Shie Hassaikai Arc part 2-6
Izumi was now in class and she sensed three people fully coming making her to snap her head towards the doors and everyone was on high alert making Aizawa to calm them down and had the three come in fully.
It was making them to see they were follow students, but why did Izumi react like that fully really. Aizawa is going to be having a headack as he needs to be on guard for anything as it seems Izumi had sensed danger and now he needs to do some ground control really.
"Shigarkai somehow knew three people were coming and the class went onto high alert. Togato, what did you do?"
"Nothing, sir. This is a first time for me to meet her unless it's all because of my Quirk and she fully knows I'm dangerous with it and is being cautious about it really." Izumi had a dangerous aura around her as she wasn't liking this.
"Why the fuck does your aura look like that?" Bakugou was shocked and Aizawa had to calm the class down as he doesn't know what is going on really as Izumi was still not happy with Togato really. She needs to how who the fuck did it and why really.
"Aura?" Togato was confused making the other boy up there with him and a girl to flinch.
"Mirio-san, she's blind. She can see by sensing aura's and yours must of looked very different towards her making her to act like this."
"Wait! Seriously?!" Togato shouts very shocked making her to attack as Togato had to dodged and bolt as she chases after him making fully everyone to chase after her as Toshinori was called on very fast cause he is fully needing to calm Izumi down.
It was making him to leave the class in the hands of Nezu fast making him to run quickly making them to be confused as they don't get it and Nezu was frowning making him to know that fully something had happened and Toshinori was needed cause of it really.
"Did something happen, sir?"
"No clue. Now then let's continue, shall we?" Nezu knows it has fully something to do with Izumi and he will want to know what as soon as it's calmed down. Izumi has him cornered and pinned in a very empty training room as he had to keep dodging until he had it.
He threw a punched, but she fully blocked and hits him in the same spot were Toshinori has gotten his scar making him to gasp as fully everyone saw her throw the punch really as Togato got imprinted into the wall fast making many to be shocked.
Before either Aizawa or Toshinori can talk, Izumi was on the move and kicks him out of the wall. Togato looks angry and throws a kick, but she stopped it as she fully uses Cure Forever Lovely's fighting moves and she's winning against him.
Togato can't keep up with her cause of this as it seems she's going one hundred percent against him with her power really before Izumi had him pinned and in great pain as she pushes on his arms making him to shout in very much in great pain really.
"WHO THE FUCK DID IT?!" Bakugou stops Toshinori and he had quickly both Jiro and Yaoyorozu go to calm her down fast making the two to run and they calmly got her off of their senpai as this is not the Izumi they all know as this is someone else really.
"Shigarkai-sweetie, what's going on?"
"WHO'S THE FUCKER THAT FUCKING CHANGED YOUR AURA TO ALL MIGHT'S?!" Now they got what's going on. Someone's been trying to make Togato fully become Toshinori's replacement and she's sensing him as a imposter really.
It was making Toshinori to be pissed as he didn't think auras can change like that really. He can't believe that someone did this to him as this is not a good thing at all as Izumi won't hesitate to kill them to defend his honor and to remove the imposter fully really.
'Nighteyes... What the fuck have you done?' Izumi was hard to calm down making Jiro to play a song and it calms her down making her to actually fall asleep and Yaoyorozu let's her sleep on her lap. Recovery Girl was called in making her to be pissed including Nezu.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE NIGHTEYES DID THIS UNKNOWNINGLY TO YOUNG TOGATO!" Toshinori was pissed as this is not right and it's no wonder Izumi had attacked Togato like she did really. Aizawa wasn't happy as Toshinori knows who did this and he's pissed about it.
"I'm agreeing with you there fully, Yagi." Nezu said before he had saw Toshinori phone the said man and growls at him.
"All Might, why did you call me for?" Toshinori growls making him to sit up straight.
"WHAT?!" Sir Nighteyes was in shocked as he doesn't even know what is going here, but that Togato has lose to his kohai and something about changing his aura to Toshinori's making his kohai to fight him and has him in great pain really.
"I don't even know what the fuck is going on, All Might! Place Nezu on right now!" Nezu explains making Sir Nighteyes to be shocked even more as he didn't even know about this and she had fully attacked him all because of this?! How strong can she sensed?!
Toshinori looks over to Izumi who is still asleep as Jiro keeps playing her song making everyone to be worried about her as this is not normal while Hado and Amajiki is worried about Togato who looks like he had saw death really just from his kohai attacking him.
'Young Shigaraki...' Toshinori thinks as he can't believe she was this upset over it as if Togato was an imposter and he needs to be taking out really. Toshinori doesn't like this as he feels like Izumi is trying to defend his honor and fully take Togato out really.
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