Prolong Arc part 8-9
Oh! Hey! Hmm? I didn't finish explain about... OH! Thanks for reminding me about that! I got caught up in something. Sorry. Now let's see... Where to begin for this one? It's a bit hard to remember that part. Give me a second now. ... I got it!
She would be twice as fast, twice as strong and twice as powerful than a very normal human being and she fully doesn't want that really. It'll would be very hard to train to even fully handle that really. Hmm? Yes, that kind of thing is hard.
Well, hard to train in if she did fully bite someone. Poor girl hide it soo well that she doesn't even remember that she got bitten until she smells blood. Almost forgot! Thanks to all of that neglect, malnutrition and abuse by her mom...
She was pretty small for her age. Drinking the blood would have helped, but she didn't drink any of it. She tries to use regeneration on the man and it seems to have fully worked as his face wasn't bleeding and he has no scars plus his hair is fully back.
She was drained and tired, but she had to got back home making her to sneak him out of the area and somewhere where he can leave without anyone seeing him before she left making her to not realized her hair and eyes are going to be fully going through a very major change really.
She was bullied in school and Bakugou changed slowly, but he still remembers to hang out with her and never was mad at her at all really. Sure he bullies her, but he never uses his Quirk on her as he knows Heroes don't hurt the civilians.
She was at school when she had sensed two male teachers near Bakugou and one was holding him against the wall and the other was swinging something in his face. She wasn't sure what it was, but she did hear what they said to him.
"You will use your Quirk on ***** ******** and bully her until you finally tell her to take a swan drive off the rooftop and pray for a Quirk in her next life." He'd fully repeated it fully two more times making it to sink into his brain really.
'Kacchan... No...' Now I don't really mind saying more after this, but fully afterwards I will skip to age ten. Why? Something happened at that age and trust me on this, if you see children and an adult male is near them and the kid looks scared...
Just get them the fuck out of there asap. I saved two children and trust me, they aren't like that, but one of them wanted to kill and the other one wanted to torture really. I don't like it when children are targeted really. think of it as my kryptonite really.
She quietly closed the door and she wrote it down as she feels like she can't protect him if this happens to him. She fully hides behind the teacher's desk and moves when she hears someone. She waits until they are gone, but it was Bakugou.
"Deku. ... Deku, I know you're still here. Come out of hiding." She came out and he sighs as she fully walks over to him and holds his hands. She had tears going down her face even with the very small shadow demon over her eyes really.
"Sorry... I..." He shushes her and they walked out making the two teachers to flinch as Mitsuki came to pick them up since she was stay over at their house making her to call her 'auntie' and the teachers were shocked she's 'related' to him really.
Once they left the school grounds, he changed fast, but didn't let go of her hand as he still remembers her apologizing to him for really something, but he wasn't sure for what. Once inside, she hands the paper over and Mitsuki was fully pissed.
None of them would be able to even know how to break it fully and she promises to look after him making Mitsuki to nod as she let's her go up and Bakugou noticed her, but he can tell that something big is going to happen if the very shivers her body gave fully means anything really.
'Deku... What is it that you are hiding from me?' Now to age ten. She was doing fine since they didn't take her again, but it was two days after her birthday and she was strapped to a table, but it was different. This is the part I hated the most. He violated her. That's right.
He had raped a ten-year-old girl and not once, not twice, not even thrice. It was four times really. He sucked on her small nipples. He thrusted deeply and hard into her making her to scream in pain. He played with her clit. He even shoot something into her.
She noticed the needle next to her and the pain was too much for her to bare as the man would just rape her before he was done and he had getting her back home. She didn't cry. She couldn't. Her mom would hear her and she doesn't need her to noticed.
Kage and Glitchy was furies at his actions and knows this is going to be tough for her really. For eight months, she kept it hidden and somehow the shadows helped by covering her belly and keeping them from noticing that her belly was getting bigger.
It even kept her from getting back pains as well, too. She got raped two days after she turned ten, so on March seventeenth twenty-one forty-five, she gave birth to a baby boy. She made a necklace to hide him, but one knew and it was the scientist boss. He was furies really.
"Come, little one. I know you had a baby." She'd removed the necklace and she was forced to watch as he was experimented on fully by just increasing his intelligences, his strength and his speed. They didn't put anything new into her, they'd just fully enhanced her really.
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