Shie Hassaikai Arc part 1-6
Both Izumi and her four children were taken and enhanced on fully once again and this time, it was too much for Izumi as she absorbs the liquid too fast making them to have zapping happening to the machines really.
"What's going on?!"
"She's absorbing the liquids too fastly!"
"The children are doing the very same thing!"
"Oh God!" Kage took full copies of what they did and Glitchy got the five back to the dorms making no one to know what had happened to as it was kept a secret since Izumi doesn't want to them to be dead, but this can't be happening to her every four months really.
'Why is it always me and my children?' Izumi thinks as she passes out onto her bed as both Kage and Glitchy hate this as they shouldn't have to go through with this and how the fuck did the group even find them really. That should be impossible to find them.
"How the fuck did that group find them?!"
"More importantly, how the fuck did they get pass the cameras?!"
"Gha! I hate this! If they do this one more time to them, I'm fucking going to kill them myself!"
"Count me in on that."
"O.K. Let's let them sleep. Izumi is going to be panicking about this and I don't want that for her really."
"You got that right. She doens't deserve that nor being experimented on. I hope she tells them soon or else I'll do it myself."
"Agreed." Izumi was asleep in her bed when she heard someone calling out to her and she saw a small child, a small female one only six making her to reach and grab her hands making a earthquake to happened as many are scared and trying to figure this out.
Izumi didn't let go of her hand as she pulls her towards her and she holds her in her hug as she wasn't going to let her go anytime soon making something to whip Izumi in the back and she ignores it eleven more times fully before the child was taken out of her hold harshly.
Izumi gasp as she looks around before she had the shadows clean her of her sweat and treat her whip marks on her back as this is not fully going to be a normal thing making her to do only one thing: Vigilante making her to have her costume on.
Izumi bolts out the door as she dealt with ten Yakuza families making Aizawa to see her leave and knows she's going to be in big trouble for this as he can't have her do this to herself as he needs to stop her right now or else she'll be in trouble really.
He was quick to follow her and saw her fight the Yakuzas alone before she calms down and hides making him to see she's hiding near him and he got to her which she tired to run, but she falls forward before he caught her and got out of there fast.
'She's asleep. Must of had a bad dream and couldn't go back to sleep. I'll warn both Nezu and All Might about this really.' Aizawa thinks before he saw Kage who gently takes her and she goes to Izumi's room as Aizawa now has time to report this in really.
Kage also took the money from those ten Yakuza families making her to know Izumi is going to be needing it to look after her four children fully as she knows the more children you have, the more expensive it is to raise and look after them all really.
Toshinori woke up to his phone going off as he answers with Aizawa's voice on the other side and he did a simple report of Izumi going rouge on ten yakuza families cause of a bad dream making Toshinori to be more awake and asked if she's alright.
"Yeah. She tried to get away from me, but fall forward in exhausting. She'll be fine. Kage took her back to her room. I was going to report this to Nezu-"
"NO! Don't report it to Nezu! I'll deal with it myself, Aizawa-kun. I promise. Now get some sleep. You do have a shift tomorrow night and I'm in charge of them during that time really. Best to get some sleep to handle tomorrow." Aizawa sighs and he wonders why he's protective of her.
Izumi woke up and she sense Kage was near by as Toshinori knocks on her door making Kage to show herself from underneath it making him to be fully shocked. He didn't expect to see Kage at all really and noticed how she knew why he is here for really.
"Came to check up on her? She's fine. I don't fully know what the dream was about, but it caused a earthquake that much I can tell. It's like she was using OFA in her sleep and she was trying to save someone in her dreams."
"Thanks. Let her know to meet me in the usually spot. At lunch time today."
"Will do." Kage said as she repeats his message and Izumi feels like someone has taken her child away from her making Kage to know what this means really as the Quirk that went into her back has reacted to the child in her dreams.
'Oh boy.' Kage thinks as a shadow Fox was following Izumi around to keep her safe as she had lunch with Toshinori and explains her dream last night making him to feel sorry she felt like that and wonders if a small hypno will help her out, but Izumi gently rejects the idea.
"Minds can get scary really." Toshinori agrees with her and he thinks meditation would work before bed and after she wakes up making her to give it a shot really tonight. For three days, she kept at it and can fully sensed the child making her to try and find her, but it's hard.
'Who was trying to stop me from sensing her out really?' Izumi thinks as she wants to find the child and she's not going to be letting them go this time around really. Izumi is going to keep them safe no matter what the cost.
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