Toga's fun with Uraraka 4th Arc part 1-2
Toga came for the fourth round making Uraraka to look around before she went to bed, but Toga has something planned as she one large flower pot on each side of Uraraka's bed without her even knowing it and pounced as Uraraka was carefully blindfolded.
Her hands were even tied to her headboard and her legs were spread wide open and tied to the ceiling making her to gasp as she felt something latched onto her breast. It entered something into her nipples and it had hooks on the sides, but it went deeper in.
It then bloats up in the middle making it to be hard to be removed as it tugs and pushes down on her breast in a repeated pattern while Toga places a third one down in front of her bed. It reaches it and snakes it's way toward Uraraka's body.
It thrusted deeply into her and bloats up inside of her womb making her to look nine months pregnant making her to gasp at it as she felt it tugging onto her as energy is being gathered from all of this and she's hates this as Toga watches this.
Uraraka can feel the energy was gathering from this as she can feel nothing from the energy as it's neutral making her to just feel it gathering inside of her and pulse in those areas making her to wiggle before something thrusted into her body.
It went to her urethra and then wraps around her clit before it feels it growing into a dick making Toga to smile as she was going to be enjoying this as she strips and one small jab, it shrinks to fit her as Toga has it entered her making Uraraka to moan as the warm is too much.
Toga didn't expect her to still be big and to be able to enter her womb as she is really big before she leans on her knees and slides her in and out of her as she can't lean on her stomach making both to moan and gasp. Toga was enjoying this as she trusts herself down onto her girlfriend.
Uraraka can't see who it is, but she can't seem to stop her hips making it to be worse on the tugging as Toga keeps thrusting herself down onto her making Uraraka to feel the energy was getting gathered inside of that new spot making it to be too much as Toga had it to be hold.
Uraraka's body started to glow and Toga can feel it as she choice to hold it for tow hours for her breast and her womb, but she kept thrusting making it to be worse as the energy was getting stronger there a lot faster as Uraraka can't come.
It's being blocked making her to shake as it's too much before she came inside of Toga who gasp as she also comes making her to fill up as she now looks nine months pregnant making her to noticed a second one and when she pulls off, it sucks it out of her.
Toga was going to be enjoying this as she thrusts back down onto Uraraka making her to gasp as Toga was back at it as the energy was gathering still and she didn't know that the energy inside of her dick went straight into Toga's womb.
It would have made her getting pregnant even faster as Toga was going to make it worse as a cock ring was placed making it to be harsher as Toga was thrusting faster and is now leaning onto Uraraka's stomach making her to feel the weight on her stomach.
The tugging was back making her to feel even more of those orbs going into her breast only before turning into sand pieces and making her milk compacity to be even larger as her breast looked to be triple M forty-eight from all of the orbs going into her.
And this was before they turned into sand pieces making it to be huge milk compacity really before ten large head piece orbs went into her breast and glows as it's absorbing the energy there making the tugging to make it continue to gather there.
Uraraka didn't expect an orb to go into her womb and start glowing as it's absorbing her energy from there making the tugging to be still continuing as Toga trusts herself still onto Uraraka making the energy to be gathering even more there.
Uraraka can feel the tightness was getting worser as she can't come making her to hate this before she felt the tugging getting worser and harsher. Uraraka can't handle it as it's making her to lose more energy as the absorbing was still going on really.
Toga was enjoying herself as she's making Uraraka to feel it before she felt the same tugging on her own breast and knows she's going to be feeling it in the morning as orbs were placed inside of her until she is a E thirty-eight and the orbs turned into sand pieces.
More and more orbs were being placed inside of Toga's breast until her milk compacity was large like Uraraka's making her to feel the tugging stopping on her before it starts to suck onto her making her to gasp as she didn't expect this fully really.
Toga came as Uraraka was still stuck unable to come before Toga kept thrusting herself onto Uraraka again. She was enjoying her girlfriend too much to even stop before she felt Uraraka coming inside of her as the cock ring breaks form the sheer pressure.
Toga never expected Uraraka to have a lot inside of her really as it's too much really before it's sucked out of her and she's at it again making Uraraka to groan as she's not going to be able to get any sleep tonight and she's going to be very sore once she does go to sleep.
The tugging was getting too much for Uraraka as she wants it to all stop before she felt the orbs warming up making the energy to gather faster, but at the same time sucked out of her faster making her to be stuck as she can't get out fully really.
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