Sick Izumi Arc part 1-7
AN: Finally we're getting to where Izumi's five children are exposed and Izumi is sick now. Enjoy.
Two weeks later and Izumi was running from a Child Trafficker's henchman as she was quick to get into the café. The owner allows it as they hide behind the counter and Izumi holds the child close as the man enters and asked about a female teen with a female child age seven.
The owner shakes his head and mentions seeing them running through and going out the back, but that it fully leads to the sewers though. The man groans as this is going to be bad for his boss if that child is giving to the police really.
"Here. On the house." He passed him coffee and a donut making him to thank him again before he left making the owner to wait five minutes before he allows the two out with some drinks and food making Izumi to bow in thanks and gave a thousand yens for his help before they left.
"Kid's going to be a great hero really." Izumi heard him and was happy he thinks that before she got to the police and hands the child over making her to feel very weak, drained and sluggish really as she heads back to the dormitory making her to feel fully under the weather.
It was Monday morning and Izumi hasn't once came out of her room since as that sorting rescue was done on Friday night. The child was worried and she did the one thing she knows would help her mama out and she left the safety of the bedroom as she then went down the stairs.
She walks straight to the one and only person as she tucks on his arm making him to look down to see a child tugging on his arm as if she needs him to come with her right now really. Uraraka, Asui and Kirishima recognized her as the child they went to save from Overhaul.
They tried to asked where she was, but she kept tugging on Bakugou's arm making him to know she's not going to talk with anyone as she needs him to come with her somewhere and he has a funny feeling it's not going to be a good thing if she needs him to come with her really.
"*Sighs* Alright, alright. I'm coming. Text Aizawa-sensei and tell him is Code U." Bakugou says as he sits up and holds her hand in his own hand really.
"U for Unknown. Got it, Bakugou." Yaoyorozu said as she texts Aizawa making him to follow her as she pulls him towards Izumi's room and pulls him in shocking him at the room and the four other children inside of it as well, too.
This was before the child pulls him towards her mama as she needs help now making him to see it was Izumi and he looks back to the children and then the child before he realized Izumi is their mother and the older girl needs his help for Izumi cause of something really.
Bakugou picks her up before he felt Izumi's forehead and felt how hot it feels making him to ask when she felt sick and the child said Friday night when she went out to do a Vigilante mission to stop a child trafficking ring and got the child to the police.
"Mama hasn't woken up since then." Bakugou was in shock as Izumi was asleep for that many days and never woken up?! This is now getting very serious as he needs to get more information as this is going to make his theory to be wrong. If not, correct.
"Anything else she said to you?"
"Mama also said she couldn't tell anyone about us five or else she'll lose us when some man at a lab threated to kill us if she doesn't let them fully enhanced on us. Even I also got the very same treatment and I hated it so much really, uncle Kacchan.
It was painful and then they place a glowing diamond into me and the pain was even worse than before. I thought I was going to die! I can't blame mama as she was also being enhanced onto as well, too and has been for a long time!
Uncle Kacchan, I'm scared! What if they come back for us?! What if they do worse things to us than before?! What if... What if... What if they rape me, mama and my sisters?! I don't want that! Uncle Kacchan, I don't want that to happen to me!
I don't want it to happen to me!" Bakugou was outrage as tears came down her face making him to wrap them away as he can't believe what this whole family has gone to really. Bakugou was going to murder someone until they both heard a voice at the doorway.
"Good thing she's not going to lose you five at all then really. Plus that is never going to happen to you ever again, little one." Aizawa said to the child as he has Toshinori, Nezu and Recovery Girl with him as they had gotten Yaoyorozu's text message.
It was making the child to smile happy her mama is going to be getting a lot of help as Recovery Girl took over and Bakugou kept the child in his arms. They were all fully worried when Yaoyorozu texted Code U making them to know it's an 'Unknown' situation really.
But the minute that she added 'that it might involve Izumi fully', it was making them to rush there as fast as they can really as this is not going to be a good thing. They're shocked at her very room, but the five children and what the child said...
It was enough to know why she's fearful a lot of the time really as Toshinori was right in what he though as Melissa did secretly mentioned about the children and to really wait until Izumi says fully something about them, but this is even more critical.
'Young Shigaraki is living a harsh life and that's not a good thing really.' Toshinori thinks as he can't let this keep happening to her really.
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