Sport Fest Festival Arc part 9-9
Midnight made sure they have breaks for the finals to be ready as the arena still needs to be fixed up. Midnight then looks to the shadows and saw eyes as she knows they belong to Kage as she's looking to her as if she knows something and she needs to get the message to Izumi fully somehow.
"Tell Shigarkai that Iida's older brother is badly injuries which might end his hero career and I want to know if she can heal him." The eyes moved to show a head and nods before leaving. Izumi was told and she thinks before nodding making Kage to head back to Midnight who saw her.
"Thanks. I'll let Iida's mom tell him about this." Kage nods and left as Izumi wonders how bad it is really making her to sleep as her energy is still not back yet. Kage work her up and the shadows teleported her to the tunnel.
"Get ready, Deku." Bakugou said as he saw her making her to smile as she used the same moves as Cure Forever Lovely had used on Red making Bakugou to be shocked she had remastered those moves as he could never stop her from watching them before she had went 'blind'.
'So, you got those damn moves pat down? I got Red's from that fight and I'm not going to be even using them yet.' Bakugou thinks as many were shocked once he did making Izumi to smile in happiness as she did show that fight to a Pro-Hero and he agreed to help them learn them properly.
Izumi had fun learning them and Bakugou had a kick out of it as the Pro-Hero even shown what Hero costume would allow them to use those moves making Bakugou to combine it with his own to still allow him to use both those moves and his explosions at the same time really.
Both Izumi and Bakugou were still going before Kage hugged making making a bright pink glow before a explosion which had Bakugou to be rolling until he had stopped as he saw Kage was on her knees making her to confessed that took a lot of her really.
"Shall we, Kacchan? One last move?" Bakugou grins and a last move it was as he built it up and sent it like a 'Kamehameha' blast and Izumi sent a air force blast the same way making both to collided with each other making everyone to worry for them.
The smoke cleared and everyone saw them both still standing, but Izumi almost fall down making the shadows to help her back up as Bakugou fall to his knees and fall forward making Izumi to be the very winner of the Sport Fest Festival making many to cheery.
The Afton and Emily family fully cheers as this is awesome making Yenndo to noticed that fully someone or something had helped keep Izumi from falling as it looks like it was shadows really meaning that fully either Kage or the shadows did it really.
Izumi was tied, but she went with Iida after the Sport Fest Festival and saw his brother making her to see what she can do as she gently holds one of his hands and takes a deep breath before breathing out and focused making Iida Tensei to glow.
Izumi disintegrates the injuries fully away and then she regenerates him back to perfect health making her to be more drained, but Kage didn't fully mind leaning some of her strength making both to be drained. Iida Tensei is now official back in business really.
Iida thanked her making her to smile as the shadows teleported her away once she's out of the very hospital. Izumi can't believe how bad Iida's onii-chan was as this person whoever they are needs to be put in jail as they can't keep doing this to the Pro-Heroes really.
She was back home as she was drained and needs some sleep, but her children making Glitchy to look after them for her as Izumi and Kage went to sleep. Glitchy just shakes her head as Izumi is going to be getting sick at this rate and she fully knows it as well, too.
"Your mother had a very busy day, didn't she?" They nodded and they explained what she had missed out on fully. Glitchy was surprised as Kage made sure it has all recorded by a Shadow Demon for her making her to have fun watching all of the matches really.
Kage was looking after the children during that time as Izumi sleeps making her to sigh as Izumi is taking on too much all on her own because of this group and she's not going to risk anyone getting killed and Kage knows Izumi can keep it a secret.
'This one is going to kill her if she doesn't tell anyone about it really. She needs to tell someone before it's too late really. Oh, I wish I can help her, but I can't. she's right about them knowing if she or someone else tells.
I really want her to be safe, but she can't be with her mom and this group really. I can't let this happen to her over and over. It's just not right really, but there's nothing we can do about it really and I hate it. Izumi needs saving and she needs it badly.
Glitchy, we may need to step up our game cause our little sister is going to be fully needing us and we need to help her more than ever before.' Kage thinks as she can't stand seeing her like this fully as it's breaking her heart fully really.
Glitchy knows this as well, but there's nothing they can do to help as this is something that Izumi must do on her own as she is the one being target and must be the one to be looking for help form the Pro-Heroes and they can't do anything for her.
'Izumi must go to the Pro-Heroes and ask for help, but she can't all because of that fucking threat that is looming over her head by those assholes really. Fuck!'
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