Uraraka to wake up and she had wondered what had happened last night before she saw the plants.
They died from over drinking on both Uraraka and Toga's milk making Uraraka to burn them and then have Izumi to wish them gone as she's not going to be trusting anything else before she got ready for her study time with Toshinori as she has a cushion to use fully really.
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