Sport Fest Festival Arc part 3-9
She can't handle her family being in danger and Glitchtrap is hanging out with Glitchy who is fully going to be joining him, William and Vanny on a Yakuza killing spree in four days and is getting to know the two glitches better really as this is awesome for her really.
Izumi was done and she worries that her two oldest won't be able to walk as she can't heal them at all really cause of what had fully caused this to them really. Her mom did this in a drunk state and used a metal baseball bat making both leg bones to be broken badly.
Izumi feels like a failure, all fully because she couldn't protect her two oldest making her to feel like she's not worthy of them, but they keep calling her mom and saying 'I love you.' to her making it harder to think of putting them up for adoption to keep them safe really.
'I have failed so badly. I'm so sorry, Hisashi II. Izuko. I'm truly sorry.' Izumi sensed Ojiro and she was confused to why he is here as she need to get ready for her first match as she feels like she's going to reveling a lot of stuff that she doesn't want to reveal, but might have to really if it means to get it off her chest.
"Shigarkai, don't respond to him. It's how he controlled me in the second round really." Izumi sighs as she shakes her head at him as she knows what she is doing and it might work on him more really and might get Bakugou pissed off really.
"Sorry, Ojiro. but I can't do as your are advising." Ojiro was shocked as she walks away and out to her match making her to be out there as Present Mic calls them out and she bows to Shinso making him to bow back as everyone can't wait for the match to start.
Shinso starts to trash Ojiro, but Izumi never raised to the bait and instead stays quiet making him to use a different person making him to not realized she's hiding her anger towards him really as she has kids that don't need to have an angry mom right now.
"What about that very much angry pomeranian? He'll never make it big as he is right now really. That's why he fully shou-"
"Why?" Shinso stops as he heard her voice and wonders why she asked a question as that stops his Quirk really.
"Why are you saying mean things about your follow schoolmates really? Sure, they're in the Hero course, but they're still your follow schoolmates, aren't they?" Many heard her voice and her tone. It was that of a mother making Shinso to hate this really.
"You wouldn't-"
"Understand? May I've been bullied in my old school, called Quirkless in my old school by them, I still see and still care about them as my schoolmates to this day. No matter what." Shinso was shocked like many others making even Bakugou to be shocked at her words.
"Why would you-"
"Still feel and see that way? I can't hate people if they are having a harder or shitter life. May they be abused at home. May they have parents arguing. May they have people calling their Quirks a Villainous Quirk. May they have a harsh life.
No one deserves to go through that really and I do fully believe in helping everyone no matter what. Including the Villains if they are asking for help from me. I will save them all." Everyone including the Villains watching this was now shocked really.
"Why would you-"
"Want to save them? Everyone deserves second chances in life really. As long as they prove they can change and change their very ways, they can have a second chance from me really. I may not accept murders, but I know for a fact that Heroes kill Villains IF they know for a fact that the Villain isn't going to be coming peacefully.
I can accept doing that as a part of my future duty as a Hero to Japan and I know I may not like it, but life is tough. Life is not fair. Life throw curve balls at you. I adapt to the situation. I adapt to life's choices and I adapt to what's happening around me cause I need to to survive life.
Can you do the same? Can you adapt to survive life like I did?" Shinso was shocked as he can't believe how different Shigaraki Izumi is as she is not who he had expected really before he glares at her as she's taking life too easy really.
"There's no way you can adapt to life just like that! I could never adapt like you can! Being abused! Abandoned! Hated for my villainous Quirk! You wouldn't understand any of that! you wouldn't-"
"Who said... I wouldn't understand it?" Shinso stops as he looks to her confused.
"I know a girl is being abused by her mother who witness her killing her stepfather, forced to not go to school and yet she sneaks out to do so, forced to stay in her bedroom, negated, starved and most importantly... Starving of love.
Love that she got from her adoptive onii-chan she saved off the streets and made him her onii-chan. Not caring if they are related or not. Not caring if they are flesh and blood or not. Not caring if her onii-chan is a Villain and she's training to be a Heroine.
Not caring he's one the Villain side and she's on the Hero side. Villain or not. Hero or not. Vigilant or not. Family is family in her eyes. She cares deeply in her heart for her onii-chan like he does the very same for her, his imoto, his Heroine, his saver, his light in his darkness.
Can you really say I wouldn't fully understand at all? Understand the abuse? Being hated?" Shinso was shocked as he has falling to his knees. He can't believe what he is hears as many were also shocked making them to wonder where the girl is right now really and who it is really.
Shinso was shaking as he got back up onto his very shakings legs making Midnight to fully see that Shinso's effected by this really. She checks the cloak and she's shocked that no fighting has happened yet in all that time really as if she's trying to save him with her words solely really.
'Two minutes left.' She thinks as they've been talking all this time really.
"W-W-Who is she?"
"You've not figure it out? I gave you clues, didn't I?" Shinso thinks as he's confused.
"I'll give you one more clue. You've seen her today and at the front of her classroom." Shinso was still confused until it hit him like a ton of bricks making him to pale, making him to feel sick, making him to feel weak in the stomach, making him to feel shocked at the survival, making him to feel fully scared for her.
"Please... Don't tell me... It's yo-"
"You mean me? Glad you figured it out from the last clue as I fear I'm good as dead before onii-chan saves me really." Shinso's shocked she had survived that kind of life for so long really. Many others were also shocked at her survival as this isn't right fully really.
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