Saving Bakugou Arc part 1-2
Izumi had sneaked out of camp and she senses for Bakugou making Aizawa to sigh as he knows Nezu warned All Might making Izumi to find a warehouse full of Nomus making her to place all of them in the shadows before she fully kept looking for Bakugou really.
She found a bar and she knocks on the door as everyone inside was looking at it weird as who would knock at a bar door really making it to be weird really and no one knows if they should open the door or not as this is going to be very awkward really.
"Hello? Onii-chan?" Tomura fully freezes as someone finally opens the door by his order and let's her inside of the building making Tomura to not be the leader of L.O.V anymore, but the very onii-chan of Izumi Shigarakai who has just found them.
He was confused to how she found them so fast and he knows she's not going to be telling them really. Izumi wasn't going to reveal all of her secrets and he knows this like she knows he can't nor wouldn't reveal his own secrets like that making this to be awkward for all of them.
"I'm not going to ask how you find us as I know you're not going to answer the question ever, imoto. But do answer this one question please: Why are you here?"
"I want Kacchan back. If this was to have a babysitter or a caretaker to look after me at school, I'm fine. If it's to have him join the L.O.V, it's not going to work. He's too pure of a Hero to join, may his attitude be Villainous, his heart is not. He's not going to join you, onii-chan." Bakugou fully nodded his head.
"NICELY SAID THERE, YOUNG SHIGARAKI!" All Might said as he shows up with other Pro-Heroes making Izumi to not noticed them making her to ask them all to not hurt or arrest her onii-chan fully making them to say he's a Villain and that got her ticked as she can't believe them.
"Villain or not, Hero or not, Vigilante or not, Civilian or not, Murderer or not, Spy or not, Terrorist or not... FAMILY IS FULLY FAMILY!" Izumi shouts making everyone to be shocked as she's a fully opened minded teen and she's not going to change that no matter what.
"YOUNG SHIGARAKI..." All Might knew he had picked the right successor as Tomura had tears going down his face as his sister isn't going to change from how she saved him making Miruko to show up and kick Wood for trapping her boyfriend up in his Quirk.
"Miruko?! Dating a Villain?!"
"Got a problem with that? I don't mind since it's a fan. So, butt out. You're not my dad." Both Izumi and Tomura laughs as Miruko just slapped a Hero at the very Pro-Hero Billboard making her to smile at those two laughing really. All Might joined her on that as Izumi deserves to smile more.
Both Bakugou and the L.O.V was teleported away with Miruko joining in as Izumi sensed it's in the city making Kage to do a quick shadow barrier around everyone within the area of where Izumi knows fully where they are and it was making All For One to be fully shocked as this is impressive.
"Otou-sama." Tomura said to him making Bakugou to put away the pieces as he's getting closer to just figuring out Izumi as he needs more information and puzzle pieces.
"Tomura, may you have failed today, we can try again another time." All Might shows up as Izumi told him where making Gran Torino to babysit her making her to be upset of being babied which has him laughing as he likes that attitude really making her to be blushing.
All Might throw a punched and All For One didn't even see it coming making him to be punched away, but he managed to get back up and slow his sliding making All Might to be shocked as All For One's face still looks the same and the hair is still there really.
"Hello, All Might. We meet again. My, my, my. You've changed. A new look, perhaps?" All Might is trying to figure it out unless.
"Yes, you're correct. A young child of nine, a female child healed my face and restored my hair as she though I was a civilian cause of my clothing and took me away to a alleyway to get away unaware I was a Villain. I could have taking her with me, but I choice against it."
"She's just like how Tomura had described his imoto as and I have a funny feeling both she and the child who healed me, are one and the same. I owe her for the help really, but couldn't come up with what to give her." All Might's still shocked, but he knows Izumi would save a Villain.
'If they are in need of saving, like she did back then, I can't be mad at her really.' All Might thinks to himself as Izumi managed to stop Nezu from doing a statement with both Vlad King and Aizawa which makes her a life saver really as Nezu hates doing that really.
Bakugou hates this, but he heard a childish laughter like it was meant for him to hear only before he saw a animatronic that's fully black with red stars around it, but then noticing this is the gender as he can see the clothing and the body is all female before going male quickly.
'What the fuck?' It laughs again before he was near Izumi making her to sense him and had Kage to teleport them away making them to be safe as All Might fights All For One. Izumi wonders why she feels a connection to All For One making All Might win against him once again.
Izumi was relieved, but she feels worried for some reason as All Might's time has increased with the removal of both his darkness and All For One's darkness really from All Might's body, so why does she feel like she should be worried for some reason fully really?
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